World Historic Turning Point
"I Am the Origin of both God and the

World Historic Turning Point
"I Am the Origin of both God and the

World Historic Turning Point
"I Am the Origin of both God and the

World Historic Turning Point
"I Am the Origin of both God and the

World Historic Turning Point
"I Am the Origin of both God and the

World Historic Turning Point
"I Am the Origin of both God and the
Universe" |
With Meeting, Teaching,
Healing, Training
I go there where the need is
My Message
1. Intro
To go around with a
"message" is certainly the last thing I thought I would do. The current
global crisis has forced me. What kind of meaningful thing can you still do, if everything
in and around you is collapsing? If mankind cannot save the earth e.g. itself, life
becomes utterly macabre. Indeed, it would be a death dance. Well, it already looks very
much like that. This death dance is called "growth" e.g. "progress".
Everyone is caught by this rat race, knowing that it will lead to collective suicide.
However, "nobody" is stepping out of it. We have degenerated to most primitive
conditionings. Because "our neighbor" is living the way we live, we think our
life is "normal". However, reality is telling us the truth of our situation
already. Despite all "optimistic" expectations about a rosy techno-future,
people suffer on a large scale from stress, depression, fatigue, fear, nervousness,
disease, loneliness, meaninglessness, anger..... waiting for the final burn-out. The
latter is an epidemic already. It gives us the feeling of "steering towards
nothingness". This feeling has an unexpected truth in it. |
2. The causes
If we don't face the Truth
Now, when? Maybe it hurts, but in comparison to the pain that is waiting for us
if we don't, it is still minor. To voluntarily face it is a sign of strength, to wait
until it overwhelmes us is weakness. Don't think you still have the luxery of
"staying in your own small world". The big world will soon come as a tsunami
over us, crushing us all. In order to prevent this we have to go back to the causes. Where
went it all wrong? First this. The survival of every living creature depends on its
adaptation to its environment. Only if it is part of a bigger whole its existence is
secured. In the beginning mankind lived in the Womb of the All. In this Cosmic Womb
everything died, with the latter continuously being reborn. Through it the whole universe
was interconnected. It was called "Mother's Web of Life". Isn't it a miracle
that after thousands of years modern Vacuum Physics and Quanten Mechanics is confirming
this most ancient insight? In daily life the mothers were a reflection of Cosmic Truth.
Men had a spontaneous veneration for the feminine. It contributed to the fact, that women
had the highest status in "society". However, after many thousand years of
unconditional dedication, this started to wane... |
Several factors contributed to
this. Among nomadic peoples - because of the necessity of grazing cattle at ever
changing places - men got the upper hand. In agrarian societies the growing surpluses
created a division between wealth and scarcity between families and tribes. Men improved
their status by becoming the protectors of possession. Very soon conflicts broke out,
which created the necessity of arming themselves. This went very quick. In no time
"the world" was imbued in armed conflicts. At the same time men discovered their
role in procreation. To secure their position they started to dominate and control women.
In order to be sure that their possessions were inherited by their real sons. This
coincided with their refusal to serve the MotherGoddess any longer. Previously, they had
spontaneously accepted their roles as annual vegetation Gods. Through recurring
"death and resurrection" rituals they served the wellbeing of the people,
"securing the harvest". With accumulation of wealth the dependency on nature
became less. Men saw their chance to change their role from servants to rulers.
Spiritually, their deepest desire was to become immortal, escaping from the cycle of birth
and death, of which they had been a part for such a long time. It was the birth of
patriarchal religion..... |
3. The ego
The first prelude to the
formation of the ego was the rule of Josiah, king of Judah (641-609 BC). He was
the first representative of "One God, One King and One State" principle.
So he encouraged the exclusive worship of Yahweh, while outlawing all other forms
of belief, in particular the Canaanite veneration of Asherah and Baal. He destroyed
everything that came under his hands, e.g. images, altars, priests. Together with it the
idea of the "chosen" people was promoted, leading to a division between
"the pure ones" on the one hand and the "pagans" on the other. Many
centuries later this pattern was continued by the most catastrophic alliance the world has
ever seen: the fusion of Christianity with the Roman Empire. Its underlying driving force
was (is!) world dominance. This greed for power soon completely changed the religion. From
a religion of love to a most intolerant and cruel system. Everybody who did not submit to
the rules of the Church was discriminated, intimidated, terrorized, outlawed, exiled,
persecuted, tortured and eventually put to death. On the psychological level this
materialized into "us" versus the "other". While the former "live
in the light", all others "live in darkness". Identity was thus not built
on healthy self-esteem, but on rejecting everything "inferior". |
In practice, those who strived
for God-Realization (the highest "sin", for only Christ's Nature is
divine), called "heretics", those who still had a close relationship with nature
("women", "pagans"), those (still...) belonging to other beliefs
(Jews), together with gnostics, mystics, philosophers, scientists....they all, together
with their communities, were destroyed or "adapted" in such a way that their
original identity got lost. This "Gleichschaltung" lasted many centuries!
(Inquisition). At last people's spirits were broken. The only way out was to fall back on
the only faculty that wasn't affected: their ego's. It would become the beginning of
individualism and materialism, also called the "Renaissance". Freedom from
terror was celebrated on a large scale, especially in Italy. "Worldly"
activities sprouted, thanks to a completely new elan. Literature, science, architecture,
the arts, philosophy, new ways of education all started to flower, very often inspired by
the Classics (Greece). Self-interests also materialized into politics (Machiavelli) and
early forms of capitalism. This enthusiasm was hiding the fact, that people had lost
contact with the Origin, and that everything was based on self-centeredness. Crucial is to
understand, that this development was originally caused by a Church that had crushed all
forms of inherent religiosity. |
4. The solution
Ever since, nothing has
changed much. Except that the situation has become much and much more extreme.
That the Church has tried to play the champion of "spiritual life",
fighting against the "evil" outside world is a joke. In reality it was the
Church who created the ego. And still doing so, for it preaches a very ego-centered
attitude of saving your own soul, only. "Jesus died for us all"
sounds very sympathetic, but has led to exactly the opposite. BECAUSE he "died for
us", everybody could return to "business as usual". Thus the whole effort
has been contra-productive, hence, the decay of religion. That is what we see today. In
the mean time the ego has grown to monstrous proportions. Because it wasn't able to return
to the Orgin, it "had no choice" but blowing itself up. An ever-growing ego is
behind greed, profit, "growth", "progress", addiction to power and
sex, expoitation and violence. It eventually leads to total chaos and destruction. The
fundamental choice is therefore: either our ego's "die" or the world as we know
it, will. The problem is how to tackle this. All patriarchal religions have always
supported the ego, though. The patriarchal mind - of which increasingly large numbers of
women are a part - is linear. It is goal and future-oriented. It's fulfillment is always
projected into some ideal: "Wealth, Power, Heaven, Enlightenment". In the mean
time the earth is being destroyed.... |
No any existing spiritual/
religious system can curb the ego. Everything they offer leads to a new form of
identification and thus a new ego-trip The stillness of a Buddha statue can be very
impressive, but eventually raises the desire for Enlightenment. Only a radical solution
can still help us. It is the confrontation with Absolute Emptiness or Nothingness. Who has
thought that the latter would become our closest ally? For in the West
"nothingness" means "the end". There is nothing liberating about it.
For millennia it has been associated with "demonic forces". While in Buddhism it
remained largely theoretical. The ego will only disappear if there is Nothing left to
identify with, though. Hence Emptiness (beyond Emptiness) is superior to everything else
in the entire Cosmos. It is the Truth behind all other truths. So it would be wise to
embrace IT as your best friend. The surprise: this is how it was in the beginning. History
proves not to be linear, but cyclic. We are back to zero. Like the ancients we may start
to realize that life is part of a bigger Whole. Something they called the "Cosmic
Womb". In "Her" Bottomlessness everything - including God and the universe
- is dying while continuously being reborn. Once we realize this, our fear of death
evaporates on the spot. Life proves to be an ongoing "death and rebirth". On all
levels of existence. Not only are we subjected to it, but nature as well, even entire
civilizations. We have found the ultimate solution to our ego-problem. It is the beginning
of a new religious/ spiritual/ ecological/ social/ cultural.... Era. See also:
Great Night, Black Madonna's, The New Cosmology, The
Supreme Design, The Ultimate Teaching and
many more..... |

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© 2000 Copyright
Han Marie Stiekema
Last revising: 11/11/13 |

Ask your
existential questions!
YOU A UNIVERSAL MIND? Challenging universities worldwide

LIFE is not about chasing some big, important ("high") goal. Instead,
it is a life in which one (the ego) continuously "dies" into Emptiness
("Cosmic Womb") in order to become renewed. With the newly born True Self you
subsequently become part of the Whole - Heaven, earth and the (new) community - once
again. This may eventually lead to your commitment to "Healing the Planet"

Teaching, Healing, Training at European Universities
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Training: Spiritual Service, Health Service,
Community Service, Earth Service
Mediterranean country
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Treffen, Teaching, Heilung, Training
Um die Welt
Eine Neue
Sie ein Universeller Geist?
& Religion
Ultime Entwurf
Zerrüttete Westen
Kirchen sterben (aus), es lebe Die Ursprüngliche Tradition
KulturErneuerungs Manifest für das 21e Jahrhundert
und vieles mehr....

Eco-spiritual programme
for eco/ environmental groups/ organizations
1. Understanding the
times (introduction into cosmology)
2. Back to Origin in
order to become renewed
3. To be part of the
Whole, once again
4. New hopefuls: Green
Men & Wise Women
5. Sanctifying Nature
(Heaven & Earth Exercises/Tiendi Qigong)
6. Earth Ritual
7. Health Service
(Healing: spiritually, emotionally, physically)
Are you interested?
Please, contact us