Cosmo-Spiritual Scientific
Part 2
One thing is clear: physics has no authority
with regard to the VERY "last things". Therefore, it should stop
referring to only its own hypotheses and chose Reality - spirituality - as a partner. In
the course of time too many speculations have passed while finally few have survived
scrutiny. Even the General Theory of Relativity appears to have come to its limits. It
ends up with space-time. If you want to go beyond it - investigating the Origin of the
universe - you have no choice but to go beyond physics! O, "God" many will say,
"this is a (clever) trick to fill the gap with religion". I assure you, this is
not the case. Actually, there isn't any conflict between science and God, at all. Provided
the seekers for the Ultimate Reality are unprejudiced. The question is "which
God?". Do you seek Universal, All-Inclusive Being, let's say "the God of
Giordano Bruno, Spinoza and Goethe" or are you identifying yourself with religious
dogma i.e. the parochial, exclusive "God of the Bible?". So, the conflict is not
between science and religion, but an internal religious one: is the "God of the
Bible" really God?* Here I can already say, that the personalized "God" of
(Christian) religion is a distortion of Reality, therefore he will be the big
"looser" in the "race" for Ultimate Truth.Yes, the future, for sure
will be a happy marriage between physics and spirituality. This article will continue to
find out how they can best benefit each other. To begin with - not suggesting that the
universe had a beginning - the "Origin of All" proves to be Absolute
Nothingness. In Spiritual Realization this reveals itself as Absolute Blackness. In
ancient times this was called the Dark Night, the Cosmic Womb or "Great Mother".
Nothing holds out "Her" Bottomlessness, hence, confronted with it, your entire
Being is destroyed i.e. for one very short Moment you cease to exist. Only a few humans
have experienced this. Because of its all-overthrowing character its numenous Dimension
cannot be doubted. Physics supports this spiritual insight! S.Hawking, desperate after
having tried all kinds of ways to prove that the universe has a beginning, exclaims:
"we should accept origination from Absolute Nothingness". However, what he means
is origination of the "Big Bang". In Reality, "something else" comes
first, though. The Black Origin i.e. Nothingness' "first emanation" is the
Eternal Light**. Its "birth", with less than a split-second in between, strongly
suggests that Darkness and Light are two sides of the same coin. However, there is a
hierarchy too: Light is definitely born out of Darkness and not vice versa. How this
Supernatural Light is born out of the Cosmic Womb - also called Absolute Vacuum, not to be
confused with the relative "vacuum" which stands for space-time containing very
little energy - remains a mystery. Therefore, MotherGoddess Isis exclaimed: "no-one
will ever lift my veil".....
* See: The
"God is All-Inclusive" Peace Project (GIAI)
** Not to be mixed up with natural light
Now, many physicists will deplore that.
It is their job to go to the bottom revealing everything that is in their power. I,
on the other hand, very much welcome the fact that this certainly will never be within
their reach. If the Ultimate remains a Mystery for ever - surviving all attacks from those
who try to classify, categorize and instrumentalize it - at least the "Origin of
All" will be continuing to guarantee the sacredness of the world. From there we may
start to regain some of our original feelings of awe, respect and wonder. Isn't it also
because of science that we have lost this? Did "progress" eventually contribute
to our happiness? Not really. Thus, yes, achieve the impossible, but know your limits too.
In the end, let's celebrate the Mystery!* Let's now turn to the first
"emanation" of the Dark Womb: the Eternal Light. The latter is also called
Cosmic Intelligence or the Divine. It is manifesting itself as Spiritual Realization, as
"Enlightenment". In its most perfect and complete Dimension - "hot and
intense" - it is Timeless and Limitless, into which self and the world simultaneously
are dissolved. You have become the Ocean. The whole world has become transcended, lifted
up to an utterly non-worldly Dimension and more important: You Are It. Its Reality is
overwhelming, its intensity exceeding everything previous. I cannot describe it because in
that situation "me" had disappeared, moreover, the small self cannot describe
the Whole. It even cannot describe Love e.g. (Can you?). Thus, at this very Moment, the
Light is describing Itself. Although it happened in 1977 it is still Here-Now. It is proof
of its Timelessness and Limitlessness. I again can confirm, that it is radiant, uplifting,
totally not of this world, infinite, eternally blissful, intense and ubiquitous, stable,
silent and transparent, empty and powerful, everything at "the same time",
giving rise to Eternal Peace and Limitless Joy. It is everywhere. This Eternal Space is
such a miracle, that I continuously laughed "for nothing". It is the Space
containing everything: the grass, the flowers, the trees, the people and the clouds...... "I"
contained the grass, the flowers.......They were part of Me. That's why,
ever since, "I love the world like myself". In Reality, there is no
* In order to know the Womb there is only one
way: to (spiritually) become confronted by "Her". To those scientists, who wish
to go into this Experience The Great Night Initiation
is offered.
Nobody denies that
We are part of the Whole
Ultimately, the Whole Itself
Thus, in order to understand the Cosmos
The Road Within is as valid
As the Road Without
That same night, equally unexpected, suddenly,
I was embedded in a Ocean of Horror. Like the Light it was Timeless and
Limitless. It was everywhere, in and around me! It was a wall of seething whirls i.e.
waves, trying to suck me in with an enormous power. In a split second my entire bodymind
disappeared into it. Deep cold electrical waves howled through my body, while in a flash I
saw worms eating my flesh. The smell of a decaying body was all around me. In a split
second my thoughts, feelings, emotions, my body-awareness, my "aura", every
faculty of my bodymind had disappeared into the Dark Ocean. This was accompanied by the
deepest Angst possible, a truly numinous Dimension. In spirituality known as the Terrible
Side of the Divine: the Eternal Non-Being. It was the Angst to completely disappear into
the intensity of the Horror. I knew, if that should happen I wouldn't survive it. The only
thing left was my awareness, the Spark of Consciousness located somewhere in and around my
skull. The struggle consisted in keeping this my inner clarity. Every deviation from the
vertical caused acute panic. The only way to survive was to sit on the floor in
Zen-position. Later, I realized how much wisdom this contained. Thus, for hours, which for
me was an Eternity, I sat unmoving, not even deviating one millimeter from my upright
position. By sitting that way my awareness grew bit by bit. It became stronger, more
bright and then streched out to my immediate surroundings. Parallel to it the Horror
slowly subsided. Eventually, it disappeared altogether. In the mean time, the morning sun
had risen, contributing to my intense feeling of relief, gratitude and joy. One thing I
knew: this is what religion calls "resurrection" from death. Or as other
traditions call it: the return from the Underworld. One thing was certain: this was
clearly Supernatural. Some time later I realized that The Light - Being - and The Horror -
Non-Being - were equal, yet opposite Dimensions, causing "Birth and Death". Much
later I was able to connect them to my first Experience: Absolute Nothingness, the Vacuum
or....the Cosmic Womb.
TRINITY" means, that 1. the Vacuum is the Bottomless Origin of All,
and that two Cosmic Dimensions: 2. "Creation" and 3. "Destruction"
originate from "Her". This fully corresponds with "my" Threefold
Cosmic Realization. The Vacuum is the Cosmic Womb, Creation is the Divine, God, the
Eternal Light and Destruction is my Descent into the Underworld. I dare to say: both
Realities are identical. In my Spiritual Realization both were Timeless and Limitless, its
Reality "not of this world". It means, that they are Primordial -
"singularity" in physics - i.e. they are not part of space-time, but space-time
is part of them. And indeed, they are the foundation of a multi-dimensional Cosmic Cycle:
from the Vacuum, the Light, virtual Fields to the visible world (Creation), then, through
Gravity and dark matter back to the Vacuum (Destruction). everything happening in
Timelessness and time, simultaneously, depending on your observer position. Creation is
equal to Einstein's "Cosmological Constant ("dark energy")*, while
Destruction is equal to Gravity. Think of the virtual particles continuously being
destroyed and reborn through the Vacuum, the same with energy in Black Holes. Which Forces
are behind this? All other levels of existence obey this rule too. Think of nature on
earth: the birth and death of all living creatures. The "natural selection" of
Evolution is to be understood not only as "the survival of the fittest", but as
the effect of the impact of "Creation and Destruction"***. As a M.D. I observed
the same principle in humans. Spectacular example (after prof.dr.W.Zabel): 25% of all
bodily cells are dying, 50% are in a stage of dynamic balance, while 25% are in a stage of
growth. It is the Cosmic Law of Creation, "Permanence" and Destruction,
reflected in our own bodies. Hardly to believe: dying cells are secreting a substance that
promotes the growth of young cells! Death as a pre-condition for Life.....By the way, in
the Cosmos, Creation being "centrifugal", moving from the "Center" -
the Bottomlessness of the Womb - to the "periphery", Destruction being
"centripetal", moving from the "periphery" to the "Center".
Since these Forces are singularities (transcending space-time), they cannot be measured by
physics. At the same time they determine everything! It means, that all efforts to reveal
the "last things" have to include these More Than Real, but inaccessible
Dimensions. Only spirituality is able to come close i.e. Realize them. It comes down to a
totally new approach: taking Creation and Destruction (Expansion and Contraction) as the
framework, the sine qua non of EVERY cosmological approach. The former should become the
foundation of every hypothesis, calculation, model and experiment. What do these two
Forces mean with regard to the origination of the (material) universe? What is their
relationship to the "Big Bang", for instance? How is the Supernatural giving
birth to the natural? These are not only key problems in physics. In order to explain
this, I will use some of my major insights.
*The Force behind the expansion of the universe.
**See "Jay Mata Di!"
LIGHT) IS BEHIND THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE. In my Spiritual Realization the
Womb is uninterruptedly giving birth to the Eternal Light (Mother's Light Body), while the
Light is giving birth to the universe (Mother's Material Body)*. It is corresponding with
the model of Neo-Platonism, where every existential Plane is "emanating" from
the former. Everything originating from the Bottomlessness of the Cosmic
Womb! Creation causes the universe to expand, until energy gets exhausted. Under the
influence of Gravity (the Destruction Force of the Vacuum!) energy turns into Dark Matter,
returning to the very Depth of "Her" Abyss. Here the greatest Mystery happens.
In "Her" deepest Bottomlessness matter get so condensed, that Destruction turns
into Creation or Birth. The intensity becomes limitless, up to a point where Matter is
ignited into Light. This Original Light has several "sub-layers" or
"emanations. In the Light all energy is unrecognizably dissolved. In the next
emanation energy becomes visible, still against the background of dominant Being. While in
the next first energy and then matter come forward. The same process can be observed in
the birth of a star. It is an ongoing process. Each Core-Dimension in itself is
"static", while the "emanations" - the birth of one layer out of the
previous - are dynamic. Eventually, leading to the "separation" of matter out of
its Trans-natural Context. The Vacuum giving birth to the Eternal Light; the Eternal Light
giving birth to the world.
The first "manifestation" could be what
physics has called the "Higgs Field". This Field could be the first step toward
materialization. Its characteristics are: consistency, order of energy and matter and the
origination of structures. One step further: the energy of the Field and the structures
having feedback among each other, through which the latter are born as "separate
entities". It is corresponding with the Buddhist concept of "Emptiness is form
and form is Emptiness". On the subatomic level first "virtual waves"
"appear" - also called Skalar Field - in which "spins" or
"whirls" emerge. These "spins" give rise to the formation of the first
electro-magnetic fields. Through interference, these fields create resonance, through
which photons** (natural light) and quantums are formed. Materialization has taken place.
From that moment on, matter is at the mercy of two competing Cosmic Forces: Creation
and Destruction. The former supports life, while the latter "tries" to break it
down. Since both Forces constitute a dynamic equilibrium, the fate of matter (life) is
insecure. Ideally, the sumtotal of energy is zero (Creation and Destruction cancelling
each other out: "Zero Point Energy"), in reality, there are
"fluctuations", though. Just like in Quantum Physics one thus can only speak of
"probabilities". The dynamics listen to rather narrow constants, making life on
earth possible. In spirituality this is called "Mother's Web of Life".
These "fluctuations" are responsible for the
origination of stars and galaxies. One of those "fluctuations" could have been
"our Big Bang". The "Big Bang" thus being a very common phenomenon.
One could also say: it is NOT the Big Bang
that gave birth to the universe, but the Vacuum (Cosmic Womb) giving birth to an ongoing e.g. uninterrupted
process of "Big and Smaller Bangs". To put it once again to one point.
Origin of the universe is the Bottomlesness of the Vacuum ("Womb"). In
"Her" two Cosmic Powers originate: the supernatural "Light or Creation
Power", the Divine, in physics called the "Cosmological Constant"
(A.Einstein) on the one hand, and the equally supernatural Destruction Force, on the
other. In the Depth of Bottomlessness energy is concentrated to an unimaginable extent.
This has caused the "Big Bang". The Vacuum, together with the Cosmological
Constant ("Dark Energy") are responsible for the ongoing expansion of the
universe. The result is a universe, that is becoming more empty all the time. Energy gets
inflated, losing its binding power. At a certain turning point, energy turns into matter:
Dark Matter. The selfsame Vacuum, together with the Destruction Force, is responsible for
the (super)-Gravity, pulling the matter (back) to Womb's Bottomlessness. There it is
broken down and concentrated to sub(sub)(sub)-atomic quantums. Exceeding a critical limit,
a super-concentration, a new Big Bang is happening. Remember: the Cosmic Forces constitute
a dynamic equilibrium
("Super-Symmetry"). It means that the universe is fluctuating. Today expansion SEEMS to be dominant. This could (or will) change
in some future. Finally, expansion turns into collapse: the Big Crunch. It is proof
of the fact, that our universe is ruled by the Vacuum or Cosmic Womb, also called the
"Law of (ongoing) Death and Rebirth".
* "Not God created the world out of
nothingness, but Nothingness is giving birth to "God" (the Light, the Divine,
Consciousness) and the world, the latter continuously returning to their Origin"
** Photons as bearers of natural light that can
be seen by the naked eye!
THE "CYCLIC UNIVERSE", developed by Paul
J.Steinhardt and Neil Turok and in
accordance with other major scientists, our universe "began" with the Big Bang.
After a split second - the real Origin is still a mystery! - a very hot and dense soup
("plasma") marks the first stage. It is the stage in which radiation dominates.
Very soon after, this energy soup is giving birth to protons and neutrons consisting of
dark matter and visible matter. The latter accompanied by anti-matter balancing i.e.
destroying each other. However, in the end matter proved to have a surplus. So, for a time
matter dominated the universe. In its turn it eventually gave way to "Dark
Energy". "Dark Energy" appears to be dense constant and neutral neither
absorbing nor radiating other energy......At this point some imagination is needed! It
appears to be anti-gravitational - identical to Einstein's "cosmological
constant" - responsible for the expansion of the universe. Now there are two
possibilities, called the "inflationary" model and the "cyclical"
model. The former assumes an unchanging "Dark Energy", causing limitless
expansion, dilution and emptying of the universe, everything ending up in a
"vacuum". End of the first story. The second, however, postulates the
possibility of "Dark Energy", decaying in such a way, that the
"expansion" at some time turns into "contraction". Density of
"Dark Matter" is rising rapidly, building up very high-pressure: the "Big
Crunch". This incredible concentration is propelled by Gravity, moving toward the
Depth of the Vacuum. This combination - unimaginable density (ultimate concentration) on
the one hand and the Bottomlessness (ultimate Emptiness) of the Womb - is the Core of
transformation of Destruction into Creation. Dark Matter suddenly converted into hot
matter and radiation - stored energy being converted into kinetic energy: the "Big
Crunch" turning into a "Big Bang". The universe (again) begins to expand.
The surprise is, that the universe before and after the "bang" remains the same:
flat and smooth. This is due to "Dark Energy" which remained constant both in
the expansion and contraction phases. The "cyclic" universe model thus advocates
an ongoing renewal of universes. Our "Big Bang" is only one of a chain of other
Big Bangs. One day, our universe is giving way to another one. Does that mean that energy
is eternal? The "cyclic" model is suggesting this. However, energy belongs to
space-time, in that sense it cannot. More questions have to be answered. The point is that
until now, the model of "cyclic universes" only relies on assumptions. Is
"energy" self-sufficient self-organized and self-steering?" Is it the
ultimate "stuff" or is it somehow emerging from something "beyond? What
explains "expansion and contraction?" "Can energy re-create energy
infinitely?" The existing laws of physics can't answer these questions. If we manage
to turn assumptions into facts, then a true revolution is taking place. The answer comes
from spirituality.
In order to understand
The relationship between science and religion
You have to go Beyond!
THREEFOLD COSMIC REALIZATION*, Absolute Nothingness ("The Vacuum,
Cosmic Womb") is giving birth to the Eternal Light ("Enlightenment",
"The Divine", "Cosmic Intelligence" or "Consciousness"). In
its turn the latter is giving birth to the universe ("Creation"), while the
universe is continuously returning to its Origin ("Destruction", "the
Underworld"). The Bottomlessness of the Womb guaranteeing that neither the Eternal
Light nor energy is running out! This Realization is "a 1000 times" more Real
than common reality. It is the Intelligence within that recognizes the Intelligence
without! There cannot be any doubt about the correctness of its insight. It has been
confirmed by numerous "Enlightened Ones" of all times and traditions e.g.
Echnaton, Lao Tze, the Buddha, Jesus, Kabir, Rumi, Ibn Arabi, Meister Eckhart, John of the
Cross and Teresa of Avila. Conclusion: there appears to be a direct relationship
between Nothingness (Emptiness) and energy or matter. Taoists call this Wu-Wei: doing out
of non-doing. Crucial is this: The more empty one is, the more intense the energy that
comes out of it (You). This is confirmed by your own breathing. The deeper your breathing OUT, the more powerful your breathing in! The core
of Zen-Buddhist Kendo-practice (sword-fighting) consists of becoming empty - without any
mind in between - in such a way, that it releases limitless power. This power is
"intelligent" i.e. Emptiness is directing it in exactly the right way. The
practice of "Cosmic Mother Healing" confirms this....... While watching and
eventually becoming! my inner Space, my hand that is touching the client, becomes
warm. The emptier I become, the hotter my whole arm and as a consequence the greater the
healing power! If, on the other hand, my mind is occupied (even if my thinking is
intentional i.e. is focused on healing), then nothing happens. A comparable thing happens
during (spiritual) teaching. In Moments of (Great) Emptiness it is not I who is speaking.
It is IT in me...... The wisdom
spontaneously coming out amazes not only my audience, but also myself. "Unbelievable,
did I say that?" Everything said above is proof of the fact that energy -
space-time - doesn't stand on itself but emerges out of Nothingness. Spiritual Experience
reflects Cosmic Reality. By the way it also confirms that the Ultimate - Absolute Vacuum
or Cosmic Womb - is not a (the) "Creator" - instead, it is giving birth without
giving birth, without any effort on "Her" part, everything comes out of
"Her" Bottomlessness. It underlines that no "Creator God!" exists.
Instead, the "Cosmic Trinity" is "selflessly" renewing and
regenerating the universe.
* See: "Threefold
dead star. First question: why stars die? Answer of physics: "because their energy
get exhausted". Why their energy gets exhausted? Here physics show its limitation. No
satisfactory answer is given. My explanation is, that "at the bottom" of the
universe, there is the Bottomless Vacuum or "Womb". Or better: the whole
universe is embedded in Absolute Nothingness. This Nothingness makes itself felt
everywhere. Its Cosmic Forces of Creation (Eternal Light) and Destruction (Gravity) are
keeping balance, through which we can exist. Some call it the "Web of Life".
This balance is a dynamic one, though. It means, it is fluctuating. Where
Destruction has the upper hand star death is accelerated. It is, as if there is a shortcut
between Absolute Emptiness and the energies of the material world. So, some regions/stars
are more exposed to the sucking power (Gravity) of the Vacuum than others. Matter is
getting very dense. Supernova's explode because of their core becoming incredibly dense.
These are the spots where Black Holes appear. It explains their incredible Death Force.
The (super)-mass becomes so heavy, that Gravity becomes infinite. Energy/matter is sucked
in, dragging everything else from nearby into the Hole. That the Vacuum is the ultimate
(sucking) power is proven by the fact, that even time-space ceases to exist. In
Absolute Nothingness physics faces its limits ("singularity").
At the same time, however, the Creation Power of the
Vacuum makes itself known. Physicists believe, that a Black Hole is indeed the birthplace
of new energy. Gas is first sucked in and when the Hole becomes saturated, gas is blown
into the universe. These gasses become concentrated, forming new stars. Eventually, a
super-massive Black Hole sucks and re-creates entire galaxies. Our Milky Way also moves
around such a super-massive Black Hole. Something the Maya's knew for several thousands of
years already! They call it the Cosmic Womb or Xibalba.....Again, the birth-giving
"centrifugal" power of the Womb steers this all. Thus, a Black Hole
reflects the Essence of the Womb e.g. the Cosmic Origin of ongoing Death and Rebirth. It
is exactly corresponding with my spiritual Realization. Without Absolute Nothingness as
the Bottomless Non-Ground of the Cosmos, Black Holes cannot and will not be understood.
Spirituality has to come for rescue, for physics can't and won't ever be able to penetrate
Absolute Emptiness. Spirituality can, because our Deepest Core
IS Emptiness. Cosmic Realization makes it possible. In its Bottomless
Depth one will be destroyed by Absolute Nothingness. Because it is your own Innermost
Core, you understand. This knowing is direct, without the need for cognitive
strategies.(PS. Anyway, in such a situation the mind has disappeared, so there are no
faculties like thinking, interpreting, memorizing etc. left).
Something incredible has to be added to it. Usually, it
is assumed that after death, one comes to full understanding of the "Laws of the
Cosmos". For everybody will become Enlightened. In the Eternal Dimension
("Heaven") you will be one with the Divine. So far, so good. The Divine in its
turn, is uninterruptedly returning to its Origin - the Cosmic Womb, the Vacuum, Absolute
Nothingness - though. "You" won't experience this, though, for in Eternity the
Divine is disappearing AND reborn IN THE SELFSAME Eternal Moment. If something dies
and is reborn AT THE SAME "TIME",
when death IS "equal" to rebirth, then the "result" is zero.
Therefore, in "Heaven" you will NOT
experience what is beyond the Eternal Light. (PS. The Buddha hoped for
"realizing" Nirvana after his physical death. He must have been disappointed not
to have found it!).The only creatures that can, are people still living on this
earth.....For in VERY rare cases, some
experience total annihilation BEYOND the
Divine Light. Like it happened to me in 1977......*
* See "my" "Threefold
Cosmic Realization"
STEADY STATE" OF THE UNIVERSE? An uninterrupted "Birth and
Death" in the "Lap" of the Bottomless Cosmic Womb or Absolute Vacuum? Is
the "Big Bang" caused by a collision of the Creation and the Destruction Force?
My Threefold Realization started with a Supernatural "Lightning", initiating
Absolute Nothingness i.e. Blackness. After a "split-second", I had dissolved
into the Eternal Light. Was that "my personal" Big Bang? Can it be compared with
the colliding "Branes" of the String i.e. Cyclic Theories? (Please, open Google
for some background information). Immediately after the Bang these Cosmic Forces
("Branes") regain their original parallel shape and position, starting a new
Cycle of Birth and Death. Can that be compared with the Eternal Light, which in my
Realization followed the Blackness? Moreover, it has great analogy with the wave-structure
theory (E.Schrödinger, M.Wolff). It talks about ingoing (centripetal) and outgoing waves
(centrifugal) of "particles", balancing each other. The result is "standing
waves". This is very much the character of the "Eternal Light" as I
experienced it. In its turn, the "Eternal Destruction" causes the ongoing
collapse of the waves. One thing is sure: in the universe, through ongoing materialization
a turning point is reached, where Creation (Expansion) loses grip ("inflation")
and Destruction (Gravity) takes over. This is true for matter on all levels: from the
universe itself to the atomic world. It corresponds with my Experience of the Underworld*.
The Destruction Force strips you of all energy. In my case only my clear awareness - Spark
of the Light within! - remained. In case of matter, no electro-magnetic charge will be
left. Matter becomes Dark Matter! From that moment on it gains more weight, which only
accelerates its "returning to the Womb". This "going back Home" is
called Gravity...... With regard to the universe itself, it means, that it is continuously
expanding and contracting, everything "at the same time".
* See my website: "Threefold
Cosmic Realization"
This most fundamental phenomenon can be observed
through a Black Hole. As stated above, a Black Hole is the result of the collapse of a
Supernova (star). What caused this collapse? Answers usually vary from the age of a star
to expansion, with as a consequence a collapse. This may be very true, but what caused the
ageing and the expansion? Right: it is the combined "play" behind, that of
Creation and Destruction. A process in which Destruction proves to be the winner. The
(expanded) star (end stage of Creation!) collapses, matter's density becomes unimaginable,
through which more matter from nearby is sucked in. "Fatal attraction". At the
same time - because the Creation Force obviously has never subsided, birth of new energy
can be observed as well. The Black Hole thus being contraction and expanding in a
"nutshell". The "ever expanding universe", as postulated by some
physicists, may therefore be the result of a model, in which the effects of the
Destruction Force have been left out of the equation. Not taking this into consideration,
inevitably leads to erroneos conclusions. Indeed, if one focuses on Creation-only,
then such an assumption is obvious. Since both Creation and Destruction are singularities
- outside the Realm of physics - omissions are likely. It is a challenge for both physics
AND spirituality to go deeper into the matter. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
On the one hand, while writing this article, I felt ashamed of confronting physics,
knowing that in many areas their knowledge exceeds mine many (many!) times over. On the
other hand, I am well aware of my own indispensable contribution: physics
"belonging" to space-time, I belong to Eternity i.e. the All-Embracing Cosmic
Womb. I am sure we'll meet again!
See also: "Universal
Outburst of joy!
"I am the Custodian of Cosmos'
after that nothing but great awe and
disconcerting helplessness
(Background, Infinite, Essence of the universe), the Tendency
(the actual state of the universe, space/time) and human Response.
The key question concerning the Context is: "What is outside of the universe?"
As I have stated above, this is the Bottomless Cosmic Womb (Vacuum) with "Her"
two Cosmic Forces of Creation (Eternal Light, "Dark Energy") and Destruction
(Infinite Gravity). This "Trinity" is invisible, yet ruling the whole Cosmos. In
the Realm of Eternal Nothingness the laws of physics cease to exist. Einstein's
"Special Theory of Relativity" is not applicable here. Every attempt to explain
No-Mind with the mind is doomed to fail. So, we have to change our strategy. While
cognitive functions prove to be limited, our innermost Core - our Being - is not. The
latter is infinite. Meeting the Infinite with our inherent Infinity (ultimately the
selfsame Dimension) seem to be more promising. This is how spirituality comes into play.
Its way of investigating is to become One with the "object" of research. Once
you are One with the Cosmos you know it from within. Crucial is the insight that, while
being itself transcendental - e.g. beyond the universe - the "Trinity" is
containing all and everything. Both energy and matter are content of its infinite Space.
It means that the former is determined by the latter e.g. the actual state of the universe
- our second layer - depends directly on the fluctuations of Cosmic Balance. Fluctuations,
because the Balance between Creation and Destruction is a dynamic one. Let's remind my
approach to time. Time is a manifestation of a limited mind e.g. the three dimensional
universe. If I would like to observe a 360 degrees panorama with my "normal"
mind, then, I can only do that in pieces, one by one. By doing so, time is introduced.
Suppose, on the contrary, that my Mind is so vast, that it can perceive the entire
panorama in One Undivided Moment. Indeed, in Full Enlightenment it appears that no time is
involved. Conclusion: time is a manifestation of a narrow mind. It is an aspect of our
three dimensional universe. From the first Moment your Mind is transcending itself,
becoming the fourth dimensional Space, then there is no time anymore. This Fourth
Dimension (im my concept also called "Creation")* cannot be explored by
three-dimensional approaches. Here, physics faces its limits.
* In the Fifth and Ultimate Dimension - that of
Absolute Nothingness - Infinity too has disappeared. The Unity of Absolute Nothingness
(Vacuum, Cosmic Womb), Creation and Destruction is called the Cosmic Trinity. Only
spirituality has an entrance here.
Physics is understanding;
Spirituality is KNOWING
Since the beginning (let's assume there was a
Big Bang) the universe is expanding. It is something physics is currently
investigating, booking spectacular successes. Research has found out that the universe is
expanding with an ever increasing speed. Therefore, some investigators predict the
"end of the universe" through a "Big Rip" e.g. the Bubble bursts into
pieces, from stars to atoms, in such a way that nothing will be left. These kind of
predictions are based on the hypothesis of two invisible forces: Dark Matter and Dark
Energy. The first is said to constitute the substance of the universe, while the second is
responsible for its expansion. Since everything is ultimately ruled by the
"Trinity" (see above) the challenge is to reconcile the findings of spirituality
with those of physics. Crucial is to realize that all energy (matter) is "born"
out of infinite Space (Vacuum) and dominated by "Her" two Forces. It means, that
since the "beginning of time" the Creation Force has the upper hand. The crucial
thing is: while physics hasn't produced a theory based on experiment (e.g. the string
"theory"), above insights do. The experiment has been done with one's (my)
Being. The Reality of my Realization is "a thousand times" more real, than the
"real" world. Therefore, it is really time to recognize and acknowledge
spirituality as a legitimate way to know the Cosmos. It goes even one step further:
spiritual Realization is a direct contact, nay, unity with Reality without the
interference of our cognitive mind: our hypothesis, calculations, experiments. It gives an
unbiased insight, especially where physics fails to have entry: the infinities (realms
beyond time and space). With regard to the latter I challenge all existing theories,
including the physicists involved. Let's face this most fundamental problem and come to a
completely new theory.
To reconnect to physics. Physicists are now
saying that the expansion of the universe will be running out of hand. They
calculated that the equation of Dark Energy and Dark Matter is 2 to 1. This is a premature
interpretation, though. Because the underlying Essence of the universe is not taken into
account. The expansion is just an expression of something Beyond. The former is NOT an
independent force! Again this is a major point: the relative value of explaining the
Cosmos by means of physics only. Energy and matter are manifestations, not the ultimate
thing. It is like in medicine: studying the symptoms without insight into the underlying
cause(s). So, yes, the universe is expanding. But this is only the actual state at THIS
moment in history. Interpreting the symptoms cannot lead to generalizations about the
universe as a whole. Because, if it is true (and it is) that the world is ruled by the
Cosmic Balance of Creation AND Destruction, then somehow (and someday) expansion must
trigger its (compensatory) opposite: Destruction. In fact, this Force is part of the game
all the time already. Expansion is only a fluctuation, a temporary thing, any time
Destruction could get the upper hand. Destruction is even considered to rule the universe
without interruption. Another word for it is Gravity. In its turn, it is closely linked to
Dark Matter. Through expansion, energy gets exhausted. It turns into matter. Through
Gravity, accumulated matter becomes increasingly dense. Like it happens with an exploding
Supernova. Matter concentrates in its core and becomes a Black Hole. The latter sucking
light, energy and matter in indiscriminately. With such a force that Gravity becomes
infinitely strong. Why? Because of its underlying Ultimate Dimension: the Bottomless
Vacuum. So, there is already a continuous return of energy to its Source. It means that
the universe expands AND shrinks. It could ultimately shrink to such an extent, that its
condensation becomes so acute, that a new Big Bang causes a restart of the universe. I am
thus convinced: the theory of infinite expansion has to give way to the principle of
Cosmic Balance.
Basically, the answer is clear. By becoming Empty (within), the Cosmic Forces of
Creation and Destruction will be optimally working, both personally as well as with regard
to society. Understanding the times in which we live, would help. Everybody agrees: this
is a time of decay. It is visible on all levels of existence, from the soul and personal
relationships to organizations and societies. Responsible for this is our identification
with our ego. Ignorant about the necessity of continuous "death", while
not knowing about the regenerative force of Emptiness, the ego has no chance to become
balanced. Instead of serving the Whole, it blows itself up, eventually destroying both
ourselves and our environment. If this would go on infinitely, then the death sentence for
(wo)mankind is secured. The only saving force is....Destruction. An allegory could be
this. The Vacuum has only one concern: keeping Cosmic Balance. Accumulation disturbs
Emptiness. Like (wo)mankind has done for the last 500 years (greed, profit, growth).
Because everything is interconnected, the disbalance on the human level translates itself
on other (Cosmic) levels, as well. It gives rise to the activation of its counterpart:
Destruction. The latter as a means to RESTORE
the equilibrium. In this light, the decay in and around us, gets a totally different
meaning. What is degenerating are our ego-accumulations! Instead of resisting
"Mother's Effort" we are invited to cooperate with it. Intelligence means, that
we actively give up our ego's. "Stirb und Werde" ("to die to become
reborn") is a key insight of J.W.Goethe. He considered it crucial for optimal life.
In these times, this is not only a personal concern. It is a concern of us all. The future
of (wo)mankind is depending on it. "Either we (our ego's) die, or the earth
dies", that is the situation nowadays. In order to re-balance we receive unexpected
help from the Cosmos itself. Because the Destruction Force is already taking away
everything old, sick, ugly, accumulated and evil. We just should not resist it. Two
thousand years of religious effort weren't able to overcome the ego. Only Absolute
Emptiness can do that. So, we are givng back our ego to the Cosmic Mother. "Please,
Mother, take away my ego". This is our ultimate chance.
Appendix 1. Science (Cosmology) proves to be
based on a rather random "system" of axioma's, presumptions
"ideas", assumptions, concepts, interpretations, speculations and hypotheses. So
does theology. Conclusion: neither science, nor theology can bring us closer to
"God". Some authors welcome this as a new chance to "become humble" in
the Face of the Ultimate. Repeating the old Lutheran mantra of "God cannot be
experienced", denying the Divine Spark (Meister Eckhart) within. The only thing left
is thus to.......think, think and think (again). It is exactly that vicious circle
scientists and theologians are caught in. Why don't they have the courage to acknowledge
that fact? Why are Christians always on the road (Dutch "samen op weg"), while
never arriving? Well, a certain cultural masochism - a deep down felt insufficiency - will
for sure be underlying it. Hasn't the inquisition stamped out all those
("heretics"), who claimed to have had God-experience? If the Ultimate cannot be
reached through mind speculation, then, give it up. Theologians should thus acknowledge
that "God" cannot be found in books. So, go beyond it! A more tangible fact
cannot be excluded either. I suspect, that in this case "humility" may mean
exactly the opposite: the refusal of giving up the supremacy of (Western) mind. The latter
has to be secured at all costs. There are simply too many practical interests at stake.
Generally, going beyond the mind appears to still be the greatest taboo**. Despite the
fact, that mystics from all major traditions time and again emphasize that the mind is
unable to know the Divine. Their advice: leave the mind behind and jump into the Unknown.
If you want to know "God", why don't you just go to those who have realized it,
in order to become inspired? Why is mysticism left out of both science and theology? Why
do they simply brush aside Jesus ("My mother gave birth to
me in order to die, while my True Mother has granted me Life". Gospel of
Thomas), Mary Magdalene ("The woman who knew the All"), Dionysios
Aeropagita ("The intangible LightDarkness", "seeing through
not-seeing", "knowing through not-knowing"), Hugo of St.Victor ("A
soul that doesn't know itself, cannot know God"), The Cloud of Unknowing ("In
order to know God you have to leave the mind behind"), Meister Eckhart ("God
is Nothingness"), Ruusbroec ("Everybody has a natural tendency of going
back to the Origin"), Margarete Porete ("The Mirror of Simple
Souls"), Beatrijs of Nazareth ("Seven Ways of Divine Love"),
Giordano Bruno ("A Cosmic Universe"), John of the Cross ("Darkness
gives birth to the Light"), Teresa of Avila ("God is within you")
and many others**. Why they don't even take Thomas of Aquino seriously, who, shortly
before dying was granted Full Enlightenment (God-experience), exclaiming "compared
to this my entire previous work is worthless". He wanted to burn it all.
It seems, that even in the 21st century the real God-people are still discriminated,
ignored, denied and rejected, especially by scientists and theologians. Nelson Mandela was
right: "we are not afraid that we are incompetent, but that we are Bright beyond
* Is it the (existential) fear of Nothingness?
** Why is the wisdom of the East left out? E.g.
in Buddhism the Ultimate is called "Emptiness beyond Emptiness". Isn't that
significant enough to take it seriously?
You are within the All
The All is within you
Appendix 2. Thinking is a function and not the
center of personality. Western culture - out of ignorance or deliberately - has
put the ratio on the throne. However, thinking is a derivative, a brain function, a
servant of awareness, of the Here-Now, of the Divine Spark within. The latter is our true
Center. To the Church this has always been the greatest abomination ("sin"). For
obvious reasons, because people with God-experience don't need the Church anymore! Through
awareness - also called True Self - you are able to watch your thinking. There appears an
inner distance between the two. I am "here" and my thinking is
"there", in front of you. Conclusion: "I am not my thinking"*.
Obviously, thinking is a very useful tool. It has a central function in all kinds of
situations. Something I value very much. But with regard to the last things, it fails.
This is proven in situations where it really matters. "Without thinking he/she jumped
into the water and saved the child". These no-thought actions prove to be very
effective, indeed. Suppose, in such a situation you first start deliberating. The child
would have drowned right under your eyes. The miracle: in important situations the
Here-Now takes over. Many people have similar experiences. "Without thinking I knew
exactly what to do". "While looking at the sunset everything dropped off and for
the first time I saw the world in its original glory". "Today our love-play was
so perfect, there wasn't any thinking in between". "Suddenly, my jogging was
taken over by something within. It just went by itself. No thinking whatsoever". You
have just to pay a high toll for the primacy of thinking. The ignorance extends itself to
science and theology. Both are used to approach everything through thinking, too.
Therefore, they automatically think that it will also work for them while approaching last
issues. The disappointment is in accordance. The cause of this grave ignorance? To
Christians Christ is "the Word". They interpret it as something Divine
("The Word is God"). In Reality, this is not tenable, though. God is beyond any
"word", even "his own". This Word-Cult originated in Babylonia, during
the time that Hammurabi issued his law. Through it, men discovered the "power of
words". It became the foundation of their rule. Subsequently, every decree was a
"word of command". The writers of the Bible very well understood this. They let
God create the world through "his Word". It makes "God" very
powerful**.Although as I have tried to emphasize, neither the Word, nor God has the last
word. To the regret of some (many) I have to say that the Cosmos is a birth, originating
from the Bottomlessness of the All-Inclusive Womb (Vacuum). In the "Sacred Book of
John" God boasts about himself as being the Father, the only God, the One above all
and everything. However, his Mother didn't tolerate his presumptuous
behavior and exclaimed "This is a lie, JHWH"***
* In case of extension of awareness thoughts
become the content of your inner Space.
** A few years ago the Synod of the Lutheran
Church was held in Ulm, Germany, with the slogan "The Word of God is Eternal".
This is blasphemy. In Reality, only "God Himself" - as Son of the Cosmic Mother
- is.
*** E. Pagels "The Gnostic Gospels",
1979 Random House
Thanks for your interest
Han Marie Stiekema
Part 1
