For the others, open:
(Alle Informationen über "Origin", DAS
Sakral- Buch und unser Programm - Agenda - NUR IN DEUTSCH)
(Op dit moment is alleen de Duitse
website up to date)

Wandering Pilgrim Site 2015/2016

Our globalized
Can we still be saved?
New Wisdom Teacher, "Green Man" and physician (cosmic
"Cosmic Mother HEALING
Healing yourself, healing each other, healing the world
Shortly in your city/town
For place, date end time
Who wants to be host for his/her country?

Letter to Jean-Claude Juncker
President European Commission

How to overcome
the ego and heal the planet
See "My Teaching"

God (white/yellow) and the universe
(green) born out of the Cosmic Womb (black), while continuously returning to their Origin

Declaration of the Cosmo-Political Nature of (Wo)Man
English, French, German,
Spanish, Russian, Chinese


THE Sacred Book
Online ordering
The absolutely unique Book IV (Chapter):
"Beyond the Beyond of TIME and SPACE"
(In English!)

Announcement Book Origin2: "Commentaries"
Published online as pdf
Shortly as E-Book

Announcement Book Origin3: Eurasia:"Realm of the
Published online as pdf
Shortly as E-Book
Enter-1 Text
Chapter 12
Enter-2 Photo Documentation

Announcement Book Origin4: "European Green Man
& Wise Woman Pilgrim-Network"
Published online as pdf
Shortly as E-Book

Men of Germany

Announcement Book Origin5: "Great Mother
Published online as pdf
Shortly as E-Book

Announcement Book Origin6: "MatriTalks"
Published online as pdf
Shortly as E-Book

Book Origin7: "Flow System Therapy"
Published online as pdf
Shortly as E-Book

"I Am An Original"
People of the Origin

the printing on YouTube


"Blog Unlimited"
(Supplements to THE Sacred Book "Origin". In German)

SermeS recieves

Ultimate (Maitreya) Sutra

Healing Communities

Mother for Mothers

The decisive breakthrough
Medicine" incl. the Trans-Trans personal
Psychology & Psychotherapy
The fruit of inclusive thinking

"Health for All"
through the Personal Health Plan

"Multi Etiological Sumtotal Syndrome"
In German/Dutch

Heaven on Earth
The Cosmic META Religion



The Supreme Design


Our Hermitage/
Refuge/Pilgrim Site

The Future
International Pilgrim Site
(Soon translated)
English Version
German Version
Russian Version

National Park

Cosmos-TV SermeS Speaks
Searched: Staff, that makes SermeS' Work known worldwide. Please,
contact us

SermeS Biography
I. The early years
II. 1970-2015

In English
In het Nederlands
In Deutsch

When the need is greatest Cosmos
Wenn die Not am größten ist,
interveniert der Kosmos....
Wanneer de nood het hoogst is, komt de
Kosmos tussenbeide... |
Healing yourself,
healing each other
healing the world
New Wisdom Teacher
His Depth is astonishing
Come with your questions
e.g. problems

For Appointments

Thanks for contacting the SermeS, new Teacher, the One
who has been Beyond the Beyond of time and space, also called "Green Man",
"Laughing Buddha", "Friend" etc. etc., author of "Origin"
Sacred Book, the new "Cosmic Bible".
He has led a Cosmic Life, including the Prophecy
(1972), Zen-Satori (1973), the Vision of the Grail (1974), the Threefold Cosmic
Realization (1977 "Revelation"), 10 years of Uninterrupted Bliss (1977-1987),
writing the Ultimate Sutra, followed by 20 years of the Dark Night of the Soul (1987-2010
integration), culminating in the Unitive Life (2015-), now availble to all as the
universal Wisdom Teacher.
He invites you to go back to the Origin in order to be
renewed, with the aim of restoring your true identity as part of "Heaven, earth and
the (new) community". This identity is existential, universal, cosmic, including all
people, animals and plants, even the "non-living world" - rocks, rivers and
clouds - is part of it. The individual cannot exist without the context of which he/she is
a part.
While common initiatives are silting up in
goals, declarations, dialogue, conferences and projects, we have Existence-Itself as a
starting-point. Everybody is part of "Heaven (Origin, Cosmos, God, Intelligence,
Transcendence, Void, Nothingness), earth and the community"*. It is true for
Indigenous people, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Confucianists, Jews, Moslems, Christians,
Humanists, Agnostics and Atheists alike.
* E.g. supported by the "Heaven
& Earth Exercises"
Never before the fundamentals - (wo)man as part of the
Whole - of religious reconciliation, healing, world peace, a new ethics, global justice,
prosperity for all and harmony with nature has been so simple and clearly defined. We
aren't seekers, we are finders. What we want to achieve is already there from eternity.
For the first time in history "unity in diversity" among all people - a true
"World Community" - is within reach.
The cause of the world crisis is the ego, that
dissociated itself from the Whole. It is blowing itself up more and more, destroying the
earth. The solution to the problem is that it is merging in, once again. We need a new
"cosmo-political", spiritual impulse*. Being should retake its rightful place
over having, the ecology should determine the limits of the economy and the democracy
should originate with the sovereign community (instead of the state, the parties or big
*For a totally new "cosmic"
definition of "cosmo-political" , see the Sacred Book "Origin"
See also:
Dedicated to the
children of this world
Life is determined by "Death and Rebirth"
("Stirb und Werde" J.W. von Goethe). 25% all our cells are
continuously dying, 50% relatively stable while 25% is newborn. This is reflecting the
Cosmos with its Forces of "Construction" (Light) and "Destruction"
(Darkness). Other examples from life are sleep, breathing, love and ego. While sleeping
the "I" dissolves ("dies") while awakening in the morning
("rebirth"). It has renewed itself. Breathing out disappears into the
"nothingness" of the pelvis. The more complete it dissolves, the more powerful
the breathing in. On the peak of love the ego has disappeared. The deeper it evaporates,
the deeper happiness is. Sitting on a rock, it may happen that suddenly the
"I" "falls off" giving space to a wonderful Moment of clarity and
stillness. Back to the "I" one feels renewed, "enlightened",
rejuvenated and full of joy.
True happiness happens when one forgets
him/her self...
Life is taking place between two poles: Dissolution
(into Unity) and rebirth (into Diversity). The more complete its breaking down, the more
glorious its re-appearence. Happiness doesn't consist of accumulation, but of giving up
(of the ego). It is the central mechanism of ongoing renewal. What on the other hand
happens if one is continuously clinging to the ego? Right, the inner renewal is blocked.
With as a consequence accumulation of thoughts, emotions, desires, images, ideas and
objects, through which eventually the inner space gets clogged. Identification with the
ego is blocking the "Stirb und Werde" on all levels, including further Evolution
of (Wo)Mankind: individually and collectively.
All this has deep consequences for our Self and World View.
The Cosmos too is oscillating between Unity and Diversity, eternally and uninterruptedly.
This is projected into time as "Cosmic Evolution". Originally there is Absolute
Nothingness, continuously giving birth to both God (Eternal Light) and the universe, the
latter simultaneously returning to their Origin ("death"). On the other
hand, the manifestation in time isn't simultaneous, but humans interpret it as a sequence
of stages. From the time of the Great Mother ("beginning"), the God of religions
until the ego of current times. With the ego the final stage of fragmentation (diversity,
complexity) is reached. There will be no further evolution, only ruin. The ego desperately
tries to stop this with all means e.g. to stay in control, which is only worsening the
situation. The solution?
It is really THE miracle of our times: In the depth of
our agony the Mother has revealed Herself (1977). Hinduism calls this all "Kali
Yuga", the ultimate decay, with at the end the birth of a New Era. The Turning Point
consists of the Mother destroying the ego, while simultaneously giving birth to our True
Selves. In the Bottomless Nothingness of the Mother (physics: "Cosmic Vacuum")
everything accumulated, congelated, morbid is being broken down. Like in nature this is
accompanied by ongoing rejuvenation. Cosmic Awareness consists of confirming this deep
Truth in one's own inner Being e.g. making it the guideline for our behavior. In this way
we become partners of the Cosmos, messengers of a new World View, healers of the planet.
We are in the endphase of an era. It is confirmed by
the fact that both our ego and the world are shattered. Our ignorance, greed and
megalomania have precipitated into the world. The inner catastrophe and the outer
catastrophe are two sides of the same coin. What the ego has caused destruction in the
world now backfires on us, a self dugged grave: it destroys the planet. The old prophets
would say: The (inner) wickedness avenges itself". That's why personal liberation is
not enough. With our True Self we have to reconnect with the world, "incarnate"
in order to become fruitful. There is no perfection that doesn't include the world.
Freedom and inter-connectedness belong together (the inner Space is inclusive). The
practice of which is extensively elaborated in the Sacred Book "Origin". (Wo)Man
(part) should once again be part of the Whole. Wholeness mirrors our existential
situation: our spirits as part of the "Great Spirit", our bodies as part of the
earth and our "souls" as part of the (new) community.
The core question is: "Who are the new hopefuls?" Isn't the whole of society
degenerated through ego-addiction? First there is a small minority, that is open to
"Stirb und Werde". Only those who give up their egos are forerunners of renewal,
receiving strength to devote their energy for the turnabout: Cosmic Renewal of the World.
Secondly, the majority of the population is victim of a all-destructive - soul,
relationships, community, prosperity, self-respect, joy, compassion - commercialized
world, in which "economic relevance" is the only human standard. Thirdly: Our
youth understands that these our "values" are just empty, hollow and
superficial. While they are (desperately) looking for self-respect, dignity, meaning and
perspective. Fourthly: Mothers (parents) are a mirror
to the selfish, materialistic ego-system. Their selflessness is unbearable to the
capitalistic system. Hence, mothers being discriminated, devaluated, isolated, looked down
on and worse. In reality mothers represent the highest possible form of humanity. Care for
the future of their children makes them an indispensable pillar for our new community. The fifth group experiences - often in a (very)
painful way - a collapse of their ego-identity, nowadays called "burn-out". The
accompanying symptoms: Exhaustion, Angst, meaninglessness, depression, loneliness,
worries, problems. Cosmically interpreted, the breaking down means rebirth of the divine
Self. This "back to zero" is a great chance for an authentic new beginning. The
sixth group suffers from bodily disorders e.g. a variety of chronic disease. Like above,
only refuge in the Origin can finally liberate from ego-disaster and its effects on the
physical plane.* The last will be the first.....
* Which doesn't exclude (holistic)
psychotherapeutic or/and medical help.
Come, celebrate this most glorious turning-point, with
the Living Reality as principle - the power lies in the Origin! - and support SermeS'
global effort "Cosmic Mother Healing the Planet: Healing oneself, Healing each other
and Healing the world". You are all welcome in our Pilgrim Site, that has especially
put into life for our basic suffering (ego). Religious leaders, scientists, politicians,
businessmen, IT people, artists, activists, working people, unemployed, seniors, mothers,
men and women, youth, all are called to join.
extensive discussion, read "Origin", the Sacred Book. We are grateful for
further distribution, promotion, sales, study and translations.
Main issue of the SermeS:
"A zombie-existence or awakening to Cosmic
Consciousness", that's the question. Now
you can still decide. |
For appointments e.g. "Cosmic
with the SermeS, please, contact the hermitage
info(at)healingtheplanet.info |
Way Out of the

Origin Sacred Book
European Educational Initiative
1. Edition in
Here Content in
Five Books in One
the printing on YouTube
Healing the World Publishing
1. Edition 2014, 822 Pages
2000©Copyright H.P.J.M. (Han Marie) Stiekema SermeS
& Mei Yu. All Rights Reserved.
After 2000 years of "civilisation,
ending in the Ego-Catastrophe
of today, a world of burn-out, angst,
loneliness, addiction, suffering, humiliation, impotence, this
book is giving you your dignity, intelligence, joy of life, spiritual depth, connectedness, strength, wholeness,
future, creativity and your enthusiasm back. Indeed, THE Sacred Book, ringing in a New
Era. |
W ho could
suspect, that in our times "without alternative", in which all hope for a new perspective is melting away, a new
Wisdom Teacher has stand up, claiming to have found the key to saving the world. Reluctant for more that 33 years to at all starting his mission. What turned the
scales was the current out of hand Ego-Catastrophe. He represents a new world-view, while
ending 2000 years of judeo-christian thinking. This is based on his 1977 "Threefold
Cosmic Realization". The absolutely stunning thing is, that not "God", but
Absolute Nothingness is the Urground of all, an insight that is shared by science. In
ancient times this was called "Cosmic Womb". Everything - including God and the
universe - is emerging from Her, while continuously returning. Nothingness is not the end,
but the "Cauldron of Renewal and Regeneration". Decisive to our global crisis
is, that only Nothingness can curb the blown-up ego. The one who had a feeling was
J.W.Goethe. Only the "Eternal-Feminine" can deliver us from ego, through
"Death and Rebirth" to be precise. It is the breakthrough towards universal
religious and cultural renewal. The SermeS made this his life-mission. His initiative is
called "Cosmic Mother Healing the Planet", a design for a "Cosmo-Political
Society" in which (wo)mankind once again becomes part of "Heaven, Earth and the
(new) Community". The "Origin", THE Sacred Book is universal, beyond all
belief-systems. It distinguishes itself from all other great spiritual books through the
fact, that it is comming from direct and undistorted Cosmic Inspiration. Therefore its
authenticity is unique, a treasure for all who are seeking the Truth.
* Han Marie Stiekema SermeS, "Green
Man" and medical doctor (since 1972, from Holland), also called "Laughing
Buddha", the one who has been BEYOND the
His Mission:
Healing the Planet
Healing yourself/Healing each other/
Healing the World
Info, Contact, Orders
Price: 33,- Euro, incl. postage. Abroad excl.
With orders: Please, mention your name, address, postal code, city, country and e-mail
On request educational centres may receive a free copy (excl. postage) + discount for more copies. All
revenues go into the Healing the Planet Initiative. |
The long awaited Cosmic Bible
The most
profound book ever written about
Western civilization"
This book
liberates the Germans once and for all from their complex, an amazing achievement
Living reality,
an immortal book
Everyone bearing social (religious, political, economic)
responsibility, should have read this book
consists of 5 books
Book I
"Ego: (Wo)Mankind deeply disturbed"
Causes/The Church/The German Complex/The Attractiveness of the
Third Reich/Antisemitism/The Center/Overcoming Hitler/Rebirth of Man/Spiritual NobilityThe
Virtual Bubble
Book II
"The Original Tradition"
Churches are
dying/The Shattered West/Triumph of Nothingness/Meister Eckhart/Mothers for Mother/Cosmic
META-Religion and Science/Humanity Part of Heaven, Earth and the
(New) Community/Ethics/Roots of Evil/The New Wisdom
To Realize your Maitreya-Mind
Book III
"The Wholistic Transformation"
The Ego-Catastrophe/Europe
Awaken!/Community-Democracy/Green Men & Wise Women/Healing the Planet in 10 Steps/The
New Health Care/Revolution of Being/The Great Learning
Book IV
"Song of Perfection"
Spiritual Autobiography/The Vision of the Grail/Beyond the
Beyond/Absolute Nothingness/The Eternal Light/Dark Night of the Soul/The Antagonist/The
Cosmic Mother/Black Madonnas/To live, to love and to praise
Book V
The Inner Way
Pathology/Winners & Losers/ Enlightened Action/The
Creative Process/Change and Complexity/META-Synthesis
person, that embodies the NEW EUROPA as we desire it, most, is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As we will show,
he puts his finger exactly on the wounds of current times
Clues are the
existential problem of ego (Faust); the Eternal-Feminine as the only one that can redeem
us from ego; his "Stirb und Werde" as the Birth of the Inner Light and its
re-fitting into the structure of "Heaven and Earth..."
He was an
advocate of a sacred nature (Eco-Spirituality)
He thus isn't
"just" a poet, who grants us beautiful and true words, but has showed us a
unique Way, one that ought to be travelled
"We go on
where he stopped"! |
"My Teaching"
Storehouse |
"Her Great Work"
The New Wisdom Teacher
THE Sacred Book
Original Tradition/The Cosmic META- Religion
Green Men
& Wise Women
Healing the Planet
A New

This is the Disclosure of
A New Wisdom Teacher, called "SermeS", "Green Man",
"Laughing Buddha" or simply "Friend", the one who has been BEYOND the BEYOND of SPACE and TIME...
It is nothing less
but a Cosmic Breakthrough, one that heralds a New Era in the history of (Wo)Mankind
The materialistic world rests on a
false paradigm: "the separation of God and the universe". In reality the
Transcendence includes all and everything. The world, therefore, is sacred.
The biggest deceit
(lie, crime) of all times is the denial by Christianity of the inherent Divinity of
(wo)man. By making everybody a sinner the entire Western civilization has become
shattered, crippled, amputated, degenerated.
The true opportunistical character
of the Church is revealed by the fact, that she promotes herself as the champion of
climate rescue, after having demonized, cursed, dammned and destroyed nature for 2000!
Another irony: Atheism carrying out
exactly the program of the Church: (Wo)man without transcendental Essence!
Without the inner Centre (wo)man is
an easy victim of addiction, e.g. thoughts, greed, consumerism, work, entertainment,
"wellness", sex, computer and the "social" networks
Ego or True Self, that is the
decisive issue of the current crisis.
Through the interference of the
Cosmic Mother at this crucial moment in history (1977) the first step toward healing of
(wo)mankind has been made.
She ist Emptiness beyond Emptiness,
the Bottomless Abyss of the Cosmos, Absolute Nothingness, Birthgiver of the Eternal Light
and of the Universe. Beyond Her there is Nothingness, hence She is the LAST REVELATION,
(wo)mankind's last chance to renew itself.
Jai Mata Di! |