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European Sacred Heritage
Letter 8

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Contribution to East-West religious Dialogue


Very dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please first read letters 1,2,3,4 and 5

This letter is for you, whom I owe so much. What I would have been without the mutual inspiration that I have received, the commitment and the joy which were bestowed by you. Many of you I was allowed to meet personally. With others, I've even been allowed to stay for some time (Japan, HongKong, Brazil). Hence, I am so very proud of ultimately being able to send you positive news

It has been almost 40 years now since I joined Karlfried Graf Dürckheim (Black Forest, Germany) in "sitting". It was a revelation to me. Within two weeks I discovered my inner watching, the first step towards my true Self. The Realization "I am not my thinking, my emotions etc. brought me my first liberation. Without Zen I couldn't have realized it. Hence, I feel an eternal obligation to it

In the years that followed I sat five times twenty five minutes every day......Through it it became clear to me, that the "classical form" of Zen doesn't match with the needs of Western seekers. The accent lies too much on concentration rather than opening up oneself. That's why I started to combine sitting with a Western approach: body awareness. This "feeling awareness" was so successful that in 1981 I could open my "Living Zen School"

Ten years later I lived and worked as Zen teacher in Japan! It was the crown of my East-West practice. What helped was "The Ultimate Sutra" which I wrote some years before. It underlined my "status" as a Buddhist "Master". I also got interested in other Japanese Traditions: Esoteric Buddhism, Jodoshinshu, Shinto, Tenrikyo.....Subsequently I discovered the Japanese pilgrim routes: Kamakura, Koyasan and Shikoku....

For a long time, I had rejected Europe. This is because of its rapidly increasing rationalism, materialism, selfishness, relativism, cynisism - this one-dimensional living - which I have always loathed. Never had I myself thought that something precious was hidden beneath the surface. Something that once again connects us with other peoples (instead of exploiting them).

It was through the Parcival e.g. Grail legend that I experienced the opening up to Western spirituality. I studied it intensively for many years. Coming to the conclusion that it is in no way inferior to the Eastern Traditions. To the contrary. The enrichment consists not only in the fact, that it adds a New Dimension - the Grail as Cosmic Womb of the Universe, Origin of Light - but also the necessity of emphasizing the integration of Being and the personality.....     

In these most critical of times we cannot deny, that "inner liberation" is not enough, but that we have to also embrace the world unconditionally. Isn't the "world" the manifestation of our ignorance i.e. egoism? Aren't therefore inner and outer two sides of the same coin? Only after accepting our obligation toward the world we will be truly liberated. It cancels out the dualism between the self and the world! For me it gave rise to the founding of Great Mother Buddhism*.....

* "I take refuge in the Cosmic Womb, Maitreya Buddha, the Eco-Dharma and the New Sangha". See, see second block ENTER, see Book IV, 2.4 "Great Mother Buddhism"

Especially here the West can once again make its contribution. For it has its own Bodhisattva's! They originate from pre-patriarchal times, in which the "Cosmic Mother"* was still worshipped. From Her dark Bottomlessness both the Eternal Light and the Universe are born. The emphasis lies on on the Light IN this world i.e. a BuddhaNature that commits itself to the world.....These Western Bodhisattva's are called Green Men and Wise Women

* Matri Devi (Hinduism, Tao (Taoism), Emptiness beyond Emptiness" or "Nirvana" (Buddhism), Asherah (Canaan, Judaism), Mother of God (Christianity), the Sun Goddess Amaterasu (Shinto), or Xibalba (Cosmic Womb of the Maya's), etc.

Yes, it is the Universal Mother* along with Her "children": the Green Man and Lady, both Divine Reality, and therefore "archetypes" in our souls for which we have searched so long. For our mission is not only "personal liberation" but to restore Wholeness on all levels of existence. Hence, it pleases me very much to offer a new pilgrim path - for eastern and western Bodhisattva's - to you*.

* In addition to the "Camino de Santiago", which is still very much christian

If you look at the pictures of the Green Man and the Wise Woman, can you imagine that this is European? I am still amazed and I can therefore imagine that it takes a while before you can really believe it. On the other hand, they clearly have something universal. So that they are recognizable to everyone. I thus want to share my personal cultural liberation with you, while creating a new platform for commitment....

Immanence and love of nature have always been the cornerstone of original spirituality. So now something in common has originated. Europe in this respect is no longer isolated in the world, but can now share its (new) values with others. I hope you celebrate with me and will not wait long with a new form of cooperation. But we still have much to learn from you!

Conversely, I invite you to the newly founded "Green Man & Wise Woman Pilgrim Network". In order to be able to admire Green Men and Wise Women with your own eyes. If eastern and western Bodhisattva's meet, something special - an amalgame of "renewable" energy - will certainly emerge!

In friendship and maybe.....see you!

From the Heart,

Your brother,

Han Marie Stiekema


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Last revising: 01/28/10