- Our Lady of Watkin, Coria, Cáceres
- Our Lady Of Atocha, Madrid
- Our
Lady of Guadalupe, Santa
María de Guadalupe, Cáceres
- Our Lady of la Cabeza, Andújar,
- The Virgin of
Candelaria, Tenerife, Canary Islands
- Virgin of la Encina, Ponferrada,
- Nuestra Señora de la Merced (Our Lady
Of Mercy), Jerez de la
Frontera, Cádiz
- The Virgin of the Miracles (Virgen de
los milagros), El Puerto
de Santa María, Cádiz
- Virgin of
Montserrat in Catalonia
- Virgen de la Peña de Francia (The
Virgin of France's Rock), Salamanca
- The Virgin of Regla, Chipiona, Cádiz
- Our Lady of Torreciudad, Torreciudad,
- Virgen Morena (Dark Virgin), statue of
La Esclavitud de Nuestra Señora del Sagrario in the Cathedral of Toledo (The Enslavement
of Our Lady of the Tabernacle)
- Lluc Monastery (Mallorca)

Cosmic Mother Healing Shrine
Cosmic Womb Mandala
Her Compassion Body
(Black Madonna)
i.e. SUMMER (April, May, June) our TRANSFORMATORIUM
will move to Spain, where we will offer those who want to commit themselves our extensive
& Contact
the Eunate Templar Chapel (Navarra) with Madonna at the background |
Maybe you allow me to start
with something personal. Through intuitive visions I discovered my (fathers) ancestors.
They can be traced back to as far as Canaan (my mother's ancestors come from Germany),
sailed as Phoenicians to Sardinia (Alghero, Spanish territory for several centuries),
where one of my ancestors joined (was forced? to serve) the Spanish Army in the
Netherlands (17th century), staying there after the Spanish withdrew. Ever since, my
family has been part of the 3% "ghettoCatholics" (in Groningen city) in the
midst of a Calvinist culture. Is that the reason why I always deeply felt, that Spain is
my true homeland? Returning to it fills me with tremendous joy.... |
YOU! |

Prehistoric hunters
(Bison-Altamira Cave) |

"Cova de Daina" near Romanya de la Selva
Unlike many other places in
Europe and beyond there are to my knowledge no findings of pre-historic Mother Figurines
("Venusses") in Spain. Although in caves like Altamira people for sure have
worshipped Her. Let's hope that one day the "Primordial Mother" of Spain will be
found....Instead, in Catalonia there is the LINK: Cova d'en Daina, a Womb-shaped
pre-historic burying site...quite remarkable, indeed |
shape of the Cova |

Astarte i.e. Dama de Galera (near Granada)
with the Vessel of Abundance (Grail!) |
Dama de Baza |
The archeological history of the Spainish
MotherGoddess starts with the "Dama de Galera" (Tutugi, near Grenada). It is a
statue of Astarte, brought to Spain in the 6-7th century BCE. all the way from Phoenicia.
She carries the Cauldron of Abundance in the form of a basket , clearly a early symbol of
the Holy Grail. The Grail in its turn embodies the Cosmic Womb. The Galera Vessel probably
shared milk with Her devotees, like She did on Cyprus f.i., later copied by the
milk-spending Virgin Mary (Mater Lactans) |
Dama Oferente |

Iberian Dama de Elche |
Lady of Ibiza (Tanit) |
The original tribes of Spain - the Iberians
- have also been worshipping the MotherGoddess. Often inspired by the Phoenicians they
created wonderful statues, like the "La Dama (Lady) of Elx (Elche), La Dama de Baza
and La Gran Dama Oferente (also: Dama del Cerro de los Santos). Like the Dama de Galera,
the latter keeps a Vessel in front of Her, sharing abundance and ever-lasting life with
Her worshippers. These MotherGoddesses had male "Son/Lovers", in Spain there
have been found the "Biche de Balazote", probably having functioned as a
"temple guard" and the "Bulls of Guisando", showing that the bull cult
really goes back to the times of the Mother and Her Son/Beasts. The Phoenicians left many
more traces in Spain. One famous statue is the Dama de Ibiza, probably representing the
Goddess Tanit*
* All previous sculptures
can be admired in the National Archeological Museum in Madrid. |
de Balazote
(Green Beast of the MotherGoddess) |

Bulls of Guisando |
Originally, the Bull is the
Son/Lover of the MotherGoddess. Bull fights have corrupted this intimate relationship,
though. The toreador is the Christian "hero" brutally killing (the Christian
Way....) his "predecessor", while winning the Lady for himself |

Ruins of the Empuries |
Greek-Roman culture was equally strong
represented in Spain. Example of this is the magnificent site of the Empurias (Catalonia).
As everywhere else cults of Isis and Cybele must have been flowered in Spain. That their
memory even survived at least 700 years is proved by the impressive "Fuente (Plaza)
de Cibeles" (Cybele) in Madrid. Its initiator (in 1782) was Carlos III Bourbon, King
of Spain, Naples and Sicily. His source of inspiration was twofold. First he must have
been in contact with the many Cybele sites on Sicily, secondly he had been in conflict
with the Pope for many decades. He was known as both an enthusiastic and a slightly
cynical man, a combination good enough for building such a marvellous pre-Christian symbol
in his capital. |
theater Tarragona |

Fuente de Cibeles |
del Pilar |
I have not forgotten the most impressive
memories of the Original MotherGoddess to be found in Spain: the Black Madonna's. For that
we have to go back in time to at least the 9th century. Two different Black Madonna's are
emphasized here. The first is the Virgen del Pilar in the "Basilica del Pilar"
in Saragossa. She is standing on a single pillar. It reminds one of the "Pillar of
Asherah" in ancient Canaan. Many other Spanish Madonna's - especially Black and
Romanesque Ones - are standing on a pillar, mostly in the centre of the altar. The second
one is the Moreneta, the Holy Black Madonna of Monserrat and Patroness of Catalonia.
Around 880 CE She has been found - hidden in a tree - by shepherds/farmers. Another
version is that She was carved in Jerusalem and brought back by Crusaders (Templars?) in
the 12th century. Typically, both Madonna's (like the Swiss Madonna of Einsiedeln and the
Italian Loreto) "refused to be brought to a church". Simply because they weren't
part of the Catholic faith. So, the Church forced Her, building forts
("basilica's") around Her, closely guarded by monks and priests. Sadly, She was
then used (abused....) to attract believers. Without Her the Church would have decayed a
lot earlier, already. |
Moreneta |

Cosmic Mother Womb
(Templar Headquarters, Tomar, Portugal) |
spending Madonna of Osiera Monastery (Galicia) |
The Templars played indeed a major role in
the worship of "the Lady". Their mentor was Bernard of Clairveaux who spend his
whole life in veneration of the Virgin. The Madonna is said to have given him some drops
of Her milk dripping from Her breast. Which is a direct connection to the milk-spending
Astarte! The Templars (probably) financed a great deal of the great Gothic cathedrals of
Europe, most of them dedicated to the Lady ("Notre Dame"). The fact that they
called Her "Lady" rather than "Mary" speaks for itself: their source
of inspiration was the ancient MotherGoddess of the Middle East. Her symbol was (is) the LINK: Mother Shell ("Womb!"),
tens of thousands to be found everywhere in Europe on churces and other buildings. It also
became the symbol of the Camino de Santiago, of course deprived of its original meaning! LINK: Santiago |
the Camino |

Original Templer Black Madonna |
Castle Ponferrada
Their daily prayer was like this:
"Our Lady, who was there at the
beginning of our religion, in Her,
and in Her Honor shall be, if it pleases God, the end
of our lives and the end of our religion, whenever it
shall please God that they end"
The religion that had "as its
beginning the Lady" was the original ancient (pre-Christian) Great Mother religion! |
Cathedral |

Grail Chalice with two ladies |
One of the many Grail Vessels |
Since the Templars played a very important
role in Spain (France and Portugal) it can be assumed that their ideas were widespread.
Through them the Black Madonna became associated with the Holy Grail. This too they had
brought back from the Middle East to Europe, where it merged with already existing Celtic
symbols of the "Cauldron of Abundance". Innumerable Spanish (and Portugese)
churches include images and carvings of the Grail. Especially Salamanca - LINK: the Old Cathedral - seems to have been an
important Grail centre. See also: LINK. Calatayud.
Later, in the 17th century St. Teresa of Avila would write her ""Interior
Castle", a mystical book inspired by the Grail. The jewel among all is the Templar
Church of LINK: Eunate in Navarra.
In the typical octägonal chapel there is a Madonna at the centre of the altar (as one
could expect!), with around the church quite a number of Green Beasts i.e. Green Men |
Templer Chapel
(Navarra) |

Eunate Green Beasts/Cats |
King of Leon as Green Man |
There is a close connection between this
Templar chapel, the Templar's Headquarters in LINK:
Tomar (Portugal) and the Dominican nuns monastery in Salamanca f.i. (can be
extended to many other places. See the LINKS in
the Spanish section of the European Pilgrim Network). It appears that
the MotherGoddess was not alone. From ancient times She had Daughters and Son/Lovers.
Example of the first were Penelope (Demeter) and Her Daughter/Goddess Kore. The latter
representing the Death and Rebirth aspect of the Mother. Later this "function"
was taken over by Vegetation Gods or Green Men: Tammuz, Osiris, Attis, Baal, Dionysos
and....Jesus., all dying and resurrecting dieties....In still older times these Gods were
represented by animals: goat, bull, deer, pigs, cats.....a remainder of the hunters who
identified themselves with their prey. This explains why one finds so many Green
Beasts/Men as guards of the Madonna - sometimes called LINK:
"Lady of the Beasts" - in and around churches. Spain is an
overwhelming treasure of Green Men.... |
Man of Santiago de Compostela |

Teresa of Avila |

Madonna of Sasamon
(Burgos) |
Add Teresa of Avila to it, the mystical
woman, with whom I feel personally connected, her colleague St. John of the Cross who
openly speculated about Darkness and Nothingness as the Origin of all life and Ignace of
Loyola (founder of the notorious Jesuits), who's conversion was initiated by the Virgin of
Monserrat, together with visions he had of a mystical Serpent, surely a symbol of the
Original Mother, add much more to it, and you will get an idea of the great potential
Spain has to once again taking the lead in spiritual matters. It consists of going back to
the Original Cosmic Mother as the Source of both God and the universe. The nice thing
about this: wherever you go in Spain, you meet Madonnas, the local manifestations of the
One Mother. It is very inspiring indeed and reason for joy and gratitude. I always
approach them with great respect. I will start our interreligious work with emphasizing
the Healing Aspect of the Cosmic Mother*. So, join my mission to the greater benefit of
Spain and the whole of mankind!
LINK: Treating pain along the Camino de Santiago |
del Puy
(Estella) |
© 2006 Copyright Han Marie Stiekema
Last revising: 01/30/13 |