This website is unique
It is not based on
calculation, strategic or "marketing" considerations!
Han Marie simply shares the
Grace that has been bestowed upon him, without reservation
And that is quite a lot
He understands that not
everyone has the time, energy or interest to go through it all
Therefore, he made a
route-planner for you
For those who have very little time, and want to
have an quick overview
This Page/MotherBlog/The Universal Way/Hermitage/
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Video's/Click "Next" at the bottom of this page,
and so on, until you reach "Collected Works"
Those who have all the time in the world and want to read everything
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"Next" at the bottom of this page, and so on, until
you reach "Collected Works". Proceed by clicking the various options
Meeting Han Marie
Some say, personal contact
with him is almost "opposite to his writings"
He includes all opposites:
committed and playful, confronting and (very) humerous
Never before, I have seen a
teacher, who is so supportive, down to earth and all-embracing
His spirituality is a gift
from Heaven; it is making everything new
He is so light-hearted, joyful
and transparent
As a teacher, psychotherapist
and (holistic) medical doctor he is able to approach a problem from different angles
Honestly, I wouldn't be
surprised if he is going to serve a Great Cause
Astonishing: In 35 years he
never collected any disciples around him. He is truly free, indeed!
Healing the Planet
To Begin with A New Spirituality
cow in
the meadow
a smile
goose with its young
duckweed in the ditch
looking inward
I don't survive it
Han Marie
searching It
you will never find It
trying to become It
you will never Be It
are you full of yourself
or of the Ultimate
that is the question
Han Marie
My greatest freedom:
To be prisoner of the Eternal
Han Marie |
A New Teacher
"Bringing people
Recently, a "hermit" - in daily life spiritual teacher,
psychotherapist and medical doctor (since 1972) from Holland - has retreated
into nature. "What we know of him" is, that he was granted a unique spiritual
life, and that he is known under a variety of names (e.g. "Sermes", "Green
Man"). It is said, that he reveres "The Eternal Feminine" as the Ultimate,
while embracing all traditions. Last but not least, he initiated "The Original
Tradition", including projects like "The Universal Way", "World
MatriCommunity", "Healing the Planet in 7 Steps" and
His life
Immeasurable Grace
The Grace was bestowed on him despite himself, without any
doing/effort or ambition on his part. For ten years he lived in uninterrupted bliss - as
"God's fool". Subsequently, he voluntarily "returned to the
world" in order - like many others - work on integration of his old self into his New
Identity. "How can you guide people with their sufferings if you yourself haven't
admitted and accepted them?" It is also
the reason, why in all these times he neither wanted to play the guru nor collected any

Never before a Fully
Realized One has given a day to day account of his spiritual life!
The biggest problems only come after Realisation. Being totally
open, not only "positive" things come up, but "negative" ones, as
well. Also, sooner or later the "ego" returns. In particular, if the ego is
"strong", the latter continuously tries to fill up the newly created Space
itself e.g. using its "achievements" for its own purposes. This period is
commonly called "The Dark Night of the Soul".
The solution came with his discovery, that there was still
"something" "behind Enlightenment". It is corresponding with
"Emptiness beyond Emptiness". Since time immemorial, this is called the
"Cosmic Vacuum" or "Great Mother"*. The Vacuum cannot be
"realised", "achieved" or "possessed". That's why
Realisation isn't the highest stage on the inner Path, but Faith/Surrender/Devotion is.
His deepest longing is, that this may be the foundation of his spiritual life.
* In later ages Buddhism re-named Her into "Emptiness beyond Emptiness" e.g.
"Nirvana". See: "Great Mother
Not God
created the world out of nothingness, but Nothingness is
giving birth to both God and the world, the latter continuously
returning to their bottomless Origin
After much (painful) trial and error - certainly more than 20
years - Han Marie came to the Essence of the spiritual Path. While in the beginning, the
emphasis (often) lies on Self-realization, the "ripe phase" is characterized by
continuously giving back of everything, that comes up in you, yourself, yes, your whole
life, to the Ultimate, in his case the Great Mother. In the subsequent emptiness, you will
receive back Mothers' Grace thousandfold*. Sharing this overflowing Source is compassion.
Life is inclusive: "Being Nothing, you are everything". His deepest longing
is, that this may be the foundation of his spiritual life.
* It explains his "lightness of Being", his being so carefree and joyful,
without any pretension.
Nothingness is also called "Cosmic Womb"
or "Great Mother"
His work
Initiator of The Original Tradition
to the Origin/Renewal
In order to discover who
you are, the understanding of the times in which we live is a must. As we know this is one
of demolition and decay. Superficially seen this is rather meaningless. However, if we dig
deeper, we discover that the universe is "ruled" by a Vacuum, one in Which
everything continuously dies while being reborn. Why the emphasis on destruction? Well,
the accumulations that are caused by us, are not tolerated anymore by the "Ultimate
His main message
Turn On!
Wisdom is equal to cooperation with the cosmic process. What is
broken down is nothing less than the ego and its achievements. The unique thing about
these times is, that the Ultimate is thus supporting your spiritual quest: to disidentify
from your ego. You don't have to do it entirely yourself anymore. By going back to the
Origin* the latter takes the burden from you, which means inner renewal e.g. the birth of
your True Self.
"expresses HerSelf" in the "Law of the Universe": the dynamic
balance between "destruction, permanence ("web of
life") and rebirth"
His passionate
contribution to solving the global crisis (world peace, justice, the environment) consists
of bringing together all those, who emphasize the "Maternal Dimension of God" in
the various traditions - Indigenous Religions, Hinduism, Taoism,
Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity. Only "feminine" values: peace, tolerance,
reconciliation, love, joy of life, justice, solidarity and sustainability can save the
world. It is a unique approach to interreligious and multicultural understanding,
something we dearly need nowadays*
* See: "The Maternal Dimension of God",
"MatriTalks", "World MatriCommunity" , "MotherCircles" and "Letter to
Religious/Spiritual Leaders worldwide"
your life
Through unconscious identification with our self-image we are
alienated from our Divine Essence, our bodies and nature, our deeper feelings and
emotions, from our femininity, eroticism and love life, our strength and from each other.
Our healing consists of restoring the wholeness of life. To awaken is the first step.
However, you "haven't achieved" yet. So it isn't the end (of the road) nor the
goal, but only the beginning.
when our life is mirroring the Cosmos, will there be peace,
justice and sustainability
Han Marie is one of the few
teachers, who demonstrates, that the Way includes various steps. Actually, it includes
life as a whole. He calls it The
Universal Way: awakening,
personal integration, being rooted in heaven and earth, breakthrough to the Light,
purification, taking refuge in the Ultimate and very concrete compassion e.g. service. You
are welcome to his meetings* e.g. to his individual spiritual sessions.
* Consultations are by appointment. Meetings a.o. in
Utrecht. See Program.
Serve Others/Commitment
toward the Whole
the Planet , to begin with yourself"*. The foundation was
(is) his own learning process*. Going back to the Source, while subsequently drawing
concentric circles to one's environment. Guideline is "The Great Learning", the
most important spiritual-social text of ancient China (400 BCE). "How can you pursue
the state affairs well, if you cannot bring order in your own household" it is said.
Or the other way round: "What is the value of becoming aware e.g. wholeness, if you
don't extend it to your family, your relationships, your street, your neighbourhood, the
commune etc?
* Consisting of 7 Steps: A New Spirituality, A New Psychology, A New Health Care, A New
Culture, A New Society, A New Economy and A New Earth and has been published here in the
for these current times: to fit in with the New Self in Her
web of life: "Heaven, earth and the (new) community"
At the same time he
has published his self-study "Healing the Planet in 7 Steps" project in the
internet for free. It is meant for those, who want to be of service e.g. extend their
qualities into their surroundings. The training includes "Spiritual Service, Health
Service and Community Service"*. The outcome is a new type of volunteer, who feel
inspired by the tradition of "Green Man"
and "Wise Woman", dedicated to
"Healing the Planet", supporting people on their Path toward becoming whole.
* An important contribution to renewal of
youth work and community building. See:
"Youngsters are asking" (still
to be translated).
From a
ME to a WE society
Han Marie decided to lead a simple life in
his "hermitage", based on a "monastic daily schedule" according to the Universal Way. The future will show if this
will run into a bigger project. It should be a combination of an ashram, a monastery and a
training center*. The principles have already been formulated (see: "Transformatorium"). However,
it is not part of his competence to realize this himself. Others may possibly feel invited
to take the lead here.
* Dedicated to the
"Eternal-Feminine", including a Mother Temple ("Metroon").
"The Original
Tradition"/"His Great Experiences"/"Turn On"
"Overview worldly background"/"The Universal Way"
"Turn On"
Be honest. We have both
individually and collectively come to a dead end. Therefore, these most critical of times
invite to going back to the Source in order to become renewed. It is the essence of become
whole: spiritually, psychologically and physically. Han Marie is taking the lead here.
Recently, he concluded the phase of writing down all his insights e.g. experiences. He has
- just like everybody else - to give up the old - in order to be totally empty e.g to
become an optimal instrument of the Mother. "Not his will, but Her Will be
As long
as you still believe in "limitless possibilities" you will have nowhere left to
go. Accepting, on the other hand, that you stand with your back against the wall, an
entire new world will be opening itself for you
What can you expect of
him? Well, the surprise is, that the more empty you are, the more is coming through. The
Dutch word "Vol-Ledigheid" is unique is this regard. His function is thus to be
Empty. Not he, but the participants - through the questions they ask - determine what will
happen. Through his answers the Mother will show you the way out of your meaninglessness.
The meetings are called "Events", a "creative chaos", in which you can
be entirely yourself and in which the structure varies from Q&A, meditation and
worshop to healing, chant, dance and sharing*.
* Experience proves, that
people are most interested in the Universal Way. For further overview, see a.o."MatriTalks"
Jay Mata di!
Mother's compassion is
all-embracing. That's why Mother healing and contemplation take up a lot a room. She is
the Cauldron of Regeneration, after all, in which all accumulated, old, sich and ugly is
being "taken back" in order to renew you. Indications: chronic complaints and
disorders, emotional blockades, spiritual purification, catharsis and cure, culminating in
total renewal through surrender to the Ultimate*. For that, a number of very effective
(additional) methods are at their disposal, like the Chinese Guasha therapy**. Everything
"in the Name of the Mother".
* See: "Prayer, contemplation, mantra"
* His wife MeiMei - therapist and teacher - has brought this unique
method to Europe. In 2004 they together have treated pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago,
Spain with their pain problems. The unique atmosphere has been recorderd on DVD. * See also: www.guasha.8m.com

Han Marie Stiekema in Hollywood
Last but not
The Original Tradition has developed one
of the most effective
world health programs, to the benefit of all.
See: www.vitalworld.org

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Han Marie Stiekema. All rights reserved.
Everyone may use this website as a source of inspiration. However, since it
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revising: 12/23/07 |