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It took nine hours by bus from Merida to Palenque. Very
comfortable buses by the way. Near Palenque the landscape changes: from flatland into a
hilly countryside, full of lush green jungle vegetation. Upon entering the site, I
immediately saw the first gem on my right side: the Temple of the Inscriptions together
with Tomb of the Red Queen |

For my research Palenque is the site where the hidden spirituality of the Cosmic Mother is
manifesting itself in social life.First of all Palenque was once ruled by Lady Yohl
Ik'mal for 20 years, a fact that at least gives some doubt about male supremacy. |

After that Pakal, God/King of Palenque came to power. He was
granted sovereignty by his mother Zak-Kuk, something that resulted from early death of his
father. So, nothing special one would say. However, to legitimate his rule Pakal called
Zak-Kuk the Divine Mother, the one Who gave birth to the "Three Gods". If
calling her "Mother of the Gods" is promoting his status, then, logically, it
implies that women occupied a very important position in society |
 Zak-Kuk, mother of Pakal, passing power to her son |

Pakal, the "Green Man" |
 The Red
Queen, wife of Pakal |
It makes Pakal himself a God, Son of the Divine
Mother.....This corresponds exactly with the universal "archetype" of the
Son/Lover of the Cosmic Mother, something that originated in Sumeria and includes an
entire tradition of "Green Men", from Osiris, Tammuz, Baal to Attis, Dionysos,
Christ to Parcival....Add to it the status of his wife - the Red Queen - red being the
color of royal power (like in China!), then one cannot avoid the impression that women
influence was decisive in Palenque. It may be the reason for Pakal's 60 years long,
succesful and beneficial rule. Not surprisingly thus, that his death is explicitly
portrayed as going back to the Underworld through the Mouth of the Cosmic Womb |
 Pakal sarcophage |

Pakal's descent into the Underworld
(replica) |
This image shows Pakal during his descent into
the Underworld. The latter symbolized by the World Tree and the Monster's Mouth at his
feet. It is very similar to the Tablet of the Cross, as drawn by early researchers like
Armendariz and Castaneda. Two royal persons (K'inich Kan Balam and son) are offering with
in their center the Xibalba (Cross), the Maya symbol for the Cosmic Womb in the Milky Way.
On top a supernatural bird representing heavenly rebirth. |
 Temple of the Sun |
 Front of the Temple of the Sun |
 The Palace |
 Ball Court |
 Hills, jungle and roaring monkey's |
 I meditated under the sacred Ceiba tree |
 Lush vegetation on the road to and from the site |
 Including these beautiful tropical flowers |
 The Northern Group of temples, including a carving of the
God Tlaloc |
Again, through findings of the God Tlaloc it
is proved that the original Mother-oriented culture of Teotihuacan also had penetrated
Palenque. Pakal thus could refer to the tradition, when he emphasized the Divine Mother.
Her Sons - the Three Gods - may have symbolized the three planes of existence: the
Underworld, the Earth and the Heavens |
 Cascades in the bush |
 Many hidden ruins in the jungle |
At last a surprise. While pondering about my
discoveries e.g. theses about Pakal and "his" women, I climbed the Temple of the
Foliate Cross. Behind the fence was a very vage image of.....once again Mother/Tlaloc
(last picture). Eureka! Not surprisingly thus, that I left Palenque with a feeling of
great joy, gratitude and satisfaction. Mission accomplished!. |
 Cosmic Mother/Tlaloc |
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Last revising: 01/15/10 |