Q. Previously you spoke
of a deteriorating society and the urgency to restructure the community*. Is your monastic
initiative part of that strategy?
* See "The First Steps"
A. Compare it with the Dark Ages where
the Roman Empire collapsed. Only through the founding of monasteries European culture
could be saved. I indeed think, that the current situation is comparable.
Q. What is the central idea behind it?
A. That all compassionate action
originates from the Source. Hence, the foundation being a contemplative life -
continuously returning to the Origin - while subsequently committing yourself to the
suffering of the world.
Q. In a time of progressive
individualism, in which "everybody knocks together" his or her own religion, the
Reborn Order with its monastic rule seems to be an anachronistic initiative.
A. Inner and outer necessities very
soon will totally change this picture. Deep down the suffering of being alienated is
tremendous. People long for Wholeness on all levels of existence. The Reborn Order meets
these needs by offering "Unity in Diversity".
Q. How to achieve "unity" in
a world, that is totally disoriented?
A. The world is dominated by collective
self-addiction. Because you don't know true fullfilment, you need more, more and more. It
is suicidal. So, to kick off the habit is of utmost priority. By allowing your pain to
enter your innermost core, the cry for becoming healed is unstoppable. It is a matter of
life or death. You HAVE to go within to find your Original Wholeness.
Q. Can't you do this "on your
own". Why joining a monastic order?
A. The Reborn Order is for all those,
who deep down understand, that there is no such thing like "individual
salvation". We are all interconnected, hence longing for Wholeness spontaneously
includes "all sentient and non-sentient beings"*.
* See "The First Steps"
Q. That obviously plays a major role
with regard to your policy of admittance.
A. That's right. Only those who
subordinate their own Self-realisation to the Healing of the entire Planet are welcomed as
potential members of he Order.
Q. So, a strong motivation being a
conditio sine qua non.
A. The survival of the world - as we
know it - is at stake. That means, that only the best are good enough to fullfil the role
as forerunners/leaders. "The best" in the sense of selflessly dedicating
yourself to the common cause. Your drive should be "serving the Whole".
Q. What criteria are used?
A. Think of one of our Guidelines:
"Strive for Enlightenment, restructure your life and serve others". Obviously,
surrendering to the Great Mother is the ultimate guarantee for continuous renewal.
Q. Furthermore?
A. Read the 7 Guidelines of the
previous page. Add to it, that you should have mastered your major personal and relational
problems to a considerable extent; that you can prove to have contributed to the wellbeing
of others, while not having any debts, certain problems with the judiciary system and the
Q. Other monastic groups are rapidly
deteriorating. What makes you so sure, that your initiative will flower?
A. Starting point should be our
existential suffering: being cut off from reality: our True Self, our strength, our bodies
and nature, our suppressed emotions, femininity, love and sex. If you don't, then you are
only repeating mantra's from the past. The old orders have indeed no future.
Q. Because they identify with images,
concepts, ideas, dogma's, symbols and ambitions, only?
A. They revere a concept of God, rather
than Its Reality. If, on the other hand, you relate to the Living Source - The Great
Mother - everything will be continuously regenerated.
Q. Would that mean, that you have to be
a "believer" right from the start?
A. Every tradition has preserved a
memory of the Original Mother. Think of "Nirvana" in Buddhism (besides Kuan
Yin), MatriDevi in Hinduism, the Madonna in Christianity, Tao in Taoism, Hokhmah in
Judaism, Allah in His (Her!) aspect of Mercy and even Atheists with their concept of
Q. Which means?
A. That you only have to (re)connect to
the feminine principle in your own tradition to discover, that we are all connected. It is
a sound foundation for joining the Reborn Order.
Q. How is that reflected in daily
A. The Eternal Feminine is Source of
interconnectedness and bonding. She represents love, care, inclusiveness, durability,
respect, justice and cooperation. That makes a monastic order based on a feminine world
view different from all existing ones. Thus, f.i. our Shrine includes images from all
traditions, so do prayers. A truly interreligious practice.
Q. Do you have sources from which you
have got inspiration?
A. The foundation is The Original
Tradition with the Great Mother/Goddess/Green Man mythology. These theme is widespread,
not only in Western culture, but in other cultures as well. It found its successors in
Celtic, Hellenistic, Roman, Gnostic, Christian and even Islamic traditions.
Q. Could you give some examples of
other cultures?
A. Our policy is, that every culture
reconnects to its own tradition. If people from India want to found a Transformatorium it
will be eager to relate to their (matri-centered) mythology. The same is true for the rest
of Asia, Africa, Latin America (f.i. Indios) and so forth. It depends on them what
priorities they want to emphasize.
Q. Would you like to see
Transformatoria in the Third World, as well?
A. Absolutely. However, not with the
intention of bringing our Western "culture" to them. In many ways they are the
teachers. Our first prove of true solidarity will be to adapt our lifestyle to theirs. Our
whole effort, furthermore, will consist in helping them to restore their core values,
spirituality, integrity, health, self-reliance, community life and co-prosperity.
Q. So, Transformatoria will reflect a
whole range of different options.
A. Right. Besides a common denominator,
shared by all, our monasteries could f.i. be focussing on nature conservation, taking
responsibility for the saving of bio-diversity. However, they simultaneously could
contribute to offering a meaningful life to our youth, to the elderly or to women groups,
as well.
Q. Are there any similarities with
existing monastic institutions?
A. We have an open mind toward all our
predecessors. In that sense we try to connect to the existing tradition. At the same time
our approach is "innovative", based on a totally new spirit, vision and
commitment. We have the secret of transforming decline into renewal. F.i. wearing a green
cape/poncho used to be something unknown thusfar (laughing).
Q. As you said above, the Reborn Order
has "two faces", one within and one without. Could you explain a little further?
A. This is indeed its core aspect. You
see, deep down there is a realization, that in order to heal the world, you have to
continuously go back the the Source where all healing is orginating. Religious people
would say: "we cooperate with the Mother's Work of Salvation".
Q. Dying to the old in order to become
A. Exactly. Insight into the Essence of
the Mother is crucial. In Her Vacuum everything old, sick and ugly is destroyed, in favor
of renewal on all levels of existence. In particular, nowadays, accumulations of all kind
are not tolerated anymore. Spiritual life, therefore, means cooperating with the "Law
of the Universe".
Q. Are you optimistic, that people will
be attracted to a life, in which they have to leave behind many aspects of modern life?
A. People increasingly get crazy of
"modern life". They have to cope with countless concerns, that have been all
imposed upon them. Think of mortgage, employment, two job families, finances, the overkill
of (trivial) information, lack of perspective e.g. meaning of life. That's why they get
stressed, dumb, depressed or burn-out.
Q. You mean, they would welcome your
A. I indeed think that countless people
- if they had the chance - immediately would favour a more simple life. A life centered on
real values, joy and fullfilment. Because many cannot cope with the increasing
deterioration, they certainly would welcome a structure - like our monastic rule - which
helps them to redefine their purpose of life, as well.
Q. Back to the Source!
A. Right. Once your New Self has been
born, you subsequently become part of Her web of life - Heaven, earth and the (new)
community - once again. The Reborn Order is taking the lead by putting this into practice,
showing mankind the direction to which it has to go, if it wants to survive.
Q. As I have understood, there are two
possibilities of joining the Reborn Order.
A. Correct. There are
"settlers" and "nomads". Both are called Wise Women and Green Men,
having received the same training*. Some constitute the core of the monastery, managing
the daily life of the community, while the latter have found their mission in
serving/educating people worldwide.
* See "Universal Training"
Q. What is the procedure in case I want
to join?
A. Traditionally, monastic orders used
to require a candidate (novice) to spend considerable time in adjusting him/herself to the
life of the community. However, considering the fact, that we have only a decade to
prevent the worst of climate change, we don't have much time, anymore.
Q. What does that mean, practically?
A. Candidates spend half a year in
noviciat, committing themselves to the daily monastic schedule, based on The Integral Way*
and the life of the community. After this period of time, they will be offering the
possibility of receiving the "Universal Training"**. This will include 7 more
* See "The Integral Way"
** See "Universal Training"
Q. You call your centers
"Transformatoria". How will they look like and where they will be founded?
A. In the chapter
"Transformatorium" you will find a description*. It is adjusted to Western
culture, hence the prominence of Celtic spirituality. However, as said above,
Transformatoria founded in other parts of the world will certainly relate to their own
cultural background. In all cases, the common principles remain the same, though.
* See "Transformatorium"
Q. Such as?
A. A life of worship, meditation,
simplicity and service in solidarity with the poorest of the earth. All Transformatoria
share a common planning e.g. architecture, like simple round houses in a circle around the
sanctuary, which is a copy of an ancient passage-tomb, everything on sound ecological
Q. Could you elaborate?
A. To set an example is of utmost
priority. Many people have lost perspective, lost hope that renewal can be possible.
Hence, making things visible, tangible, is something that has to spread all over the
globe. Obviously, to become part of nature, once again is crucial, hence our emphasis on
natural health, organic agriculture and renewable energy.
Q. How will the project be financed?
A. Every community is self-reliant and
has to finance its own project, while an annual percentage of all revenues is transferred
to the Headquarters (HQ). Apart from the common shared 7 Principles, some additional
central guidelines and the above-mentioned training, members make their own rules
according to basic community democratic principles e.g. consent.
Q. Furthermore?
A. The communities have to finance
their projects through donations themselves, acquired through their service - Spiritual
Service, Health Service and Community Service - offered to the people. Once you decide to
become Green Man or Wise Woman, you are expected to donate generously, according to your
level of wealth.
Q. What about the gender problem?
A. Gender is a delight, not a problem.
We are problably the only one, who favour a definition of gender according to "Cosmic
Law". In which masculinity is corresponding with "death and rebirth", while
femininity is reflecting "the web of life". Healthy relationships evolve, when
women occupy a power base in community, while men turn to serving the whole.
Q. How would hat work out in your
A. Patriarchy has had a devastating
impact of minds and hearts of people. Not in the least on woman's minds. Originally, being
an emancipation of their "animus", they have almost entirely adjusted to a life
of self-centeredness, greed and ambition. This is our starting point. It means, that men
and women will be treated totally equal, letting life decide how relationships will
further develop.
Q. What are the possibilities for those
who have families and/or children?
A. Obviously, the Mother favours
love-relationships and having children. So, provided the daily schedule will be fully
observed, personal problems don't get the upper hand and a surplus value is generated to
pursue our mission, personal relationships are included. Unfortunately, the intensity of
our commitment makes having children impossible.
Q. Sad indeed!
A. Very much so. But don't forget: we
very much commit ourselves to the wellbeing of (deprived) children worldwide. Moreover,
our friends e.g. support circles, together with their families and children are always
very much welcome to visit us, whenever we have time.
Q. Where can future candidates find
more information?
A. Well, this entire website is at
their disposal. Start with the beginning and follow your particular interest. You will
certainly find where you are looking for.
Q. Thanks very much for your time.
A. You are welcome!
Mother's Blessing,
Han Marie Stiekema
Initiator, teacher, supervisor
"May I, through Your
Bottomless Darkness,
become profoundly renewed"
ich, durch Ihre Bodenlose Dunkelheit,
von Grund auf erneuert werden"
"Moge ik,
door Uw Bodemloze Duisternis,
ten diepste vernieuwd worden" |