The Inclusive Approach
Since I tried to reconcile my Spiritual
Realization with physics, my work has received an enormous boost. It is the
reason why I currently put much emphasis on it. In particular, scientific research helped
me to realize that my Experiences indeed comply to Reality, not only inner but also outer.
Science and religion being two Paths to the selfsame Truth. This Truth was hithertoo
hidden, though. Both Science and Religion have stuck, failing to reveal the ultimate
issues. However, both share the same passion. For me and many others reason for great
celebration. What made S&R popular is undoubtedly due to the pressure of
(fundamentalist) Christians who try to win over science in favor of their biblical
convictions. This pressure should not be underestimated. Various institutes in the USA,
the UK and elswhere have organized special curriculi, displaying openness to many
different voices. Underlying, however, the effort is directed towards confirming the truth
of Christian faith. Maybe, eventually, this is also my driving force. However, I don't try
to adjust e.g. manipulate Reality in favor of my insight. What I discovered is that these
two spontaneously came together. I am supported in this regard by most outstanding
physicists. Albert Einstein is one of those, who, coming to the limits of his research,
realized the Divine Roots of the universe. He and many other feel themselves as being
"religious", however, their insights differ fundamentally from those Christians
who try to claim science for their own cause.
Talking about Science and Religion we thus have
to ask ourselves: which Science and which Religion? What binds them is the
passion for the Ultimate. An astronomer want to understand the secret behind......once he
understood, then he/she will go beyond, asking the same question again (and again).
What makes the universe tick? What is its Origin? These are burning questions all
cosmologists have in common. You may call it "scientific interest", you may also
call it a religious or spiritual quest. It is a quest for
(rational) understanding. The driving force comes from the mind. The mind
is always trying to explain things. Indeed, this approach has been quite successful. What
makes them "desperate", though, is that it more and more becomes clear that
their tools are insufficient with regard to "last issues". The latter remains a
mystery. Which makes their transition to "religion" an easy one. Albert Einstein
welcomed this. He wanted the Ultimate to remain a Mystery. Isn't that beautiful? Religious
e.g. spiritual quests are very similar. E.g. in mysticism the passion is for the Ultimate,
too. Mystics and scientists thus share the same passion for the same Reality. While the
scientist wants to understand, the mystic (gnostic) wants to experience. He/she is longing for being
united with the Divine. The scientific approach is finding it in the "outside"
world, the mystic on the other hand, turns within. Since Reality is an Undivided Whole,
both arrive at the selfsame Underlying Truth. Provided both go deep e.g. far enough. Which
until now is NOT yet the case! In order to find out I have to guide you a little further
along the Path.
Since Buddhism came to the West we started to
understand that deep within We Are Divine. God-experience - the mystical way of
the West - turned into God-Realization. We
started to become aware e.g. striving for Enlightenment. Again, the underlying passion for
the Ultimate was the same. Only the way to it differs. The "approach" of
spiritual Realization is unique. Because of its Oneness with the Whole. The Whole is
"more" than the sumtotal of its parts. Cosmology tries to achieve the same.
Science and Religion are thus deeply intertwined. Provided there is mutual recognition.
The Road within and the Road without are of equal value. Deepest scientific insight often
proves to be mystical wisdom and vice versa. People who have attained (Full) Enlightenment
can tell you everything about the Underlying Reality of the universe. The next (and very
rare) step is to go even beyond that. It is the Realm of Absolute Nothingness. Light
proves to be born out of Darkness! The latter cannot be realized because it proves to be a
Bottomless Vacuum, something ancient people called the "Cosmic Womb". Hence, our
attitude to "Her" changes accordingly. Realization turns
into worship. This should not be mixed up with the existing "Great
Religions". While scientists and their spiritual colleagues are sharing the
same passion - passion for the Ultimate through open investigation - beliefs are closed
systems. Believers are not interested in "adventures", but in security*. Their
underlying driving force is fear. Fear for the Unknown. God is the Unknown par excellence.
Hence, here a new definition of "religion": as the collective effort to avoid
God. They beat about the bush identifying themselves with images of God - instead of God
him(it)self - a system based on empty words, narratives (the "good news"),
rituals, dogma's and creeds. Belief-systems are parallel worlds that have very little to
do with Reality. Hence, doubt about the fruitfulness of "dialogue" (with them)
is certainly justified.
* "Science without religion is lame,
religion without science is blind" (Albert Einstein)
So, yes, it is crucial to ask "Which
Science and which Religion?" The big surprise: both scientists and
representatives of Cosmic Religion - open-minded people on a spiritual quest - possess the
same passion and the same goal. They are all invited to join efforts. An inclusive
attitude, sharing the outcome of their various ways freely among each other - research and
understanding as the
way of the scientist, experience as the traditional way of mystics and gnostics, realization as the way of spiritual people e.g. inspired by Buddhism and worship as the way of those who have a passion
for the mystery of life - will enrich everybody involved. Nowadays it includes everybody
who accepts the idea of Cosmic Intelligence. Hence, many scientists defining themselves as
spiritual, whether agnostic or atheist, feel confortable with the idea of some kind of
"Higher Consciousness. To regular religion I would say that the quest for Truth is
essential. E.g. the question could be asked "Is the "God of the Bible"
really God?" We are all talking about "God", but very few know Who or What
"he" really is. To those who have the courage to go into the depth of it, new
horizons will be opening up. Together these spiritual/religious/scientific leaders
certainly will open doors to further exciting prospects. A beginning is made. Click the
links above and a whole New World will reveal itself to you. Scientists who feel
particularly attracted to work this all out are cordially invited for an exciting mutual
"The most beautiful and profound emotion we can
experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the source of all true science. He to
whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as
good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as
the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull facilities can comprehend
only in their primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true
Albert Einstein
"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit
of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe - a
spirit vastly superior to that of man.... In this way the pursuit of science leads to a
religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed quite different from the religiosity
of someone more naive".
Albert Einstein
