That morning I felt very light and
transparent. I noticed that my bodily energy lifted, starting in my feet, leaving behind
no feeling just legs i.e. a trunk of "glass". Ultimately, only a ring of
consciousness was left on the crown of my skull. Suddenly and totally unexpected a
Lightning1) - "coming out of the blue" - struck the ring and for a split second
my entire existence was wiped out. Just Absolute Nothingness i.e. Darkness. Immediately
after I was dissolved in limitless and timeless Eternal Light! A Reality a "thousand
times" more Real than the common perception. This lasted the whole day. The same
night I was drawn into a equally limitless Ocean of Horror. Everything, my thinking, my
feelings, my body-mind and my energy had disappereared into it, with only my clear
awareness left. For many hours I sat like a Zen monk as the only way to not completely
disappear ("die") into the Angst. While my awareness became stronger, the horror
slowly subsided. In the morning I knew this was the Underworld from which I just

Physics 1)
The vacuum arc is a high current, low voltage electrical discharge between two
electrodes situated in a vacuum ambient. The vacuum arc is distinguished from other
electrical discharges in that the discharge itself creates the plasma medium which
conducts its electrical current. Explaining how this self-organization wonder comes about
is the objective of this book
Handbook of Vacuum Arc Science
ISBN 0815513755
The Ultimate
After the Lightning had struck me there was a
sequence of events. First of all there was Absolute Nothingness2), immediately followed by
Eternal Light. Conclusion: Light is born out of Darkness. Both "experiences"
exceeded common existence by "a thousand times", hence the inherent
absolute knowing that was granted to me. That's why spiritual traditions don't call this
an experience, but a "Realization". It subsequently gave me deep insight about
the origin, the structure and the dynamics of the Cosmos. The big surprise: it corresponds
in detail with the results of current scientific research. Especially, Vacuum physics,
Zero point energy and Black Hole theories all confirm my "mystical insight"

Physics 2)
Once our minds accept the mutability of matter and the new idea of the vacuum, we can
speculate on the origin of the biggest thing we know - the universe. Maybe the universe
itself sprang into existence out of nothingness - a gigantic vacuum fluctuation which we
know today as the big bang. Remarkably, the laws of modern physics allow for this
possibility. (Pagels, 1982, 247)
Where did all the matter and radiation in the
universe come from in the first place? Recent intriguing theoretical research by
physicists such as Steven Weinberg of Harvard and Ya. B. Zel'dovich in Moscow suggest that
the universe began as a perfect vacuum and that all the particles of the material world
were created from the expansion of space...
Decisive is that the Vacuum is the context of a
fluctuating mass (energy), that continuous emerges and disappears from and into that
selfsame Vacuum (J.Wheeler)
Because there is such a law like gravity, the
universe can and will create itself from nothing (S.Hawking "The Grand Design)
"Before my birth I had no problem with my
non-existence, that's why after my death I won't have them either" (Mark Twain)
My Physics 2)
What Hawking doesn't say or that gravity is the centripetal
("death") Cosmic Force of the Vacuum, the latter also called the Cosmic Womb
(2010 Han Marie Stiekema)
The Vacuum has two different Dimensions. First of
all Her Light Body (the Divine, Consciousness) - the relative Vacuum (although in Western
religion called "the Absolute".....) - in which energy ("matter")
disappears and emerges and the Ultimate Bottomlessness (Absolute Vacuum i.e. Darkness), in
which also the former disappears into and emerges from (2010 Han Marie Stiekema)
I'll do my best to describe it as clear as
possible. Ultimately, there is the Cosmic Vacuum. This Vacuum includes all that exists.
The latter is the content of the former. It thus goes far beyond any imagination. It is a
Cosmic Abyss, in which everything continuously disappears, while at the same time being
born out of it. This process is parthenogenic, which means that no other principle is
involved. The Vacuum is giving birth through a "turning point" - where death
changes into birth - in the Depth of its unfathomable Bottomlessness. Its major cosmic
forces are centrifugal ("birth") and centripetal ("death")(experienced
by me in the Great Horror). Both constitute a Cosmic Balance between creation, destruction
and permanence, the former only allowing tiny (but important) fluctuations.

Excursion: Paleo-endocrinology
Is estrogen an evolutionary recent hormone? The opposite appears to be the case.
Recently, Thornton could determine with the help of genetics that 450 million years the
first and oldest steroid receptor was an estrogen receptor. This primordial mother
receptor preceded the androgen receptor, which binds the male hormone, by 50 million
years. That Eve originated from Adams' material is thus scientifically highly improbable.
To the contrary, Eve's material proves to be (much) older than Adam`s (Prof.dr.J.C.
There are several Realms coming out of this
"Cosmic Womb". They can be best described as emanations. The first Body is the
Eternal Light (the Divine, God, BuddhaNature). Its Essence is so subtle - transparent -
that it is invisible. However, physics has managed to somehow confirm its existence3).
Because "death and rebirth" of the Divine Dimension is taking place in
timelessness....Divine Substance continuously disappears into the Womb, while "at
the SAME time" "an equal amount" is being born..... giving us the
impression..... of God Unchanging, of the Absolute. However, not the Divine is
Absolute, but the (Non)Reality Beyond - the Cosmic Vacuum - is. "God" proves to
be the Son of His (Its) Mother..... uninterruptedly renewing "Himself" through
Her Bottomlessness

Physics 3)
The sumtotal of all energy in the universe is zero. (Hawking, 1988, 129)
It is possible to settle the issue by a simple
calculation. Astronomers can measure the masses of galaxies, their average separation, and
their speeds of recession. Putting these numbers into a formula yields a quantity which
some physicists have interpreted as the total energy of the universe. The answer does
indeed come out to be zero within the observational accuracy. The reason for this
distinctive result has long been a source of puzzlement to cosmologists. Some have
suggested that there is a deep cosmic principle at work which requires the universe to
have exactly zero energy. If that is so the cosmos can follow the path of least
resistance, coming into existence without requiring any input of matter or energy at all.
(Davies, 1983, 31-32)
Because it exists in a vacuum, ZPE (Zero Point
Energy) is homogeneous (uniform) and isotropic (identical in all directions) as well as
ubiquitous (exists everywhere). In addition, the intensity of the energy at any frequency
is proportional to the cube of that frequency. Consequently, the intensity of the energy
field increases without limit as the frequency increases resulting in an infinite energy
density for the radiation spectrum. With the introduction of the ZPE into the classical
electron theory, a vacuum at a temperature of absolute zero is no longer considered empty
of all electromagnetic fields. Instead, the vacuum is now considered as filled with
randomly fluctuating fields having the ZPE spectrum. (
To a number of physicists (L. de Brogli, M.Planck,
Heisenberg a.o.) the Vacuum is considered to be (to give birth to, HMS) Cosmic
Intelligence - indeed as the Ultimate Consciousness
Crucial for the understanding of life and how it
comes into being is the process of materialization. Physicists tell us the following:

At the base of all and everything is the Vacuum.
The content of it is the "Skalar-field" or "Vacuum- potential". It is
equal to the above-mentioned "Zero Point Energy", which is ubiquitous. Through
import of energy ("spin") the field is producing "probability waves",
which are still "virtual". Together they form "interference fields".
The potentiality of these electromagnetic waves may fertilize existent matter. It depends
on if the latter contain structures that can resonate. If so, the wave collapses in the
process, while photons/quanten particles are formed. Virtuality has become reality! It is
this way how power/energy is being transmitted all the way from the Origin to
materialization (after Dr.U.Warnke)
How this all works in daily life can't be better
illustrated but through my own experience. At a particular moment I got the
"idea" of starting my work in Japan. (I have lived in Japan for one year). This
desire caused a "spin" in the "Vacuum-field" through which
"virtual electromagnetic waves" were created. The "spin" gave these
waves a certain "direction". Since it came from existing desires (even connected
to deep unfulfilled longing) these waves could easily resonate with this my emotional
complex. So, they became reality, leading to concrete enthousiasm, ideas, plans and
The night after I got a dream. I was part of a
group. The last day there would be an excusion (Japan!). I met a woman whom I didn't know.
Just nice, I didn't even knew her name. I invited her to go with me. Just before leaving I
unexpectedly met Bernadette, a girl I was in love with when I was a young boy. She
appeared to be blind. We immediately had a deep and enjoyable contact. I explained
the situation to the woman and said I felt sorry. Bernadette subsequently joyfully
showed her new dress to the woman, the latter genuinely admiring it. I had found
Bernadette and had totally forgotten the day excusion.
The energy for the "spin" first came from
my ego-desire. The latter alienated me from the Whole, reason for the "Mother"
to send me a "corrective" dream. The first woman is my ego-choice (equal to go
to Japan). It proved to be superficial. Going to the day excusion with her didn't have
real meaning. That changed immediately after I met Bernadette. This energy of joy and love
re-connected me with the whole of existence, subsequently changing the direction of the
"spin". This time the waves originating from it didn't resonate with my
unprocessed desires, but with the waves of my entire being. That's why "I forgot
everything else". The lesson: the Vacuum doesn't tolerate individual impulses that
disturb Cosmic Balance. That why "it sent Bernadette to me" ("spin"
caused by the centrifugal Force of the Vacuum, from Eternity aiming at maintaining
Wholeness). It made me aware of the value of listening to my deepest intuitions. The
function of the Vacuum (Cosmic Mother) is thus to bring you "back home" i.e. to
become part of Her Web of Life, once again.
Dreams come out of the "virtual world".
Because they originate from a virtual-field, content of the Origin, the Vacuum,
(synonymus to C.G.Jung's "collective unconsciousness"), they are also more real.
That's why we are able to remember them. The more real the greater the meaning they have
to your life. Once understood, we may give our life a totally new direction. Once having
received the desire to become whole, this inner force is changing the direction the
previously self-centered "spin" i.e. electromagnetic waves. In their turn the
latter now start resonating with the ubiquitous field of the Whole of Creation. Through
this contact the Whole will reveal to you the specific gap you have to fill in, a space
through which you have to realize your unique contribution to re-creating the world. It
immediately brings you back to a recognition of "what to be or/and to do on this
earth". This will subsequently materialize in reality. The MotherVacuum not only
corrects but also guides! One hour after my dream She "whispered" Her
"instructions" for a next step into my innermost Core: to add "Cosmic
Mother Cancer Healing"* (before never thought of) to my work.....
* See my booklet "Cosmic Mother Cancer
Healing: A Breakthrough"
Black Holes
Through the selfsame centrifugal and centripetal
cosmic forces the Light - God - "in its turn" is giving birth to the Material
Body (emanation) of the Cosmic Womb. First as "morphogenetic fields"
(R.Sheldrake) or intertwined invisible quantum energy patterns (also called: "skalar
field" or "vacuum potential"), consisting of highly intensive
electromagnetic fields, subsequently manifesting themselves in the visible dynamic
interaction of structures and events. Depending on the character of the fluctuations,
universes, worlds, the earth, people, the emphasis is either on decay or bloom. Nowadays
it is clearly a time of decay. Human accumulations have disturbed Cosmic Balance,
therefore it responds with destruction!
It is still unknown, if there is only one universe
or several. If the latter is true, then there will be several layers of them, all situated
around one or more Black Holes. According to modern research Black Holes are the outcome
of the death of a star. From here speculations start. But isn't the central question: why
do stars die? Is it simply because their thermal potentiality exhausts? But why is it
exhausting? Spiritual Insight about the Great Mother gives the answer. The answer is:
because beyond our visible universe there exists a Cosmic Vacuum. It is this
"Womb" - the unity of Darkness and Light (Consciousness) - that draws everything
(matter) in, while at the same time shooting energy out. The Holes - as Her manifestations
- are a Center of destruction and creation. It sheds a totally new light on what Black
Holes really are4). Indeed, they are Gates to the Primordial Ground of Regeneration - the
UrMutter - relentlessly renewing the universe

Physics 4)
Black Holes "preceded galaxies"
The evidence was unveiled at the 213th American
Astronomical Society meeting in Long Beach, California. How incredibly exciting. What was
previously known is, that there was a link between the masses of Black Holes and the
central "bulges" of stars and gas in galaxies. The news is, that
"scientists have been able to measure black-hole and bulge masses in several galaxies
seen as they were in the first billion years after the Big Bang (Fabian Walter, Max-Planck
Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn, Germany). The conclusion: "The constant ratio may
not hold in the early universe", therefore, "Black Holes started growing
first". (Dr. Chr.Carilli, US National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, New
Mexico). They are the "channels" along which the centrifugal and centripetal
cosmic forces operate! It complies fully with my Threefold Realization (See Starting
Point), having granted me insight into the Power of Nothingness uninterruptedly destroying
and creating the universe*. I cannot get over it!!! Tears......
In the everyday world, energy is always
unalterably fixed; the law of energy conservation is a cornerstone of classical physics.
But in the quantum microworld, energy can appear and disappear out of nowhere in a
spontaneous and unpredictable fashion. (Davies, 1983, 162)
The uncertainty principle implies that particles
can come into existence for short periods of time even when there is not enough energy to
create them. In effect, they are created from uncertainties in energy. One could say that
they briefly "borrow" the energy required for their creation, and then, a short
time later, they pay the "debt" back and disappear again. Since these particles
do not have a permanent existence, they are called virtual particles. (Morris, 1990, 24)
Even though we can't see them, we know that these
virtual particles are "really there" in empty space because they leave a
detectable trace of their activities. One effect of virtual photons, for example, is to
produce a tiny shift in the energy levels of atoms. They also cause an equally tiny change
in the magnetic moment of electrons. These minute but significant alterations have been
very accurately measured using spectroscopic techniques. (Davies, 1994, 32)
In modern physics, there is no such thing as
"nothing." Even in a perfect vacuum, pairs of virtual particles are constantly
being created and destroyed. The existence of these particles is no mathematical fiction.
Though they cannot be directly observed, the effects they create are quite real. The
assumption that they exist leads to predictions that have been confirmed by experiment to
a high degree of accuracy. (Morris, 1990, 25)
Cosmic Regeneration
What has this to do with Cosmic Mother Healing?
First of all the "Law of the Universe" - the dynamic balance between death,
creation and permanence - can be observed in our daily life. Prominently in nature. The
cosmic forces are manifesting themselves in the continuous change of the seasons, in which
everything dies and is reborn. The female body is embedded in these cosmic cycles, which
is visible through its monthly menstruations. That they are connected with the moon
cycle and the tides won't surprise you anymore, for - like many other biological cycles -
the Chinese organ clock f.i. - are all expressions of the Womb's cosmic dynamics. The
first lesson is to live in harmony with these forces. They guarantee optimal regeneration.
Surprising findings come from natural medicine, i.e. the fact that 25% of our bodily cells
are in a state of continuous renewal, 50% in a state of "permanence" and 25% in
decay and dying. The wonder: the dying cells secrete a hormone ("necro-hormone")
that stimulate the growth of new cells. Conclusion: no rebirth without death*. Especially
fasting therapy takes advantage of this wonderful "gift of the Cosmic Womb"
* Hence, no similarities with
Christian "born again", the latter is a shift in identification only, rather
than an ego-death....
More specifically, "death and rebirth" -
the Primordial Cosmic Power - can be applied to the field of spiritual healing, in our
case "Mother Healing" or "Cosmic Regeneration". Let me describe the
core practice of it. The pre-requisites are the following. First of all the mediator will
introduce the Cosmic Mother to the client. He or she will tell the latter about Who She
Is, Her Cosmic Powers, how the latter "operate" and the necessity of trust and
surrender. The client is asked to visualize the All-Embracing Presence of the Womb, of
which all are a part, including the mediator and his or her client. Through this they
experience themselves as being in One Divine Space. Additional exercises i.e. suggestions
may be given at this stage. The mediator - at least if he or she is an "initiated
one" - will spontaneously "rest in the Spirit", which means he or she has
shifted from his or her superficial ego to his or her True Self. It is crucial that this
Real Self is percieved as Emptiness5) (Additionally, the mediator may
whisper: "I am Nothingness")* and stays where it is i.e. doesn't get lost in
feelings, energies etc. If you do, then you are not a pure channel of Mother's
Emptiness, which makes your whole healing "effort" a failure right from the
* Nothing IS means: "Being
Nothing, you are everything!"

Physics 5)
Electromagnetic fields determine the functions of our body.
However, these forces don't exist "on their own". They constitute the content of
space and only a little bit of it. We and all other living creatures consist mainly of a
Vacuum (99%!). Therefore, it is the Vacuum that is the foundation of life and not matter.
Matter provides resonance between the energies, everything in the context of
"Emptiness", though. (after Dr. U.Warnke, 1997)
My Physics 5)
Through my Threefold Realization I know that we all live in the All-Including Cosmic
Womb or Vacuum. I was thus delighted to find that this is supported by sound scientific
theory. My skeptical nature asked for experimental confirmation, though. If we all live in
Her SelfSame Space, then "healing on a distance" should be a realistic
possibility. So I did the following experiment. One girlfriend of ours has a very big
One evening and without her knowing!!! I slipped
into Emptiness (a real experience!), subsequently visualizing that she is in the same
("my", our common) Space. Because the fibroma is so big I pleaded to the Mother
very intensively, repeating the mantra "Please, Mother remove her fibroma",
imagining that the latter was an ugly alien entity. The other day she called me, telling
me a strange dream she had that night. "She saw an old ugly crumpled female dwarf in
her belly, which frightened her a lot. Her sister heard her screaming and went to her
mother (....) for help". But that is not all, after waking up, her otherwise hard and
swollen belly had softened considerably and shrunk for at least thirty percent.
The mediator then stretches his or her arm to the
clients' body. It may touch the head or the spot where the disorder is felt. Once the
contact is established the mediator starts consciously feeling his breathing. The
breathing-out is most important. You have to completely let go, in such a way, that it
disappears into the nothingness of the pelvis. The secret: the deeper the breathing-out -
which you may emphasize a little by holding your breath for a short moment - the more
powerful your breathing-in is. It is a confirmation of how the Womb works! There - deep
down in the "turning point" - the more thorough the old dies off, the more
powerful the birth of the new! During the expiration the mediator whispers: "Trust
the (Cosmic) Mother", while in the inspiration he/she says: "and you will be
healed".* By doing so the breathing-out and -in make themselves simultaneously felt
in the mediators arm, and through it in his touching hand. He/she then visualizes (and
feels!) the touching area as a Black Hole.
What happens is that the healing becomes an exact
reflection of the Cosmic Womb and Her Powers6). Your inner Emptiness is of the same
"substance" as the Mother (Her Light Body). It contains the field in which
"virtual waves" resonate with existing "matter" i.e. the illness.
Through your conscious intention to heal, the "spin" of the protons/quanten is
changed. Rather than further deterioration, a regeneration process is initiated. But that
is not all. Your (the mediators') ("breathing!") arm "runs parallel"
to the channel along which Mother's Cosmic Powers - destruction ("centripetal",
breathing out) and creation ("centrifugal", breathing in) - run into Her
universe and back, making the spot of the disorder similar to a Black Hole, a hotspot of
"death and rebirth", of Cosmic Regeneration. Here the "alchemy" of
healing - accelerating breakdown of the old, sick, while giving birth to the new and whole
- is taking place, a very intensive transformative process, indeed! This is
"proven" by the fact, that the hotspot on/in the clients' body is (often)
becoming very hot!
* All kinds of other
(spontaneous) utterings may be used, as well

My Physics 6)
Lisa Randall, a physicist from Harvard postulates "a
fifth dimension", beyond space and time. Her observations may sound
"revolutionary" in the ears of the uninitiated. However, if you only go within
"a little", you will discover that Reality is much more spectacular. The entire
universe is embedded in a Cosmic Vacuum or Womb. She is the Ultimate Emptiness that is
giving birth to several emanations to start with Consciousness (the Divine, the Light),
the latter containing "morphogenetic patterns" or the "blueprints of
matter". Both the Mother and Her Light Body incessantly permeate all
"lower" dimensions e.g. matter, taking care of continuous "birth and
death" i.e. regeneration. Her cosmic forces of creation* (centrifugal) and
death* (centripetal) are maintaining the gravitational equilibrium, the "balance
between the gravitational binding energy and the internal energy opposing gravity"
(M.Begelman). Everything "added up" results not in five but in seven (or ten)
dimensions (a.o. Womb, the Divine, blueprints (together called "skalar-field" or
"vacuum-potential"), the four dimensions of space and time) which
Essence and matter are intimately merged (2010 Han Marie Stiekema)
* Kinetic, creation or
"birth matter" is centrifugal, vital energy renewing the universe, while
"Dark matter" is centripetal, "death matter", i.e. on its way back to
the Womb
Much of the research in physics I don't understand.
It is partly because its language isn't familiar to me, the mathematical calculations are
much too technical, while the details are much too specific. The more surprising is, that
the underlying reality - the general concepts - I understand very well, I even knew it
before I read about any research in physics. Spiritual Realization and physics seem to be
complementary: different approaches to the same reality. So how can Cosmic Mother Healing
be explained in physical terms?
The foundation of all life, and therefore of
healing is the Vacuum or Cosmic Womb. Its Mystery is Her Bottomlessness. Absolute
Emptiness or Nothingness goes beyond any imagination. It probably has been there
"from Eternity". Absolute Emptiness is the Origin of energy. That means that
somehow deep in Her unfathomable Abyss Nothingness turns into an acute gathering of Cosmic
Power. This is the "birth" aspect of the Womb. Its direction is
"centrifugal", that means that it moves toward "materialization" i.e.
from the "Center" to the "periphery". Before that happens several
stages are in between. First of all there is the "field" of timeless and
limitless "probability waves", called "zero-point energy",
"skalar-field, higgs-field or......the Divine. This field consists of
non-materialized "spiritual" or "intelligent" electro-magnetic
"virtual waves". It is also called "the Light". It is supernatural
i.e. beyond the natural light and can therefore not be measured.
Miraculously, where physics needs to do much effort
to approach the Origin form without, mystical, spiritual or God-experience effortlessly
realizes it from within. Like in my Threefold Realization, where my entire Being was
suddenly wiped out by a (supernatural) Lightning, only leaving Total Blackness behind. It
is the situation, where humans are directly confronted with the Absolute Emptiness of the
Cosmic Womb. This happens to only a few people. On the other hand, to dissolve into the
Light occurs in many more men and women. It is a condition called
"Enlightenment". With me it happened immediately after my Annihilation. First
the Darkness, then the Light. Conclusion: Light is born out of Darkness. It confirms the
Vacuum as being the primordial Ground of all life. It is the Ultimate Healing, meaning
that deep within you ARE the limitless and timeless Light. On that level there is only
Light, everything else: your ego, your body-awareness, your thinking, your energy, yes,
even your surroundings: the grass, the trees, the flowers, the birds, the house, the
people....everything has become One with the Eternal Light. In my case this lasted the
whole day. But this wasn't all. The same night I was confronted with an Ocean of Horror.
Suddenly, within a split second this Horror was all
around me. It took away my sense of self, my body-awareness, my energy, my thinking,
feelings and emotions....I stood naked before the "Gate of Hell". Later it
remembered me of Inanna, the MotherGoddess of Sumeria, who descended into the Underworld
while being stripped of all Her "layers". I experienced exactly the same,
proving that this Experience is a very Primordial One. For hours I suffered this Ordeal,
relying on the only "thing" that was left: my clear-conscious awareness. Only by
sitting like a Zen-monk - with my back meticulously straight - I could resist the Anguish.
Any deviation from this position caused an acute danger of being engulfed. This lasted
around 4-6 hours. The clearer, brighter and bigger my Mind became, the weaker the Fear. In
the morning it subsided, leaving me behind in joy, realizing that this was the experience
behind what is called "resurrection". Later it dawned to me what the real cause
was. Enlightenment is the Creative Power of the Womb, while the Horror is Her Destructive
Power. Existence Itself had granted me Insight into its secrets. Gratitude, gratitude! I
was thus delighted to find "confirmation" in physics i.e. I could confirm them!
Right now we have gone through the Vacuum and
Its/Her Creative i.e. Destructive Cosmic Powers, with the Eternal Light as the firstborn
Plane of Existence. From here a Cycle is determining the process. Through the Womb's
(Mother's) Centrifugal Force the Divine (Intelligent) Virtual Field is
"activated" in such way that electrons are coming into (material) reality, which
transfers power to manifestation, which is the birth of the physical world. Or: resonance
is taking place with already existing energy, through which the latter is transformed.
This is how the world is (continuously) coming into existence. More specific is the
interference of us humans. By focusing on something - anything - the electrons of this
"anything" are streamlined according to the direction of our goal. This is
called "spin". Again, virtual waves will turn into "real" electrons,
which means that human interference indeed "co-creates" (on the subatomic
level!) the world. Because the virtual waves constitute a limitless and timeless field,
changes happen everywhere. That means, that when I concentrate on the healing of somebody
thousands of miles away, my healing energy will reach that person not only without effort,
but also immediate, since it happens in a timeless and limitless realm......
Creation goes from the "Center" to the
"periphery". Its Force is Centrifugal. If it would be the only force, then
creation would go on unlimited. Obviously, this isn't the case. By going to the periphery
the Creational Force becomes weaker and weaker. Until it becomes exhausted. This coincides
with another turning point (the first one is in the Bottomlessness of the Vacuum) in which
Creation turns into Destruction. Matter comes under the spell of the Centripetal Force of
the Womb. This Death Force has a name: it is called "Gravity". Existence is
possible because of the dynamic equilibrium between the "Birth Force" and the
"Death Force". The kind of matter that is returning to its Origin is "death
matter" also called "dark matter". Gravity is independent of every
"content" - it has no electromagnetic waves - yet it makes itself
known through contact with matter. It is an indication that - like the Divine Light
Virtual Field - it is a Primordial Force of the universe, thus directly related to the
Womb HerSelf. The fluctuations between the two determine in whate state energy i.e. matter
is. If the Birth Force is dominating, then matter (nature, us) is in a stage of growth, if
they match, then we are in a state of "permanence" - adult life - while when the
Death Force is stronger, then everything is in decay.
With other words: while the Creation Force of the
Womb is giving birth to the new, young, fresh and whole, Her Death Force is breaking down
the old, sick, ugly and evil. These two Forces are two sides of the same coin. No birth of
the new without breakdown of the old. They are constituting Cosmic Balance. This is
particular enlightening in a time that is suffering from the too much. Haven't we (in the
West) accumulated too much wealth, property, profits, luxeries, and suffer therefore from
too much stress, noise, pollution, fear, worries, loneliness, meaninglesness? Spiritually,
one could say, our accumulations have derailed the Cosmic Balance. Therefore, the latter
responds with emphasizing decay. This is reflected in the fact that many diseases are
caused by a too much: too much stress, too much egoism, too much eating, too many
toxins, too much radiation, too much fear, too many things on our heads...... Our
body-mind becomes exhausted, with immune-deficiency on the one hand and self-poisening on
the other. It leads to diseases like cancer. Instead of more, more...the emphasis should
be laying on less, less. It is here, that the Destructive Force of the Mother comes into
play. For healing cancer is synonymus with breaking it down. Thus,
in those cases you may pray to the Mother: "please, break down my tumor",
knowing that 50% of Her Cosmic Force is supporting you!*
* Usually, spiritual and religious systems
of healing emphasize "light" only, while fighting the "forces of
darkness". It probably dawns to you now, that this is based on ignorance, prejudice
and.... fear.
In the previous the factors that work on an illness
were elaborated. The mechanisms described have their effect on the sub-atomic - the
quanten - level (only). That means, that their effect on the person as a whole is (very)
unpredictable. Changes on quanten-levels don't necessarily manifest themselves on the
physical level. However, miracles happen and continue to happen in many cases, so, there
still must be factors involved which we haven't elaborated here. The key is: all factors
in play have to be optimally geared to one another. First, the trust in the Womb (Cosmic
Mother) and Her Forces should be unconditional. Surrender to Her accordingly. Secondly,
the mind of the healer should be Empty, a prerequisite for the Mother to work through him
or her. It is pouring out great compassion. While making contact with the client the
healer should be very conscious - watching and feeling - of his or her arm and hand
contact. This can be done through conscious breathing. While breathing out you tune in to
Mother's Death Force, while during breathing in Her Birth Force is being felt. This
guarantees an optimal healing transformation in the affected area, indeed, a reflection of
the processes of a Black Hole. In case of a tumor and many other diseases, the diseased
tissue is solid, toxic and full of accumulated waste. It therefore resists absorption of
Mother Energy. It is here, that self-effort of the client comes in. In order to help the
resonance he or she should work along the same line as the healer: surrender to the
Mother, being Empty and with "feeling awareness" of the spot involved. Working
on all levels simultaneously - Mother's Emptiness, Her Cosmic Powers, a passionate desire
to become healed, the feeling contact with the spot of the disorder - all
GREATLY improve the chance of being healed.
Physics 7)
The Vacuum is carrier of fluctuating "virtual" mass, that appears and
disappears. For a short while enormous amounts of energy can emerge and again dissolve
into Nothingness, without hurting the energy conservation law (U.Warnke)
From my Threefold Cosmic Realization I know that
The Light (the Divine, Consciousness, Zero-point energy) is continuously disappering into
the Vacuum, while at the SAME time being reborn.
Everything that is part of (human) awareness,
will become reality (Heisenberg, Bohr). It is all about energy that resonates with virtual
electro-magnetic waves in the Vacuum. Who thus can influence Vacuum energy, has infuence
on matter i.e. can create reality (U.Warnke).
I can illustrate this with the following. For 15
years or more I suffered from pain in my left shoulder, probably originating from my neck.
As a good doctor I tried things myself, to no avail. Thus I asked the Mother to cure it.
In the evening with Darkness (Her Womb) all around me (and in and through me!) I pleaded
strongly to Her, while feeling my shoulder, while visualizing that the underlying
energy-pattern (the virtual form of the pain) should leave my body. And it did! I
literally felt a kind of "smoke" escaping from the spot. Ever since, I
have not felt that pain anymore.
By being a reflection of the Cosmic Womb and Her
regenerating powers, Mother Healing is unsurpassed. "Heaven" directly bestows
its Grace upon you. The healing Source and Her channels pour themselves out to the client
without any hindrance. No distractions in the form of religious "creeds",
"dogma's" or "convictions" of any kind stand in the way. For the first
time in history spirituality i.e. religion and science have fully reconciled. Who the
Cosmic Womb is and how She heals has now become transparent. It can be understood through
physics, cosmology and related sciences (That doesn't mean that the Cosmic Womb can be
fully grasped. Ultimately, She is and will remain a Mystery). By connecting directly to
Ultimate Reality the chance of being healed is incomparably higher (than other practices).
Both people with a "mystical" inclination and those with a "rational"
mind - and everybody in between - can equally find refuge. Isn't that a miracle? In short,
the Mother is Universal to all those who are open and unbiased. This inner attitude is
decisive, otherwise no any exchange of energy, grace or salvation can take place. However,
in many cases She even heals without any "demands on Her part". For isn't
motherly Love unconditional? Joy, gratitude!
This text, just as
the concept of "Mother Healing" i.e. "Cosmic Regeneration", is
copyrighted. The content will exclusively be taught to Mothers and their
staff of the "Cosmic Mother Healing Shrines"
See my brochure: "Mother for Mothers"
When I am connected to the Vacuum by being Empty
and my compassion passionately focusses itself on healing of a particular illness, then
the client i.e. patient will (in principle) be healed...

My Physics 7)
By the way: atheists (like S. Hawking) Nothingness,
Intelligence and the World. That's exactly what I also do.....We only use
different "Nothingness is the Mother of All Things...." (2010 Han
Marie Stiekema) |