The Great Challenge
Despite all PR efforts the Christian Churches in
Europe are on the verge of collapse. The cause is not the ugly outside world -
"secularization" - but an inner decay, a process of degeneration that already
started "during Jesus' life". The result is a skeleton without a body, e.g. a
body without a soul e.g. a soul without a Spirit.
As the Teacher already passed the midst of his life, he
started to re-arrange his life myth, once again. The Wisdom, that had always been the
ground of his existence ordered him to become fruitful. No delay anymore! Look how the
world is at this moment. Much too long people had been in the grip of the Lie, cloaked as
truth. Isn't it time that the Truth will definitively tears itself from it? Shouldn't the
call of liberation go to all directions? This is only possible if Purity is once again
manifesting Itself. It was thus that the Teacher descended and made himself known to the

Green Man in
Hollywood 2006, part 2. See more: https://www.youtube.com/healingtheplanet
His thoughts went back to where It all started. How he was
received in paradise*. For two years he lived in bliss, unobstructed by the heaviness of
the world. It would stay with him his whole life. Then the Cloud descended on him. A dark
mist was spreading all over his being. The Light retired and locked itself up in his
heart. Wild emotions dominated his mind: those of abandonment, rejection, anger and fear.
Everything under the sweetbitter veil of sorrow about what was lost. Something - the
Undefinable - in himself kept upright, though. It made a vow to itSelf. Never would he be
unfaithful to his Secret.
* Early childhood
In him his True Home lived on as intuition. Already as a
child he could therefore distinguish lie from Truth. It was in the church that his eyes
were opened further. How could this "God's place" be so stuffy, empty and
hypocritical? What was put on every Sunday, wasn't it just a theatre? To see how without
question people were just taken in hurted his heart. How numb that they belched up their
prayers. Where had the Spirit gone? More and more the distress weighed down on his throat.
The lie shriveled up his body, a scream came out of the depth of his Being. Get out of
The Teacher let his memories flow freely. How he searched
for freedom elswhere. A new culture announced itself!*. A smile appeared on his mouth,
moved as he was about his "Sturm und Drang" period. The Ultimate was
well-disposed towards him at that time. It let him enjoy the "fruits of the
earth". What he did to the full. The church he had forgotten, having left it behind,
for ever buried, at least that was what he thought. To experience life as an experiment.
So many new things crossed his way. Very promising new initiatives were developed. To
realize yourself, that was where it was all about, it dominated his whole life!
* The sixties
As through a miracle he was - after a long time - put back
on the rails. His inner Treasure had survived the turbulence. It resonated with a new and
early longing for the True and Real. A silent promise extended itself in his heart.
Something so subtle, only recognizable by the blossoms in spring. This treasure started to
bud gently. It asked for attention, space, time and nourishment. A sense of new life
dawned in the heart of the Teacher. A careful first shout with joy, not knowing why. He
started focussing himself on the new compass, without knowing where it would bring him.
While everything around him showed signs of decay, the new
life irresistably popped up in him. Something within started pulling. Something that was
Bigger, Lighter and Stronger than himself. This Something wanted to realize Itself! Great,
therefore, was his joy, as he - already after a short period of exercise - discovered his
True Self*. The Teacher had put a first - and decisive - step towards Unity. Not that he
prided himself on that. On the contrary. His basic philosophy - Zen - simply didn't allow
that. "Just be your normal idiotic self" fitted wonderfully well with him.
* With Karl Graf Dürckheim in the Black Forest
(Germany, 1972)
This would soon come to an end, though. In retrospect it
is astonishing, how the "Heavenly Storm" has set his boat into motion. First
that old man who predicted him his future as Teacher, immediately followed by the Vision
of the Grail. For a short moment he again thought he could ignore it. Diligently, he
continued his daily work. To no avail. Through a happy meeting - in which a friend let him
read a text - the fat was in the fire. An unstoppable Love Fire had ignited in his heart.
To become totally eaten away was his only longing left. The Teacher thus travelled to his
beloved*, the one who had put that fire in him.
* Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
What subsequently happened is indescribable. The
Primordial Experience - the Bottomless Ground of mankind - suddenly took possession of
him. Without any doing on his part. Within a fraction his whole life was put "upside
down". Or had it turned out allright! Within 24 hours he realised all heights and
depths of human existence: Absolute Nothingness, Full Enlightenment, the Great Death and
his "Resurrection" from the Underworld*. Redemption of the Divine Promise, death
overcome, his rebirth as future Teacher taken place. The Secret had revealed Itself.
* See: "Threefold
The Divine, knowing about the difficult mission the
Teacher had to face, subsequently gave him a "bonus": 10 years of uninterrupted
bliss*. It had to thoroughly embed his new I into the Self. In order not to become a goal
in itself, the "Dream" was hard-handedly stopped. It would become the beginning
of his 15 years of the "Dark Night of the Soul". Despite the previous bliss
countless unprocessed parts appeared to still have remained in his personality. Mission:
to still integrate these into his new I. Although his Being stayed free and inviolable,
(painful) trial and error was more than ever his share.
* 1977-1987
Purified by his setbacks the Teacher started working on
his teaching. Upgrading the importance of the personality was a priority. Contrary to
those who see the world as illlusion, escaping the confrontation with their
"shit", e.g. missing the chance to learn from it e.g. to become whole, he fully
embraced his "inner stepchildren". To the Teacher St.Augustin was the great
example of how things went wrong. However Enlightened, he failed to pay attention to some
major unprocessed parts in himself - sex and power - through which his message - in itself
pure and true - had a distorted landing in the world.
The spiritual Way not only includes a promise, but also a commitment. It
is very practical. From the very moment where one experiences an opening, the control
function of the ego has lessened. A multitude of impulses may pop up unhindered: from
(obsessive/chaotic) thoughts, suppressed desires, etc. to pain, anger, fear, inferiority
feelings.....In order for the inner development to go on it is decisive, that these parts
will be integrated into the New Identity. To this purpose the Teacher has created the
Universal Way. It consists of awakening, personal integration (spiritual, emotional,
physical), being rooted in Heaven and earth, breakthrough of the Light,
purification/catharsis, taking refuge in the Ultimate and compassion/service.
Despite the fact that initially Buddhism
fascinated him most - not for nothing very early on the Ultimate had whispered the
Ultimate Sutra in his ear, later leading to a total renewal of Buddhism* - the Teacher
noticed that he hadn't renounced his Western background. To the contrary. Especially with
regard to the Dark Night the former had little to offer. The "Christian" mystics
on the other hand - for years he had a picture of St. John of the Cross in his pocket -
were a rich source of experience and insight. It led to that he included this tradition
into his curriculum.
* See: "Great
Mother Buddhism"
To embrace Christianity as a whole was still a bridge too
far, though. It concerned the person of Jesus. Because of power-political reasons the
church had proclaimed him as the "Only Begotten Son of God", as the only one who
could claim Divinity. From his own experience the Teacher knew that this was false. Isn't
the Divine Omnipresent? Isn't It penetrating all and everybody? Didn't It reveal Itself in
his own life in a unique way? To reveal the truth about Jesus was not an option...yet.
After all, he had died "for us" on the cross. A "fact" that was
difficult to compete with.
While Jesus was put to the background several
aftershocks of the Dark Night occurred. Just like Jesus.....the Teacher was confronted
with his ego, the latter tearing into him. It tried to seize the chance of using the Light
for its own purposes. "I, the great enlightened one". While Jesus went to the
desert for it, the Teacher stepped back into his inner Depth, the dimension beyond the
Light. In order to do so, he only had to actualize his own Realisation. This didn't start
with the Light, but with Absolute Nothingness. The latter preceded the former, the former
was born out of the latter.
"The Light comes out of Darkness", that was the
essence of his new insight. With the Light he had enough experience, it was (is) his
deepest Being. But Darkness? As it happened to him his entire existence was wiped out in
one blow. You cannot realise, attain or possess It. It hides Itself from every insight. It
is a mystery that cannot be fathomed, because in confrontation with it, you cease to
exist. It destroys you, while (immediately after) It lets you become reborn. A
"Vessel" of "death and renewal". It could only mean one thing: it
complies with the Cosmic Womb ("Great Mother") of pre-patriarchal times.
In order to make it accessible to people - the main duty
of every Teacher - an appropriate Name had to be found. Suddenly the Teacher remembered
the opening verse of his Ultimate Sutra.

I, a Fully Awakened One,
King of Innumerable Heavens
pay reverence and prostrate Myself to
The Great Mother
the Non-Dimension beyond the Absolute
Unknowable Nothingness beyond Nothingness
Bottomless Womb of the Eternal
Primordial Matrix in Which the Unborn Absolute
evolves and disappears
without cessation
At that time he was dictated by Nothingness,
without he being in between. That's why he could write down something, he didn't
immediately understand, yet (20 years later). But now he found it. The Ultimate as
"Great Mother". Immediately he knew: this is the renewal mankind had been
searching for. After all, as never before we are confronted with decay, desperately
reaching out for renewal.
A surprising turning point, indeed. Suddenly the Teacher
wasn't the centre of the universe, anymore. That didn't affect him at all! On the
contrary. With one blow the Mother had liberated him from his (always smouldering)
obsession with "his" Enlightenment. For the first time in decades he fell on his
knees, while tears flowed down his cheeks. What a joy, what a gratitude. It was the Mother
Who had destroyed him and subsequently granted him the Light. His being a teacher did not
originate from himself, but from Her. He had come to the world - as a Servant - to carry
out Her Orders.
The Cosmic Mother as the Ultimate, that's the foundation
of a new world view. It is the essence of the Teacher and his new teaching, who - from
that moment on - would call himself Servant/Messenger ("Sermes"). Everything -
both "God" and the universe - originate from Her Bottomless Abyss, while
continuously returning. Life consists of "death and rebirth" on all levels, in
all areas. Giving in to this cosmic call, we will live optimally, "immortality"
being our share. Not for nothing the Mother has revealed Herself in these times. She shows
us the way out of our self-inflicted crisis.
Let go of the old (ego) and become reborn as a
New Self. In order to subsequently fitting in into the Whole - Heaven, earth and the (new)
community - once again. This is the Message for the current times. The degenerated
masculine "values" - addiction to power and money, ruthless competition,
injustice, exploitation and destruction of nature - have to be replaced by
"feminine" ones - connectedness, love, cooperation, justice, respect and hamony
with nature. The Servant - now also calling himself "Green Man", taking up his
place in the Original Tradition of Son/Lovers of the Mother - is taking the
* The Tradition of Osiris, Tammuz, Baal,
Attis, Dionysos, even Maitreya and yes.....Christ. See below for more.
While everything, without exception, is originating from
the Truth, the Servant himself is looking with big eyes at so many big words. Deep within
he has remained the same Innocence, that which he had always been. Sometimes it causes
strange clashes with his mission in the world. In order to achieve the latter he has to
"come forward", e.g. to fullfill his (pre-programmed) role. Although knowing
from very early, that this role was destined, everything is sometimes, somehow rather
"unreal" to him. Fear of confrontation with the world often steals over him, as
well. Without the Mother he wouldn't have summoned the courage.
To the Servant it was clear that sooner or later this all
would have consequences for his relationship with Christianity. Without incorporation of
the latter his mission wouldn't be complete. It was initiated by a special experience. It
happened in Avila (Spain), now many years ago, as he visited the monastery
"Encarnation" (where Teresa of Avila had been nun for 30 years). In the yard
stood a very ugly concrete cross. "There you have it" he thought. Despite that
he approached it, while even touching it shortly. Immediately it gave him a feeling of
lightness and peace. O, he thought, "from now on I have to take up my
The small miracle: on his way back along the houses
suddenly a bread fell down "from above", without any clue whatsoever! "A
sign from Heaven", he thought. "It will take care of me". Ever since time
is only working to "his advantage". What he knows from within, now becomes
visible in the world, as well. Never before, so many things are revealed about our own
spiritual/religious tradition. First of all, this has consequences for our "god
image". The "Creator" has been replaced by the Mother, from Whom everything
is born. The world isn't a "creation", but - just like God - is being born out
of Her Lap. God "as we know him" thus isn't the "Father", but the
What about Jesus? What place he has in the new Divine
Plan? Wasn't he the Son, sent to earth by his "Father?" Good question, one for
which the Servant has a clear answer. Everybody who is reading the Bible knows, that Jesus
didn't consider himself "God". This title has only been introduced by the
church, part of its strategy of catching souls. In reality, Jesus stood in the tradition
of the Great Mother. Obviously, he couldn't speak about it publicly. What is clear is,
that he was annointed by Mary Magdalene, who was a priestess of the Old Religion. She was
the one who accompanied Jesus everywhere, financed him, while later standing under the
cross and at his grave. She was the woman "who knew the All", the "apostle
of the apostles".
Jesus fullfilled the hope of women for the returning of
the Mother Tradition. It explains his "women-friendly" behaviour. He tried to
comply with these expectations through his role as "dying and resurrecting"
(vegetation)God, the key event in the Mother Tradition. This isn't the same as "being
God", like imposed upon him by the church. In practice, he was a man who had been
granted a God-experience - indeed a Godman - a Self-realised One, like so many before and
after him. It was on the Tabor mountain that he was granted his Enlightenment. He taught
"the Kingdom within" to people. Only to those, who didn't understand it he
talked simple parables, a sign of his all-inclusive compassionate attitude.
Jesus wasn't thus "the unique new beginning",
something the church relentlessly tries to brainwash people with. He was the such-and-such
chain in a long very old tradition. All characteristics of Jesus, like mentioned in the
Bible - including death and resurrection - were widely accepted millennia before him in
the cultures of the Middle East. "Death and resurrection" should not be taken
literally (physically), but is a metaphor to spiritual Realisation. Which was widely
practised by the hellenistic mystery religions and the gnosis. In order to present itself
as unique, as the "new convenant between God and mankind", the church hasn't
only created the "historical" Jesus, but also was holding its true background
back, oppressing and destroying it. It resulted in the destruction of Godpeople
("heretics"), other religions ("pagans") and....last but not least of
women. The latter were most dangerous, because they carried the memory of the Old Religion
with them.
In order to eradicate all traces with the past - Mother
Religion, the Dying and Resurrecting God, Mystery Religions, God-realisation (Gnosis) -
the church didn't shy away from any means: persecutions, murder, deceit, lies, massive
burning of books, falsification of texts (Bible!), destruction of temples etc. etc. In the
Middle Ages this was "happily" carried on: Cathars, even Franciscans (....) and
its own Christian Mystics, Heretics, Jews, Philosophers, Women......all "that thought
differently" had to face up to it. With it the Inner Light was extinguished for ages,
the main cause of the degeneration of Western culture. We are now standing with our back
against the wall. Because Being was taken from us, we throwed ourselves into
"having". By having more (and more), we don't get Being back, though. Only
returning to the Source will do.
The most reprehensible was the
indoctrination of the people with the "original sin". Through it one became
expropriated e.g. deprived of one's most precious. For our Being isn't "sinful"
but Divine (Meister Eckhart). A religion that is taking away people's Divine Core, what
kind of a religion is that? The only "way out" was the "redemption",
of course exclusively mediated by the Church. It shows the true interest of the Church:
power over the souls. The primordial sin doesn't exist, hence we don't need redemption.
Alleluia! The shadow side? No "security" anymore. General perplexity is
spreading like an oil spill. It makes the Servant's heart bleed. His Mission is to
(finally) tell people the Truth: the insight that every human being, nobody excluded, is
in his/her innermost core, Divine*. This knowing is unshakable. Nobody can ever once again
deceive you. That this may become revealed in your own heart, so help you the Divine.
* To be realised a.o. through the
Universal Way (see above).
Why the Servant is emphasizing all this, you may
probably be asking yourself? Isn't this past for a long time already? Couldn't we -
especially nowadays - better focus ourselves on the future? The point is, that the crisis
we are in rightnow is a direct effect of these earliest events. Because the ties with
"Heaven, earth and the community" were cut in exchange for the ersatz reality of
the "belief in Christ", a terror ("inquisition") that uninterruptedly
carried on for many centuries, the spirit of the people was broken, their resistance
beaten into pulp. They had no choice but to "fall back" on their (primitive)
ego. It would become the beginning of a self-centered culture, culminating in the
ego-catastrophy of today. One of the main tasks of the Original Tradition therefore is the
restoration of inner life, like it was practised by the Old Traditions.
Don't think the Servant likes to tell you this. He wasn't
keen on taking this role upon him. On the contrary. Obedience to his mission and giving it
up were always struggling within him. The more close and inevitable the former, the
stronger his tendency to escape from it e.g. to resist it. One of his strategies is to
fall back on old familiar patterns. Another is just simply leave it all, thinking that
elswhere he would not be confronted with it anymore. All these attempts always failed.
Whatever he did, It appeared to be unstoppable. Conversely there are people who blame the
Servant for narcism. Why f.i. such an extensive autobiography? True spirituality is
selfless and doesn't leave traces behind, they say. Answer: without insight into his Great
Experiences, the mission of the Servant cannot be understood.
It is much more easy when you get Enlightened, while being
part of some tradition. In such a case everybody understands the how and what. If,
however, you are the beginning of a New Tradition, you have to explain e.g. make public
the how and what, simply because the latter necessarily deviates from the known. There is
no other way. Add to it the fact, that in the current crisis the survival of mankind is
depending on igniting the Light into as many as possible people. Contrary to sects that
are keeping things secret - symptom of their greed for power - the mission of every
Realised One is to share everything, without reservation. Actually, the Servant is at your disposal with his clear Being,
his all-embracing compassion and his selfless commitment. Moreover, he has published his entire work for free in the internet.
End of the story? Of course not, it is only the beginning.
How does the Original Tradition, the one the Servant says he embodies, look like? Will it
renew Christianity, or maybe even replace it? "The European soul is dead" the
current pope has said (however, doesn't tell you who it was who killed it). Thus, there is
not much to loose, one would say. Isn't, on the other hand, existential distress at its
worst? Meaninglessness, loneliness, angst, depression, stress and burn-out, everything
without any good prospects. Knowing the Mother birth of the new follows the death of the
old, though. Good reason to be hopeful. The Mother did not reveal Herself for nothing just
"We are all heading for nothingness". Isn't that
the greatest fear people have nowadays? For most of us it means the end. If Nothingness
would appear not to be the end, but a new beginning? This is exactly the case with our new
insight. The Great Mother is Nothingness beyond Nothingness - something Buddhism
advocates, however, often without knowing its (Non)Reality - the Cosmic Vessel, to which
everything returns in order to become reborn. Once you understand this, are you still
afraid of Nothingness? Obviously, no. You would trustfully surrender to Her
incomprehensible Wisdom. You would cooperate with the decay, knowing that this is leading
you to the Origin.
Renewal of religion takes place if the Mother is
recognized as the All-Embracing One. She is uninterruptedly giving birth to the Divine.
Without harming the patriarchal "There is only One God", the existing religions
are all Sons of the Mother. Since She is beyond the Light, She is not competing with them.
While retaining their own identity a new platform of understanding, respect, tolerance,
connectedness and cooperation is created. Something only the "EternalFeminine"
can achieve. Our "image of God" is unchanged, representing the "Eternal
Light". The only difference is, that it exists not from Itself, but originates from
the Bottomless Emptiness of the Mother. Others, those for whom this is just a bridge too
far, call the latter the "Maternal Dimension of God".
The second principle is that outer religion stems from the
inner. Contrary to Christianity, that, since the first centuries has oppressed inner life
in favour of the masses. Religion degenerated into an outward exercise only, in which the
quality of the experience was completely ignored. The only demand to priests was, that
they should be obedient functionaries, no need for any degree of holiness, whatsoever.
God-realisation - the Essence of every true religion - was declared taboo. During all
centuries mysticism/gnosis therefore was a peripherical phenomenon, instead of the core.
Through it the church had initiated its own downfall. People can hold out a long time
living at the surface, at last longing for Oneness will always prevail. Therefore, the
further decay of (outward) Christianity is only a matter of time. If, on the other hand, it would acknowledge, that Christ
is a chain in the oldest tradition of the world, thus gaining significance rather than
losing it....then a new phase in evolution could be ringed in.
This is touching another fundamental issue. The Divine is
continuously revealing Itself to countless men and women. This God-realisation is not
limited to some individuals, let alone only one. Jesus as the "Only Begotten Son of
God" is therefore untenable. Buddhism in this regard is much more honest and
consistent. Because BuddhaNature is penetrating all, everybody and everything, without
exception, is a potential Buddha. This is how it should be in a possibly renewed
Christianity. The greatest adversary? Well, the church, of course. Understandably, because
realised people are following their inner Divine guidelines, while leaving the church
behind. This spiritual liberation is unstoppable. Nobody will (in this regard), once
having tasted affluence, go back to the scarcity.
The Original Tradition is representing this all. But there
is more. During life we are all connected, not only "vertically", but also
"horizontally". We are all part of Mother's web of life. Our earthly life should
therefore be a reflection of "cosmic order": "Death, rebirth and
permanence". It is manifesting itself in the menstrual cycle, on the one hand; while
being an source of inspiration for masculine service and sacrifice, on the other. The web
of life includes values like connectedness, cooperation, respect, love, justice, community
and harmony with nature. They are so-called "feminine" (holistic) values. The
current! masculine values like rationality, reductionism, self-actualisation, ambition and
competition are "secondary". Masculinity is a derivative of femininity!* In
practice it means a fundamental upgrading of "femininity" and women.
* The mind is a function of life and not the other
way round.
Our Tradition is extending itself to other religions and
cultures, as well. Isn't the Mother All-Embracing? Proof: Mother worshippers from various
traditions have more in common with each other, than with their own religious background.
Haven't you noticed the striking similarities between a Mary, a Kuan Yin, a Matsu, a Durga
or a local Goddess festival? Both the mood of the people as well as the outer form are
nearly equal. It goes without saying, that the Servant is ardently advocating the coming
together of these traditions. World peace would be greatly benefit from it. The same way
the Original Tradition is considering all paths to God as of equal value. No one can claim
"superiority" over the others.
Last but not least, insight into the universal web of life
promotes Existential Consciousness*. All people, nay, everything alive is part of
"Heaven, earth and the community". It is our existential situation. We don't
always call it that way. However, with some small compromises to the interpretation -
"Heaven" as a common term for God, Allah, Yahweh, Brahman, BuddhaNature and even
Nothingness....Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindu's, Buddhists, Agnostics and Atheists could
be brought together. "Being part of the earth and the community" isn't an
obstacle to no-one, because of its evidence. All should thus be able to find themselves in
this definition. It could provide a concrete contribution to the urgent Unity in
* Existential
Consciousness |