Letter to the Media
Letter to
International, Religious, Cultural, Scientific, Political, Economic Organizations
Letter to
Interfaith Organizations
Letter to
Green Initiatives WorldWide
Letter "The Original Tradition"
See Links 1-12 in the index-page
"Why a Cosmic Religion?"
"Know Yourself"
"Cosmic Gender"
"Eco-Spirituality I"
"Eco-Spirituality II"
Letter "Sacred
Letter "Healing
"Cosmic Governance"
Letter "Cancer as
Multi-Etiological Sumtotal Syndrome" (MESS)
"Digital Dementia"
"Mother Healing"
Letter "Stone
Age Therapy for Modern (Wo)Man"
Letter "Free Personal Health
Plan in 10 Steps"
Eco-Spirituality 2 |
From a Cosmic-Evolutionary perspective

The Original Tradition
of the
Universal Cosmic Mother
Healing the Planet
Han Marie Stiekema Sermes
Based on:
Spiritual Service, Health Service, Community Service
Earth Service
Science tries to explain the universe. What always intrigued me, though, was
"what is there before the universe?" In 1977 - through "my" unique
Threefold Cosmic Realization - I got the definitive answer. Beyond the universe there is
Absolute Nothingness. The surprise: in the self-same Eternal Moment Nothingness is giving birth to the Eternal Light. Darkness and Light
appear to be two "sides of the same coin". Religion has identified itself with
Light only, calling it "God". The relationship with the Bottomless Dark
Primordial Maternal (No)Ground got lost.
Threefold Cosmic Realization |
Back to science. I was very happy to learn that recently it came to a similar conclusion
(S.Hawking). Everything "is created" out of Nothingness, the latter says. It
postulates a "Cosmic Vacuum", as the Origin of all. It even suggests the
existence of a Divine Dimension. The CERN-laboratory in Geneva is obsessed with finding a
Divine Field ("Higgs field") or particle. It could lead to a unified world view,
in which the Vacuum is the Birthgiver of both "God" and the universe.
The Supreme Design |
Hinduism postulates that the "Trimurti" is
the Origin of the universe. It consists of Creation ("Brahma"), Destruction
("Shiva") and Preservation ("Vishnu"). The key question - once again -
is "what is beyond these Cosmic Forces?" Are they just coming "out of the
blue?". They do. This Primordial Nothingness is called "Cosmic Womb" or
"Mother". Out of Her Bottomlessness "Birth and Death" are originating.
Together they constitute a dynamic balance - Her Cosmic "Law" - that rules all
levels of existence. It is also called "Mother's Web of Life", corresponding
with the Hindu-concept of preservation.
Great Night |
(Western) religion, through its Creator-God identifies
itself with creation-only. The Realm of Destruction is left out or left to the
"Devil". This dualistic concept has given rise to the "eternal"
struggle between "good and evil". The Reality is different though. Birth and
Death are two opposite, yet complimentary Cosmic Forces. Their dynamic balance determine
the fate of our universe. Everything is subjected to them: galaxies, stars, the earth,
nature, civilizations, societies and people.
God is All-Inclusive |
Being Nothing, you are everything |
One of the most intrigueing research is the
relationship between gravity and dark matter. What can help here is the concept of
creation expanding itself until it reaches a "turning-point". There, all
centrifugal energy/power is exhausted. It thus comes under the influence of the Vacuum's
("Mother's") Destructive Power. The latter being equal to what scientists call
"gravity". Matter deprived of its energy becoming dark matter, moving back
centripetally from the "periphery" to the "center". It corresponds
with the ancient notion of the Cosmic Womb from which everything is born, while at the
same time returning to its Origin.
The Supreme Design |
The processes on earth run parallel to those of the
Cosmos. I call this "Cosmic Evolution". At this stage it will be clear already,
that the current controversy between science and religion with regard to the origination
of the universe is an artificial one. Only Reality - and not a "holy" book
- can determine facts. Religion thus has to be replaced by spirituality, the Way to
directly Realize the Divine. By doing so, there appears no any conflict between the outer
approach (science) and the inner (spirituality). On the contrary, there appears to be
unity between the Cosmic Realm and Evolution: "matter is born out of the Divine,
while the Divine is born out of Nothingness".
(Celsus, Roman philosopher, 200 CE). |
According to science everything originates from the
Cosmic Vacuum. From there steps or emanations occur. The first is the Universal Field
("Higgs"), which is analogue to the religious concept of the Eternal Light
("God"). This Realm includes the potential for the entire universe, it contains
all further developments (can be compared to the human egg). The first
"emanation" is that of virtual electro-magnetic waves. These waves appear and
disappear into the Vacuum, uninterruptedly renewing the Field (The "Law of Birth and
Death" being also valid for the Eternal Realm....). Through "spin" and
interference energy is powered, through which virtual waves turn into real ones. Resonance
between them cause the emergence of photons e.g. quanten. It is the beginning of
materialization. |
Resonance creates structures, patterns. New energy
flows, through which more complex structures emerge. Feedback systems contribute to the
origination of atoms and molecules. It is the beginning of (non-sentient) life. This is
how evolution began. It is a proces of materialization out of a Divine Context. The latter
can also be called "Cosmic Intelligence". Its discontinuous process....makes,
that the further evolution is moved away from the Origin, the more "independent"
it becomes. However, the Universal Field remains "in the background". Just like
the Cosmic Force of Destruction. It means that life remains subjected to the Law of Birth
and Death, a fact that nobody will deny. What is new is, that not "the survival of
the fittest" is the main denominator to the fate of the universe (including us), but
the interplay of Creation and Destruction is. Evolution is in Essence Cosmic, only on the
surface it is co-determined by Darwinistic principles.
The Supreme Design |
From Eternity there is
the Great Void. It cannot be understood, nor
can it be experienced. The
best is yet to propose it as Nothingness, a Vacuum, a Bottomless Abyss, where
everything constantly disappears and from which everything emanates.
In the Depth of the Unknowable
Darkness, the
Great Oblivion, in the "turning point" -
without any active act
of creation - Being comes forth, the
dimension of all creation.
This Great Consciousness pervades all
equally and continuously: the rocks,
the oceans, the clouds,
the grass, the animals and the people
with their creations. |
Atheists stress the deepest
possible Cosmic (religious...) Truth: There is Nothing... |
Eternal Feminine (J.W.Goethe) is the Origin of Eternal Regeneration on all levels of
existence |
Cosmic: the Divine Light disappearing into Absolute
Quantum: waves and particles "dying and being reborn"
Spiritually: the ego surrendering to the Cosmic Mother
Psychologically: thoughts coming and going
Physically: cell-regeneration |
Seen from my
model of evolution the time is not historical/linear, but "concentric"/cyclic: everything is constantly emerging from the Origin and
returns to it. You can
compare this with an onion: different
skins or spherical layers, one after the other originating from a "center". The
first layer or "manifestation" is
that of primal energy, immediately
transformed into and followed by the four elements:
air, fire, earth and
water. The next skin is that of the
micro-organisms and the plant kingdom. As third, the
world of single-celled and animals comes
out of the Origin. While the latest manifestation is that of people |
Against their Cosmic Background |
The development
painted here goes along the line of "abrupt gradualness". Each
new dimension or manifestation comes from the Source and from the previous result, immediately
and simultaneously after its emerging getting a
fundamentally different character.
The best illustration of this is the quantun leap. Gradual energy is supplied to an atom or molecule
until it reaches a certain limit. A tiny little bit more is enough for
leaping of one or more electrons,
resulting in an entirely different
molecule within a
fraction. |
Simultaneously growing towards more complexity AND more simplicity |
The Elements
The first manifestation
is that of primal energy and the
four elements: fire, water,
air and earth. "First
manifestation" means: first emerged from Being and as such the
concentric layer that is closest to the Source. "Heaven" and
"earth" are
not opposites such as is often claimed, but instead have the greatest intimacy. Hence, we call the
elements "primal
forces": they
contain something of the Origin. As first manifestation
of Singularity they bear the character of simplicity.
They are "raw and indestructible, chaotic
and destructive" forming the eternally recurring cycle of the original mass.
The Cosmic can still be felt through it, with
awe we experience both the beauty and the horror
of it. In
traditional cultures, they are revered as the basis
of existence. |
In a process of many hundreds of millions of years, the
second leap was prepared: that
of the micro-organisms and the plant kingdom.
It is the second manifestation. These
concentric layers are still close to their Origin. The plant kingdom lives in "original innocence", in a
pure and natural state. We are
projecting our mystical
ideal: a nature
without selfishness, without
wants, knowing and having (Meister Eckhart). Her
silence and beauty are
close to the Divine, she is a direct reflection of
it. The trees, shrubs
and the grass "simply exist." And
the flowers "just"
spread their fragrance without (selfish) purpose. In
nature we feel closest to the mystery of life.
Her hidden strength gives us joy,
it recovers and heals
In nature you find
yourself. That's why you feel so at
home. Fruitful as she is, she
takes nothing (of
us), she only gives. As the second manifestation of the Divine she is sacred. |
Why we regenerate while being in nature? |
After the plants comes the third manifestation,
that of the animals is coming forth from the Origin. They represent a form
of life that has greater individuality and complexity. Opposite
the inextricable connection of plants a more or less form of cooperation comes to the fore.
Pre-condition is a high degree of
sensitivity. Animals
also possess (still) something of original innocence, "they
just do."
Their activity is indeed more "self-centered" as
that of plants, but
is "holy" compared to the selfish behavior
of people. Animals are
"endearing", they inspire
us to gentleness, playfulness, joy and
caring. It is the
way through which the Divine reflects itself in animals.
In contact with animals - provided we are open
- our better self manifests itself, you come closer to your own innocence. This
is because animals - like the primal elements and plants
- are closer to the Divine as we do. |
The fourth and final manifestation is that of humans. Contrary to what we ourselves have always
thought - the title "the crown
of creation" comes
only from ourselves - we turn
out to be the furthest away from
our Origin. We are located on the periphery of evolution. By identifying
with our "I" (ego) each
of us lives in his or her own world, cut off
not only from the
Divine in ourselves, but also from our bodies and as its direct extension: nature. The Western
world is paramount. After centuries
of hunting down and destroying ("inquisition!) all those who pursued Selfrealization (mystics, "heretics") or/and had a direct relationship
with nature ("pagans", "witches", indigenous peoples, traditional cultures), the "way within" was blocked for centuries. There
was nothing left but the way without, the
intellectual and material expansion which, as we
daily experience, leads to alienation, inner despair and destruction of nature. |
Our position in the "outer skin" I call evolutionary alienation. Here we experience the distance from our Source, "being thrown
on ourselves".
This pain of separation can - if recognized, felt and
made aware - lead to the way back. The extreme periphery is then an invitation to repentance. To this end, the possibility of Selfremembrance, Self-realization is given to us. ( NB: The previous layers don't need "remembrance", since
they continuously Are). To a
conscious mind evolution therefore means constantly "going back" to the Depth in order to be reborn into the world,
once again. In
the Depth all identifications are dissolved. Coming
back to the surface,
connects you with the things of life. In this sense, life is a discontinuous process.
In Reality, everything is a
little bit different... |
Only the ignorant are only determined by events - the periphery.
To them history is linear. They suffer from being identified with time. Time
is, however, coupled to a constricted form of consciousness. It is
like watching a vast panorama. With
an expanded consciousness you see everything at once and simultaneously. There is
no time in between. A limited consciousness,
however, can only record fragments, which necessarily must be done sequentially, so time
is coming in. While being aware, on the other hand, you function simultaneously on both levels. You see the time elapsing in your own timeless space. The
time is there, but it is
not determining you.
Some "ordinary"
experiences come close
to that. If
you're completely devoted - e.g.
in love - then
there is no sense of time. "The
time flew by." Therefore,
those who speak of the "law of cause and effect", as
this would determine
life, are ignorant by definition. |
Just like plants and animals
We therefore don't need the "guidance",
rules and morality of the established (patriarchal) religions |
The surprise is that zoology confirms the eco-spiritual
world view. The instructive books of Dr F. de Waal are of great help here. In his
last* de Waal argues that morality is rooted in our own biological nature, rather than
coming from religion. He convincingly proves that primates possess all the basic moral
characteristics - like altruism, sense of justice, mutual help, empathy, social behavior,
friendship - people also have. In many aspects they even excel us. Morality is thus
much older than religion. We therefore only have to follow our inner wisdom, he says. . * F. de Waal "The Bonobo and the Atheist", 2013
W.W. Norton |
We are part
of the earth
The earth is part of the universe
The universe is part of the Divine
The Divine is part of the Cosmic Mother
The question is: what exactly is our natural self? Is
it only a matter of brain function or certain hormones? Eco-spirituality emphasizes the
Spirit as the Source of matter. The universe is ruled by Nothingness, giving birth to the
Eternal Light, constituting a dynamic balance with the Destruction Force, through which
the Web of Life - the universe - came into existence. All life is subjected to this
"Cycle of Birth and Death". If this is so, then, aware (people) or pre-aware
(animals) have inner knowledge about this. An example: being part of the "Web of
Life" causes a deep intuition about the interconnectedness of all and everything. In
earthly terms: both animals and people have a deep sense of the value of
"community", of which they are a part. It is the source of social behaviour,
sense of justice, mutual help and empathy. |
how to get out of this mess, while making "a next step in evolution" possible? |
This indeed, can be further diversified into all kinds
of specific functions of our - animals' and people's - bodymind, e.g. brain functions and
hormones. This doesn't mean people and animals are on the same level though. As I stated
above, that of animals is higher....One factor has been overlooked. We, people, have an
ego. It is the faculty of ours that has placed itself outside the natural order. Because
it isn't part of the Whole, natural ethics has no influence on him. This confirms -
without de Waal explicitly saying this - that animals are indeed closer to the Origin (of
morality) than we do. An entity that has made himself "independent" -
"that's nothing to do with ME" - sooner or later becomes destructive. It exists
on its own, for its own. It is blowing itself up, at the expense of everything else. It is
equal to cancer-growth.
Ego Catastrophy |
A big surprise. While re-discovering natural ethics for
life, the guideline is derived from death. In the death-process the first
"layer" (I portay human personality as an onion) that disappears is thinking.
Contrary to what we think ("I think, thus I am", R.Descartes) thinking is our
most superficial function. "Without any thinking on his part, he jumped into the
water and saved the child". F. de Waal, through his research among apes, confirms
this. Motivation, morality, decision and behavior come from (intelligent) emotion and
intuition, rationalization comes always afterwards. The second layer that is dropped off
(by moving spontaneously towards the "center") is that of emotion. One
experiences a wonderful inner peace. The third is body-awareness. |
Cosmic Mother
The Divine
(Virtual) Addiction
Collective Burn-Out
Cosmic Mother
etc., etc. |
De Waal stresses the importance of the body with regard
to communication and empathy among primates very much! In the dying process this is also
dropped off, though. What is left is pure awareness. In Eastern spiritual tradition this
is called "Satori". Finally, the latter is transcended into Full Enlightenment,
the Divine, God. (The last Dimension, that of Absolute Nothingness isn't experienced in
dying). These stages happen discontinuously, proving the multi-dimensional structure of
our Being. In our effort to re- structure our New Ethics, we take this existential
hierarchy as our guideline, and indeed in opposite sequence. First there is the Realm of
the Divine, then that of our True Self, then of body-awareness, then of (intelligent)
emotion, then of thinking....
Book of the Dead |
In our pursuit to Restore the Wholeness of Life, cosmic
(spiritual) insight, history, science, psychology, sociology, ecology and zoology
(primatology according to Dr. F. de Waal) are forming a happy alliance. But before moving
to the "grand final" where the pillars of ECO- SPIRITUALITY will be elaborated,
an excursion to the historical events, that led to dogmatic religious morality, seems
The Shattered West |
In order to rule the world, the Christian Church
destroyed e.g. incorporated all previous spiritual ("pagan") heritage, in order
to prove its claim of unique revelation. People's (direct!) link with Heaven, with the
earth and with their communities were cut, in favor of the "Good News". Natural
morality, values, norms were replaced by Church doctrines. Later on this system of
surrogate ethics, coming from above ("God") were completed by rationalizations
of social philosophers. The result: a morality not from within - not out of inner wisdom -
but an artificial autoritarian one from without, one that only could be maintained by
combined Church and State oppression.
Existential Consciousness |
is the denial of the inherent goodness of people
It uses its concept of God in order to suppress the Living God
Religion (Christianity) is deeply anti-religious |
By the way: controverses between morality out of one's
own nature or coming from God - hot topics in the USA - are only relevant, with regard to
the "Christian God" (or any other patriarchal "God"). From a Cosmic
perspective this controversy is artificial e.g. non-sensical, for the whole universe is
the content of Divine Space..... the Divine is the innermost core of every creature.
Thus "morality from within" is not contradictory to Divine inspiration. On the
contrary, in Essence they are the same. |
Frans de Waal emphasizes that humans share personal
morality with primates, in such a way, that they are on an equal level....Both are related
to community values. This holds only in case of smaller units, like humans had in the
beginning of their evolution (and which are still valid). Unfortunately, de Waal stresses,
that these original units are patriarchal, which (see below) even goes against his own
observations. Male-dominated monogamy, certainly came later in history. It is a pity that
scientists like de Waal don't present an unbiased position. With regard to large
populations, biological based morality proves to be insufficient, though. That's why we
humans need to extend our consciousness, in order to re-create a New Ethics
MatriTalks |
To separate the earth from Heaven is an
error. Spirituality AND science tell us, that these two are intimately interwoven. The
medieval saying "As above, so below" is thus fully alive. Provided one
understands it the cosmic way! It has to take literally, to an extent, that earthly
structures and organizations are in the image of the Cosmos. The former should reflect the
latter. It immediately touches the core of morality. One might say that the abandonment of
being part of the Whole, is the root cause of all evil. Once being aware of it, the
responsibility of Restoring the Wholeness of Life cannot be evaded anymore. |
Cosmic Womb
The Divine
Web of Life
Birth and Death
Green Men & Wise Women
Healing |
Cosmic Womb
Bottomless Abyss
Birthgiver of God and the universe
Origin of Cosmic (Natural) Law
Vessel of Abundance
Is All-Embracing
Fathomless Mystery of Life
Also called "Holy Grail"
We are longing for Her, because She is longing for us
Providing security
Includes birth and death
Eliminates existential Angst
Destroys the ego
Grants us our True Self
Inspiration for a "maternal" (holistic) world view
Inclusivity, peace, justice, love and harmony with nature
Refuge to the deprived, those who suffer, those who are exploited, those who are oppressed
Source of joy and gratitude
Black Madonna Shrine |
The Divine
Eternal Light
"Son" of the Cosmic Mother
Transcendental AND Immanent
We are in It; It is in us
Our True Nature
Cosmic Space, in which rocks, rivers, clouds, plants, animals and people live on an equal
Source of limitless compassion
While Enlightened you love somebody far away the same way as someone next to you
Source of inspiration to mystics of all traditions
The subject of the most beautiful writings ever
Threefold Cosmic Realization |
Web of Life
Interconnectedness of all life
Also called the universe
In his latest book F. de Waal elaborates on ethics
What is the goal?
Ethics, as a system in which morals are applied, should reflect the Realm in which it
actually is embedded
Everything is part of the Cosmic Whole
Science emphasizes the quanten world
On a social level both primates and humans relate to each other through the community
Animal and human community is a pre-condition for ethics
It is the context for social rules, empathy for others, healing of broken relations,
protest against injustice....(De Waal)
On the other hand, if a society is built on the ego - like ours - no ethics can ever be
Therefore, our main mission is to restore the cosmic inspired, human community. I call
this "CommunityDemocracy"
Link The
Wholistic Transformation (German) |
F. de Waal stresses the central position of
women - especially the Mama's - in primate Bonobo society
They are the guardians of peace, harmony, reconciliation, justice, healing, support,
proper sharing etc.
(This doesn't mean men don't have these qualities!)
In human society - within the realm of the household and the community - women (mothers) -
fulfil the same role
While De Waal doesn't dare to accept the consequences, stressing that our patriarchal
society has no alternative
I, on the other hand, have the opposite view
Apart from the general tendency toward more involvement of women in the workplace
Which unfortunately is based on ego-ambition and not on care for the Whole,
there are plenty examples, where women (mothers) are central in the community.
I support this by proposing a alternative social structure based on matricentrism.
The Mosuo |
Birth and Death
The universe is ruled by the Cosmic Forces of
Birth and Death. The "aim" is to maintain a dynamic BALANCE on all levels of
Our personal lives are not an exception to this rule. Instead of escaping - indeed a
futile attempt - like Buddhism does, we have to fully accept Reality As It Is.
It means applying this Law to our individual AND social lives.
First we should be VERY grateful, that the Cosmos ("Womb") is giving us the
chance of getting rid of our ego's.
No any religion in history was able to do this. There was always plenty of opportunity for
the ego to identify itself.
E.g. priests pretend to be "men of God", having exchanged their former life
through clinging to something new.
The "reborn" of Christian fundamentalism only change identification, like a new
coat. The ego within hasn't disappeared.
Only Absolute Nothingness can destroy it.
On the social level cosmic "Birth and Death" invites us to balance our
Capitalism is based on limitless accumulation at the expense of the Whole.
Our New Ethics considers this a (grave) "sin" against the Cosmos.
Birth and Death |
Green Men & Wise Women
In ancient times they were the Sons and Daughters of the
Original Cosmic Mother
Dying and resurrecting ("vegetation"´) Gods
Symbol of Renewal and Regeneration (Tammuz, Osiris, Attis, Dionysos)
Lady (Goddess) and Her Beasts
Symbolizing unity with nature
The Divine Immanent
In Hellenistic Mystery Religions
they were the Gods and Goddesses of Heaven, Earth and the Underworld
Together with initiates seeking for the Cosmic Mother (Kybele, Isis, Demeter) in order to
get rid of their ego's
Christian Church subsequently monopolized spiritual Regeneration by making humanity
depending on a single savior (Jesus)
Persecuting everybody ("heretics", "pagans", women) who still strived
for personal Renewal
Revival took place in the Middle Ages
Parzival as Green Man
In Islam Green Man is embodied by Al-Khidr, the only saint who equals Mohammed
Shiva, Lao Tze and Maitreya Buddha are Green Men too.
Abundant Green Men carvings you'll find on Gothic churches
Wise Women were demonized by the Church as "Sheela-Na-Gigs", ugly women,
displaying their vulvas, symbol of sin and ruin.
Recently, resurrection took place through the Original Tradition.
Both Green Men and Wise Women embodying Divine Incarnation.
They are the hopefuls to the current global crisis
European Green Men & Wise Women Network |
We are all interconnected, living in the self-same Cosmic Space.
Not surprisingly, thus, that F. de Waal finds the materialization of this on the
bodily level.
The existence of mirroring neurones confirm, that both animals (primates, dolphins,
elephants) and humans can feel the pain of others.
De Waal has countless moving examples in his book, proving that empathy, altruism,
mutual help and healing were there long before humanity "invented" its morals.
I myself once experienced a wounded swan, crashed by a car on a busy road, while its
partner staying close to him/her.
Healing each other is basic to both animals and humans. Even plants do it. That's why
healing is fundamental to ECO-SPIRITUALITY.
On the personal level I (freely) offer a program to optimize health, prevent disease and
even (indirectly) curing chronic disorder.
It is called the Personal Health Plan, consisting of 10 self-help steps and can be found
in the internet.*
We even offer "Stone Age Therapy for Modern (Wo)man (Chinese Guasha Therapy) proving
that even most "primitive" approaches can be very succesful ("The Power
lies in the Origin").
On the social level I promote A New Health Care system, consisting of 3 concentric layers:
Self Help, Holistic and Technological Medicine (in this sequence) respectively.
* www.vitalworld.org
www.meihan-guasha.nl |
ECO-SPIRITUALITY is an integrated Whole, based on a meaningful
interconnection between all levels of existence.
It reconciles conflicting views, inherent to the dualistic patriarchal religious and
social systems.
It is therefore "a New Step in Evolution", based on holistic values, like
interconnectedness, solidarity, mutual support, peace, justice and harmony with nature.
Everybody, regardless cultural, religious, gender and social status is invited to share
its universal values.
Han Marie
Founder |
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the Index-page |
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