What is mother love? For nine
months the baby has grown in mother's belly. All that time the former had been a part of
the latter. That experience will never leave her. Thus mother love is all-inclusive care
for a being that always will remain a part of her. (That doesn't mean that every mother is
also a skillful mother right from the start!). Realizing that in practice there is a whole
spectrum of different kinds of mother love, some generalizations are certainly possible.
What connects mothers who successfully raise their children? Because many of us still have
been raised by a mother, the key aspects of her care must be familiar. Educational
science, psychology, anthropology, sociology have contributed a great deal to a more clear
picture. The outcome will not please everybody. Many unanimously agree on several basic
principles, though. First of all, a newborn baby only thrives if it is raised by ONE
caretaker, only. This can be the biological mother or a substitute. The reason is the
baby's most fundamental need: security. The latter is only guaranteed if the adult is one
and the same person. The baby needs to recognize the same energy, the same bodily smell,
the same voice, the same face and the same way it is carried e.g. fed. Only then it knows
it is in safe hands. Its need for security (German: "Geborgenheit") comes before
being fed! The second related quality is continuity. The third is resonance. The
consequence is far-reaching. Basic security in the early years is the foundation of basic
trust in life, self-confidence, being rooted, inner balance, body- and feeling awareness,
intimity, ability to relate, personal integration, stress-resistence, openness to the
world, tolerance, woman-friendly attitude, the experience of being part of the
Whole.....The crucial issue is, that if this basic security wasn't taken care of, in later
years it will be almost impossible to repair the damage. It means that above mentioned
related qualities are absent or distorted in some way or another.
During many millennia women were men's
possession. She had no entrance to power and wealth through her own effort.
Therefore, she had no choice but to get it through manipulating men. Obviously,
her strongest weapon was (is) sex. The second way was to project her frustrated ambitions
into her children, especially into her sons. Something which is still very much a practice
in Asia, for instance. The sons thus became the executives of mother's desires. Then, not
too long ago, capitalist economy increased its demands. It started to put more and more
strain on the men. The result: men had to work more and harder, in such a way, that they
neglected their responsibilities toward the family. The "absent father" created
the single educating mother. To the girls this wasn't too grave a consequence. The boys on
the other hand, missed a father figure with whom they could identify. Many mothers tried
to fill in the gap. To no avail. Very often the result was a over- mothered son. In many
cases divorces were unavoidable. Many mothers - already burdened with the responsibility
of educating their children alone - had to work in order to keep even. Through the recent
hype of over-validating "work" over motherhood, an increasing number of mothers
send their children to the kindergarden. If this happens in the first - let's say two
years - grave consequences (see above) have to be faced. This time also for the girls.
Both boys and girls suffer from being abandoned. It means that - if this trend goes on -
the world has to be prepared to facing a new generation that hasn't got basic
security. As said above this damage will be almost unrepairable. One cannot provide
a psychologist for every human being....
How deep the longing for
the mother is can be illustrated by two examples. The famous Jane Goodall
- who dedicated her life to studying chimpansees - observed how a very old mother-ape
cared about her adult son in life-threatening trouble, despite the fact that she was about
to die herself. The other example is often quoted. Soldiers in battle -
"supermen" not afraid of anybody, not even of the "devil" - at the
moment of their own death often exclaim "O, mother!" It proves how humans rely
on their mother, even after having become an adult. Simultaneously, a mother will always
care about her child. For the first time in history this primordial bond threatens to
disappear. The cause is the ruthless socio-economic system. It is a well-known fact that
big companies are deliberately destroying family bonds of the worker, this in order to
claim the employee entirely for itself. Very soon, both men and women will be equally hit.
Both genders doomed to be strangers on this earth, uprooted, alienated, cut off from real
life, prone to become burn-out or worse. In "favourable" cases, people will step
out of the system before it is too late. Like men of all times, women will start searching
for their "true identity". It could lead to a new kind of solidarity, the
beginning of a time in which both men and women go on a spiritual quest. This quest will
be foremost to find "the way back Home", to return to the Origin, in the hope
for renewal. How lucky we are nowadays that a New Era dawns. One in which the "old
God" has been exposed as being in the image of an manipulating institution, one that
distorted everything sacred on this earth. It is the Revelation of the Cosmic Mother as
the Ultimate Reality, that brings back hope to this world
Within the social dimension a catastrophy seems
to be unavoidable. Adults without basic security will become a threat to social
"stability". All (feminist) books about gender focus on the
bio-psychological dimension only. Their models are very darwinistic. Very
often men are degraded to a underdog role. "The future is feminine", they
exclaim. Well, it depends on the kind of women, really. As explained above, the trend
toward more ego-obsessed women doesn't look rosy on the long run. Their emancipation is
NOT a cause of concern (at all) but the fact that women uncritically serve the capitalist
system, the same system that oppressed them for so long, is. What is more deplorable
though is the lack of spirituality in feminist publications. Yes, some hope for new men -
"Gandhi's" or even "Christs" - without taking the consequence of their
utterances. It is the fact that deep within, women and men are absolutely identical. The
Essence of both men and women is Divine. From this point of view it is impossible - nay, a
sign of grave ignorance - to proclaim the superiority of one sex over the other. The fact
that men "have only a Y chromosome", contrary to women who possess two XX, is in
this regard totally irrelevant. It doesn't lead to solutions, only worsen the problem. It
means that only spirituality can bring about a breakthrough toward a truly New World,
based on equal value, solidarity and respect. And what about all those who's inner balance
have been grossly disturbed already? This is the miracle: while no psychologist/
psychiatrist can really restore wholeness, the Cosmic Mother can. One can never go back in
time to once again enjoy your mother's care and dedication, the Eternal Mother, on the
other hand is always available to everyone. How can She still provide maternal care, in
such a way that life-long wounds heal?
The key characteristics of mother love
are thus security, continuity and resonance. If in early life these basic
needs are not met, deep down you will feel you missed the foundation of life. In many
cases the ego tries to find substitutes for it. So you accumulate a lot of money for
instance. Others go on a quest for the "lost paradise". Very soon it is obvious
that these most fundamental needs cannot be satisfied through worldly sources. No creature
on earth is able to give you basic security. You may have experienced a lot of
disappointments already. So your quest necessarily becomes spiritual. However, this can
become quite confusing too. How to know you'll find the right "thing?" The
traditional God of the "great" religions appears to have suffered a serious
setback. On the other hand, hasn't the Western world become a "spiritual"
supermarket? You will discover that there will be only a few serious ways. It will take
time to distinguish them e.g. know which one is suitable for you. Even if it pleases you
at the beginning, very often it appears that most ways don't go deep enough. They aren't
able to meet your deepest needs. So, once again, your quest starts. This time you are more
determined. You will not be satisfied with "feeling good" approaches anymore.
Instead, longing for the Truth, for the "Real Thing" is determining your Path.
The surprise: it is indeed only a mother who is able to solve your most fundamental
problem. And where you could never dream of: life is indeed giving you a second chance. It
will take some time and effort before you may acknowledge it. Because coming closer to the
core of your problem causes pain, sorrow and probably resistence. To go after some
"glorious" spiritual goal is much more easy than to confront your most
fundamental problem. that of having a helpless child inside of you.....
The most fundamental insight is that we all
live in a Cosmic Womb. "Her" Bottomlessness is continuously giving
birth to the Eternal Light ("God") and the universe. Everything lives in this
Empty Space. Joke: we never went outside of the Womb! It is indeed impossible. Our first
problem: that of the need for existential security
is hereby solved. It isn't possible NOT to be safe. The Womb is All-Inclusive, nothing
excluded. Once we recognize this a deep relief, a primordial sense of being
"accepted" may enter our being. This new security even exceeds the safety
feelings of our early childhood. Our new safety is rooted in Cosmic Reality, it can never
taken from us anymore! Its logic consequence is its continuity.
As a baby, being left alone could already cause intense stress e.g. panic. We thus not
only need basic security, but also a deep trust that it will be always there. Again, in
the world this cannot be found. The Cosmic Mother, on the other hand, is the Ultimate
Continuum. Being Nothingness, She is everything, an ongoing Cauldron of Abundance, pouring
out Life without interruption. We are part of this flow. Going within we even discover
that deep down we are Her Lightbody, the Divine within. This inner Light is eternal,
knowing neither time nor limits. Thus, returning to our Essence we KNOW that we are
immortal. It can be compared to the feeling of mother's embrace. Researchers found out
that those peoples - in this case South-American Indians - who carry their children on
their bodies all the time, during all their activities, provide their children with a deep
sense of being rooted in the Cosmos. We can have this same existential trust through
taking refuge in the Cosmic Mother. Last but not least, our resonance
with the mother. From birth on there is an intense, subtle and deep exchange between
mother and child. This feedback is the foundation for the formation of character. While
the mother - through her intuition - determines which impulses of her baby should be
honored and which not, the Cosmic Mother is moulding people through Her dynamic Law of
destruction and creation. Through the former the child learns to compromise between its
needs and reality. Inner balance is the result. By surrendering to the Cosmic Mother one
becomes a part of the Cosmic process, though, the latter breaking down everything old,
evil, ugly and harmful, while giving birth to the new, fresh, young, healthy and good. By
becoming part of it, the Cosmos is granting you a new inner balance, a balance that
corresponds with the rithm e.g. cycles of existence. The Mother always giving you the
right answers, affirming and declining your needs according to Her Eternal Wisdom. She
will guide you through insights, "chance", events, "lessons",
challenges, intuitions and dreams. Contemplation and prayer are the ways to support this
The deterioriation of Western (European) youth
is just the tip of the iceberg. While the burden of life in its totality and of
the workplace in particular dramatically increases, the ability to cope with the pressure
goes down with dazzling speed. Both are symptoms of essential aspects of life being out of
balance. A house without proper foundations will collapse, the heavier the superstructure,
the sooner. Factor number one is the lack of basic security. Brought about by the absence
of both mother and father during the first years of life, something that has become
widespread. Traditionally only boys had extra difficulties in finding their own identity,
because of the fact that they had to abandon the maternal environment at a early stage,
this in order "to become a man". It is the reason why men are
"seekers", while girls could spend a much longer time with their mother, having
all the time to ponder about her future role. One of the reasons why women usually have
more inner stability. This, however, is rapidly changing. If girls too cannot fall back on
a reliable mother-figure anymore, then their development toward maturity - like boys -
will be greatly distorted. My prophesy is that in one decade the full picture will have
evolved itself. The suffering - being alienated, thrown upon yourself, uprooted, facing
increasing chaos, overwhelmed by existential Angst - will be accordingly. Lacking an
integrated, stable personality, every pressure is too much, leading to early disfunction
and burn-out. The positive side: men and women in one boat. One thing I pray for very
much: that they - preferably at a very early time - recognize the cause of it, namely the
absence of basic security. Once both genders acknowledge the root cause, a collective
revival may emerge. A spiritual revival, aiming at Returning Home in order to become
renewed. Once the True Self is born, a New "step in evolution" can be made. Only
if (wo)mankind learns that life - if it wants to have a sustainable future - has to be in
harmony with the Cosmos, only then its future is secured. In practice it means that
"our spirit should become part of Heaven, our body part of nature and our
"soul" part of the (new) community".
Mother's Blessings to you all
