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Universal Shrine
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Green Man Gallery
Green Man in Hollywood
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Marburg Mother Gallery
Green Man in Halle (Belgium) Gallery
Green Man in Utrecht (NL) Gallery
Matsu (MotherGoddess)
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Green Man in France
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The Mother and Her heroes
Excursion: The
The Templars' True Secret
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the Grail Castle
Wise Woman
Green Man
Vision of the Grail
1, 2, 3 and 4
The Great Jesus Interview
The Templar's True Secrets
1 & 2
Reborn Order |

What I certainly didn't
want to miss is the Great Mother, disguised as the Virgin Mary, holding a (Grail) Chalice
in Her hand. The original can be found in the Art Museum of Barcelona. (A copy exists in
Taüll, Pyrenees, see under). The picture hides many secrets, of a kind that can only be
taught orally. |

That Catalonia used to be
rich with "foliate heads" or Green Men is illustrated by these pictures. The
upper right has a goat in his beard. It could therefore very well symbolize an archaic
Vegetation God, of the kind the Templars used to revere..... |

Obviously, I visited
the church of the Grail Lady in Taüll, the Pyrenees, as well. Unfortunately the church
was closed. This was understandable, since it was siesta-time. Nowhere in the village a
postcard of the (famous) Lady could be bought, though. No one had ever heard of Her,
either.... It confronted me with the reality of orthodox church policies: a tight control
on heterodox information?! |

While Taüll is situated on
the Spanish side of the border, St.Bertrand de Comminges is very closeby on the French
side. I was unlucky, because of a marriage service (with hundreds of attendants) filling
the church. The number of pictures I could take - just shooting what was in front of me -
is therefore very limited. |
This church is known because
of its Templar background. There are many tens of Green Men inside. The only one I saw
shows striking similarities with those of Calatayud (left). But what to say of the most
intrigueing picture: A MotherGoddess giving birth to a Green Man? One can see his face
coming out of Her vulva. It is proof of the fact, that even in St.Bertrand the
understanding of the archaic religion was still very much alive. PS. This theme can also
be found in Exeter Cathedral, England, where the Green Man appears under the feet of the
Virgin Mary... |
Above: rebirth through the
Grail Chalice? Above right and left under: almost exactly as the Calatayud images. It must
be emphasized, that because of the oppression of the church, especially the MotherGoddess
couldn't be portrayed as a original Near Eastern Deity. Hence, the disguises, the often
bizarre figures, like sybils etc. The initiated, though, knew exactly what was
meant. |
Man |
Conclusion. There appears to
be a clear link between Tomar, Calatayud and St.Bertrand de Comminges. How many other
links are still waiting to be discovered? |
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© 2007
Copyright Han Marie Stiekema
Last revising: 02/03/13 |