She is everywhere
In ancient times people
considered the Cosmos to be a Womb, a Cosmic Womb.
Everything was born out of it, while at the same time returning to it. The big surprise:
both spiritual experience and physics are confirming this deepest possible insight.
The Ultimate Reality is
Bottomless. Therefore the night was taken as a
metaphor. Light is born out of Darkness! while the universe is emanating from the Light.
Religious axioma - there is one God - isn't wrong, but incomplete.
With this shift in
emphasis, our world view has fundamentally changed.
The "Mother" is the Origin of all, while giving birth to God as Her first
emanation. God is not the "Father" but the Son!
Every genuine
spirituality or religion is searching for the Ultimate. In its turn, how we look at the latter determines our world view. The
first consequence is that definitions of the Ultimate - the Almighty, Love, the Light -
are only partly valid.
Instead, the Bottomless
Empty Womb - called Cosmic Vacuum in physics -
is the "Vessel" of both creation and destruction, giving continuously birth to
the new, fresh and healthy while destroying the old, sick and evil. The idea that the
Divine is both beneficial and terrifying is new to the West.
In Phrygia (now Turkey)
the metaphor of the "Mother" (Darkness,
Kybele) and Her "Son" (the Light, Attis) was institutionalized for the first
time. In Sumeria this same idea was projected in the MotherGoddess (Inanna/Ishtar) and Her
Lover Dumuzi (Tammuz). In Egypt Isis and Osiris were the protagonists.
From there this
fundamental insight spread both to the East as well to the West. My research in both regions strongly suggest that the Mother is indeed
everywhere. Of course through different manifestations, forms and contents. Her Essence
however, is still the same.
Obviously, I didn't do
this as a hobby. After having received Mother's
Direct Revelation in 1977 - in which indeed Darkness destroyed my entire Being, while
subsequently imbuing me in the Eternal Light, my passion has been to share this the
Ultimate Truth with every sincere seeker.
Why the Mother and not
"God" is going to save the world? Because
only Absolute Emptiness is able to destroy the ego. And the ego, as we all know is the
cause of our global crisis. With God we can go on projecting, shaping "Him"
according our own desires. With the Cosmic Vacuum this practice has been put to an end.
Thanks to Her
ego-destroying Nature the Mother cannot be
manipulated anymore. It is the hour of Truth! Taking refuge in Her, voluntarily giving up
your ego, you will be "saved" through the birth of your True Self. In case you
resist Her, clinging to your ego, your life will be dominated by suffering.
To give this new
insight more body, I have been searching for visible
examples in various cultures. The results are overwhelming. Both West and East still
revere the Mother. In the West this is manifested by the Black Madonna's and their
"Son/Lovers", the Green Men (and Daughters). In the East the Great Mother is
represented by either the successors of Kybele (XiwangMu, Taoism) or Her more
"destructive" manifestations as Kirthimurta, Mahakala, Kali, Kala (Hinduism, Bon
religion, Buddhism, "Javanism")
I just came back from
Java (Indonesia). What I saw there exceeds every
expectation. Whatever one studies, everywhere one can still observe the times in which the
"Mother" was considered the "highest" principle. E.g. through the
national symbol (Gunungan), the Yogya Kraton Myth, and almost all temples from Hindu and
Buddhist times (Prambanan, Borobudur and much more.....
The ultimate discovery.....both the images from the West (Black Madonna's and Green Men) as well
as the East come together in Meso-America. There they fuse into the Aztek Great Mother,
the Maya Cosmos, the Red Queen of Palenque together with Her Son/Lover Pakal, the latter
often displayed with a green mask!
Spiritual Realisation,
our historic/mythological past, and science thus have come together. It is the most fascinating spiritual journey since the Great Teachers
(LaoTze, Buddha, Jesus etc.) appeared on this earth. In fact, it is the beginning of a new
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