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Rediscovery of his Reality

Green Man Pilgrimages

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Deepening for those who want to commit themselves

Q & A





Deepening for those who want to get involved

Do the Green Man Pilgrimages reflect your expectations e.g. ideas? That would be very nice. I think if they are able to give you a new orientation in life, the goal is reached. It's not easy to let go of the old and to embark on something new.

There will always be people for whom this is not enough. They feel in themselves a longing for deepening. Perhaps they already felt in love with the Green Men.... Now they want to know more, because the soul wants to be addressed in its innermost core. So who are the Green Men, and what is their relationship with us humans?

Unlike conventional concepts, the Green Men emphasize the Immanence of the Divine. It is based on the recognition that the Divine is in everything and anything. Or rather, everything is part of the Unnamable, everything visible is part of Its Infinite Space. My body is thus part of the Eternal, which I myself AM

Not only myself, but all life is part of IT. So, people, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, clouds, oceans are Divine in ESSENCE. On the surface they play the game of transitoriness, while being immortal in the Center. Green Men symbolize just that. They are a manifestation of Leela *

* Leela means "Divine Play"

If this is so, then it should be possible to recognize the Green Man in yourself. The Pilgrimages, therefore, do not refer to a "Savior" out there, but are calling you to go inside. Who once said: "The Light is in you?" That's why the recognition of the Green Men is so joyful: one senses in them both the Divine and the Human

Thus, our Pilgrimage is a path to your "own" Being. It is a search for the True Self. This True Self is the manifestation of the Divine that in the universe - including inside of you - exists as Immanence. In this infinite Dimension continuous  "death and rebirth" is taking place. The Green Man is thus the archetype of inner regeneration e.g. renewal.

Unlike the Buddha, the Green Men include everything: both the Essence and the personality. They embody true life. In Emptiness all shapes exist. The One who has realized this play with all forms. That's why the Green Men are identical in ESSENCE, while showing infinite diversity at the surface

Buddha's and Bodhisattva's emphasize only the Essence, while "the world is ignored". The Green Men, however, embrace both equally

That is why we are moved in two ways by the Green Men. He plays his game, just as we do that too. In his depth "he knows better, though" as we know it too. The forms/expressions are not always funny. Had the Green Men and the Wise Women! not suffered millennia of oppression? They embody the alienation, that is why they are so likable, because we also have lost contact with our True Self

The Church demanded from the carvers of the Middle Ages, that the Green Men should be purposely woefully represented. Without that no permission to install them in the churches. For it should inform the faithful about how miserable a life "without Christ" was. So they were carved in a distorted way, against their will. Does this not sound like ourselves? Are we not leading a distorted life? A life that we "actually" do not want?

It is amazing how often on the other hand, the sculptors were able to create beautiful faces. That can only mean that despite all oppression the people were able to prevail e.g. to push its wishes through!

The Green Men are calling in different ways for renewal. It is expressed by the leaves that come out of his mouth while being swallowed simultaneously. Everything is subject to "death and rebirth*, while at the same time he is dwelling in nature (in the world). A symbol of Wholeness as you can find nowhere. The Green Man is truly the beginning of a Newe Era

* A major reason why the Green Men express both joy and sorrow.

This is not accidental. He personifies the resurrection of the Divine in nature, something that has been suppressed by the Church for 2000(!) years. The global crisis has "caused Him" to appear. His resurrection after such a long time means that His power is invincible. He is the hopeful for all men who are longing for their masculinity: a life of fulfillment, meaningful, wild, adventurous, courageous, joyful, with solidarity with and service to the Whole

Women cn recognize this in themselves, too. In addition to their "typical" female emotions - which are designed for continuity, substance, i.e. for the wholeness of the web of life - reflection of the Cosmic Mother - many strive for realizing their "animus," or their "masculine" part. In addition, many long - after having "domesticated" him - for a "real man"

Yes, how to come closer to the Green Man which is hidden deep in yourself? Not through worship of an external object, something that what is outside of you. Not even through identification, which is based on imagination. It should not stick to the symbolic, like the Church has always done, this is really much too superficial and irrelevant. No, if the Green Man really lives in us, then we need to REALIZE Him, we must become what we really ARE

In addition, I have initiated The Universal Way some time ago. It begins with the recognition i.e. the feeling of your inner wound (of alienation, burn-out, etc.). It helps to awaken the desire for Wholeness within you. If the longing is strong enough, you go within in order to find our True Self. With this awareness as a basis you imagine a Green Man and eat him before your Third Eye, like he is eating the leaves

Thus, external and internal image come together and become one. It is a process that is specifically made for concrete Green Men, that is, on the pilgrimage, in the churches. During the process you still remain an observer, that there is always a certain inner distance between you and the image. It is a guarantee that you really realize Him and do not identify. Sign of a successful Unity are physical and emotional reactions such as vibration, twitching, sobs, tears, laughter, prayer, singing, spontaneous movements or dance, or a great inner peace

The Universal Way consists of a total of 7 steps: awakening, personal integration, to be rooted in Heaven and earth (also called Tendi Qigong or "Sanctifying Nature", a really wonderful exercise*, the breakthrough of Light (through meditation, Ma-Zen), devotion i.e. surrender to the Ultimate and service. You can study them and put them into practice during the pilgrimage

   * See: "The Universal Way", "The Sacred Valley" and also

In addition, we are fundamentally interreligious. Thus open for any form of religiosity. The Ultimate will be Christian for some, for others It is Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, or the Cosmic Mother*. It's all okay, there are all ways to the selfsame One Divine

* The Green Man is the Son/Lover of the Cosmic Mother, while the Wise Woman is Her daughter. In the Content you can find all about it

Finally, for those who want to really commit themselves, there is the possibility of being trained as a Green Man or Wise Woman. The goal: service to the whole through Spiritual Service, Health Service, Community Service and Earth service


(Greeting from Sumeria 4000 years ago. It means "Freedom of the Cosmic Mother")




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Last revising: 12/27/09