After 33 years
Memory dissolves into Space. I am child again,
playing with the trees, the wind, the earth and the clouds. Since then, Nothing has
While walking I am spontaneously stopping. The
Clarity is everywhere. Nature comes to Me like a lover. I kneel down and kiss the grass
I have no age, I forgot everything that
happened in my life. Non-existence connects me with everything around me. Being Nothing I
Am everything
Aliveness of the mind. It is part of life until
Real Life emerges. Then there is only One Space and everything else is its content
I have always known about the Treasure inside.
The "role" of custodian is deeply engrained within me. No surprise I became the
Custodian of the Grail
I died as a me and was reborn as a Me. The big
Me includes all the small me's of all times and places. I Am All-Inclusive
Emptiness contains all forms. Being THAT I Am
part of the Divine play. The One Face expresses Itself in the many. Who are you?
While you are going to the Light I Am It. So
why searching? What is closest is always overseen. First of all your own inner Being
When going within I unite with my inner Light.
This in turn embraces the whole of existence. Spiritual Realization is identical with
loving the world
When you have everything you end up with being
tired of it. When you are Empty, you are continuously overflowing with new life. Joy,
My life was prophesized. I am a prisoner of the
Eternal. I find my freedom in obeying the Ultimate. Its last wish is that I should come to
the open
Knowing my reluctance the "Vision of the
Grail" was revealed to me. Its message to mankind: "Strive for Enlightenment,
re-structure your life and serve others"
The Grail is the "Vessel of
Abundance", in former times called "Cosmic Womb" or "Great
Mother". It is the symbol of Eternal Renewal and Regeneration
So, don't search for the Grail anymore. It is
here, now, everywhere. It has appeared to me in a Vision. If you don't believe it, come to
me and you will be convinced
Why expressing mySelf in such a direct way?
After (very) long hesitation, e.g. trial and error I came to the following conclusion
People don't know themselves. So, how could
they know Me? I have been waiting an entire life "for becoming recognized".
Stupid, because the only one who can tell about Me is Me
Buddha said "I Am the Awakened One",
Jesus said "I Am sent by the Father". All Teachers had their way of telling the
people about their inner state of Being. If you don't tell, nobody will ever understand
Yes, I Am the One you have been waiting for. I
Am You, and You are Me. Actually, you are waiting for the One in yourself. The point is,
if I could find it, you also can
The deepest Love is recognition of Sameness.
Once found everything is simply there. Love is celebrating Unity which is there from
Eternity. No need "to do something with it". This flower cannot be picked
I continue where other Teachers have ended. In
my Teaching all Traditions come together. It sounds wierd in my own ears, so I am not
surprised that you take it with a pinch of salt. It may wake you up!
By the way: everyone is a "chosen
one". Everyone is chosen to find and share the Best within. There are no "chosen
ones" apart from all other chosen ones. Only on that basis I dare to reveal my
When I Am my Big Self, my small self
disappears. When THAT is there, I am nothing. That's why nobody can ever claim anything
spiritual for him or herself
Not surprisingly thus, that "my"
Threefold Realization" (1977) came "totally out of the blue", not in any
way anticipated. Innocence "conceived" by innocence
Suddenly, the Lightning struck my head and for
a Moment my entire Being was wiped out. A Moment of deepest Darkness, with no memories
Immediately after I dissolved into the Eternal
Light. I Am THAT. My existence was lifted up to the Divine Plane, including all and
everything. Sharing the Joy of the Cosmos....
This lasted the whole day. That same night I
suddenly woke up, finding myself in the middle of an Ocean of Horror, within a split
second stripping off all faculties of mind and body
It is the descent into the Underworld, in which
I ended up naked. With only my clear awareness left. Every second it could also disappear,
keeping it was the greatest ordeal in my life
It lasted all night until the morning. The
stronger my clarity, the weaker the Angst. Until the latter finally subsided. I
immediately understood, that this was the spiritual meaning of "Death and
Much later I realized the impact of it. I had
been in the Cosmic Womb, exposed to Her Cosmic Forces of "Destruction and
Creation". It is the deepest possible Experience in life
Nothingness is the Mother of God and the
universe, with both continuously returning to their Orgin. This Revelation is the
beginning of A New Era
All Power lies in the Origin. All human
potentiality is contained in one egg. Therefore, in order to become regenerated we
will not do with less (anymore), but go back to the Eternal Beginning: the Cosmic
("Ur") Mother
Although knowing that this would become my
Mission, I needed around 33 years to come to the open. Partly because I didn't want to
descend from my paradise, partly because there was still work to do
First of all the Mother let me enjoy life to
the fullest. For 10 years I lived in uninterrupted Bliss, including several other Great
Experiences. Light, Nature, Love and Poetry characterized my life
Then She withdrew Her Grace from me. Giving me
the opportunity of still integrating those (stubborn) old parts that were not totally
dissolved. It is not all given, you have to do your own homework as well
The stronger the ego, the longer it takes. With
me it lasted more than 20 years (....) to integrate everything into the Whole. You can
have a sense of the obstacles I still had at that time..... It is really tough work
It reveals another Truth. Even after
Enlightenment the ego returns. Teachers who claim that "once Enlightened you are
forever ego-less" are (deliberately) misleading you
Hence, the need of ongoing integration. Not
only "before Enlightenment" but even more "after". Because if there
are unprocessed emotional contents in your inner Space....
Through the free flowing energy in you, not
only your inner Light is nurtured, but also your dark sides is. Suppressed emotions like
pain, fear and anger will grow accordingly
Until the blown-up complexes reach a limit,
while suddenly taking over your entire Being. "Love and harmony" suddenly turn
into bitterness, self-pity, arrogance or hatred
Beware of this! Go back to zero and work on
yourself like everybody else does. I did it for twenty years. Don't feel too
"advanced" to practice awareness, acceptance and inclusivity. It makes you
Moreover, the Light appears to be not the
Ultimate. Bottomless Darkness, the Cosmic Womb is. Every tradition knows: Light comes out
of Darkness. "God" is not the "Father" but the Son
The result was giving up any authority of my
own. The highest possible "status" is NOT that of an Enlightened One, but as
"Son/Lover" to the Mother. It is to be a servant to the Whole
This is the Tradition of "Green Men &
Wise Women", originally embodying the regenerative Power of Nature, nowadays
representing the key spiritual process of continuously giving up your ego, while being
reborn as a True Self
It is exactly what is needed nowadays. An ego
that cannot return to its Origin is constantly blowing itself up. So, either the ego
"dies" or the earth will die.... On the other hand, once your True Self is born,
you become part of Mother's Web of Life, once again
So far so good
Reading my own writings about "death and
rebirth" as the key spiritual practice, I realized with a shock that I myself had
forgotten to make it the foundation of my daily practice
Too "self-confidently" I assumed that
my original Great Experience would automatically guarantee my ongoing inner renewal.
However, slowly goal-oriented thinking took over
Spiritual life and linear thinking are
opposites. The former moves from continuously dissolving into the Divine, while
subsequently returning to "lower" levels of consciousness
It's like a flower opening and closing itself.
This kind of life is "vertical", while worldly life is "horizontal".
The latter is ruled by the flow of thoughts, running from the past to the future and vice
Too long I was fascinated by my projects,
forgetting my key practice. I deeply feel what I missed. Now that I finished my writings I
can return to it. My core practice is my real teaching and vice versa
Nowadays I feel great peace within, knowing
that I am serving the Truth. This Truth will help us overcome the global crisis. Without
it the changes will be half-hearted, too shallow and too late
So come to the Mother ("Come ye all unto
Me, I Am the All-Embracing One"), you are already living in Her Womb, after all
(...), don't deny your roots anymore, for Her Emptiness is the only realm that can take
your ego away
In Her Womb you can feel safe. Safe enough to
"die". Constantly giving your ego back to Her Bottomlessness, simultaneously
enjoying the birth of your inner Light, your True Self
Your existential fear of Nothingness will
disappear overnight, giving you a freedom you never dared to dream of. The result:
"To Be yourSelf in Connectedness"
Deeply within you are Divine. By restoring the
unity with "Heaven, earth and the (new) community", your Essence will be
constantly incarnating. So that we all can say: "Behold, I make everything new!"
Restoring the "Cosmic Law" means,
that men (and masculine women) emphasize "death and rebirth", while women (and
feminine men) represent the substance of life, corresponding with Mother's Web of Life
I have a Vision: women and men will be
cooperating in a new way, one that is rooted in "Heaven, earth and the (new)
community", thus contributing to A New Step in Evolution
If in this life the seeds can be sown, I will
be a happy and grateful man. However, it is not in my hands. It all depends on the earth
being fruitful
Mother's Blessings to you all
