It started with Mary. She apparently
lived in a circle of other women. Of her parents only Anne is emphasized. Later the latter
became St. Anne, symbol for the Great Mother, with Mary as the Goddess. The whole picture
strongly suggests, that these women lived outside the Jewish social structure. Right, you
already guess it, they were Canaanites....
In the "Spieghel Historiael"
(Jacob of Maerlant, 13th C) it is mentioned "When Mary was three years old she was
brought to the temple and stayed there (for several years) with other virgins". In
the context of Jewish culture this doesn't make sense (at all). A girl would never live in
the temple. The only explanation is, that Mary was part of Canaanite culture
Then, one day, she was visited by an
angel, "Gabriel". "He" brought her God's message, saying that she had
been chosen to become pregnant by the "Holy Ghost" in order to be the mother of
God. This can be interpreted as follows. In Canaanite Tradition the Cosmic Mother
regularly gives birth to dying and resurrecting Gods, who take care of the wellbeing of
the people. Ordinary women were chosen to continue that Tradition
The Cosmic Mother (Asherah, Astarte,
Anath) who - in Her Original Being, included destruction, creation and permanence - was
suppressed by the Jewish priesthood (Levites), though, but had re-emerged as the Cherubim,
angel-like figurines on the Ark of the Covenant. "Gabriel" was nothing but one
of them, bringing Mary a message from......the Cosmic Mother. Moreover, the Holy Ghost had
been a symbol of the MotherGoddess for a long time already, again emphasizing the Mother
as the One Who was behind it all.
Mary conceived through the Mother? Yes,
the symbolism is quite strong, because it expresses the parthenogenesis of the latter.
That's why Mary is called the "Virgin". It means " a women who is no man's
property". Spiritually, it is the Great Mother Who is giving birth out of Her Own
Depth, without interference by a male principle. Then Joseph appeared. He had neither part
in the procreation, thus emphasizing the parthenogenesis-idea, nor was he a patriarchal
Jewish head of the familiy. Instead he was the loyal servant to his wife i.e. the Goddess,
thus confirming his role as a matriarchal man*.
There is a tradition that talks about
Jesus as "the son of a prostitute". Father "unknown". It underlines
his matrilinear Canaanite descent.
* Later, the Parcival legend had
the same theme, and also Teresa of Avila's veneration to Joseph was based on the same
myth. Today's situation with so many fatherless children could also reconnect to it.....
Jesus was born in a stable, which
stands for a Cave, again symbol of the Cosmic Womb. (NB. Caves don't play a role in Jewish
worship). Shortly after the three "Magi" from the East arrived led by a star.
They had come to pay respect to the newborn, bringing Gold, Myrrh and Incense. Why was
this visit important? Well, the East is Mesopotamia, the cradle of ancient Mother Worship.
They were led by the Star, symbolizing the Goddess, a.o. Ishtar, Astarte and Isis from
Egypt (Later, Mary took over the former's title: "Star of the Sea"). And the
gifts were typically offerings from the time of the Mother. The Magi thus confirmed the
birth of a new matriarchal God/King
As a boy of around 12 Jesus once
"disappeared" and was subsequently found at the temple, teaching the priesthood.
They were all amazed about his wisdom. Wisdom comes from the Depth, never from dogma's or
"the law". It shows that Jesus spoke from a different level, a level the
priesthood had long forgotten. From where he got that wisdom? Because it is nowhere said
that he had a Jewish teacher..... it must have been his own domestic environment - that
circle of women - who taught the boy THEIR (Canaanite!) wisdom.
After that he really disappeared from
public life. Why? If he had been a follower of Jewish Tradition, he would certainly have
been in one of the Rabbi schools. No any report about that. Neither is there any
indication, that he has been a member of the Essene Sect, as some suggest. His later
"women, love and family friendly teachings" had very little to do with the
ascetic attitude of the Jewish "desert monks". The explanation is simple. After
his 12th his education became more serious. A training for future Canaanite God/King would
never be tolerated by the Levites, though, hence, it had to take place in total secrecy.
Although the time that Solomon worshipped the Holiest of Holiest as the "Womb of
Astarte" was suppressed a long time ago, it was still necessary to have a cover-up:
as a carpenter.
Upon entry in society he let himself
baptized by John the Baptist. During it a Dove - ancient symbol of the Mother - appeared
above his head, again indicating that She guarded and approved the whole procedure. The
Gospel of the Ebionites says: "Today I have given birth to you". It reflects the
ancient notion of being "twice-mothered" - the rebirth through the Cosmic
Mother* (One of the titles of the God Dionysos). The core is very traditional. John the
Baptist is the old Son/Lover of the Mother, who's "ministry" had come to
its close. Therefore, he proclaimed Jesus to be the (next) Messiah. It symbolized the
death of the Old God (and the "birth" of the New), in this case brought about by
Salome, the granddaughter of king Herod Antipas, the former demanding his head. She is the
destructive aspect of the Goddess. Like Osiris, John the Baptist subsequently descended to
the Underworld, telling people the Good News of the succession by Jesus.... (NB. The
Templer supported this interpretation of the event, one of the reasons for their later
* In the Gospel of the Nazoraens
the "Holy Ghost" (the Mother) says: "My Son, in all prophets I waited for
you. You are my first-born Son"
With the wedding at Cana, two
historical places are possible, both in Canaanite land. During that event a woman (his
mother?) said to him: "They have no more wine". Jesus' answer: "dear woman,
why do you involve me, my time has not yet come". Clearly, he was reluctant to enter
public life, a well known phenomena with people "who have been at the Other
Shore". Nothing is more difficult, for the world seems so rude, compared to the
subtleties one experiences within. F.i. Maitreya Buddha is said to "hesitate
descending to the people". Nietzsches Zarathustra had the same problem. In Jesus'
case it is HIS MOTHER who pushes him. "She then said to the servants: "do
whatever he tells you". Women throw their (matriarchal) hero into the cold water! It
was Jesus' first act of SEVEN miraculous signs. SEVEN is the secret number of the Mother,
representing SEVEN initiations (NB. See below in the Mary Magdalene section)
My mother gave birth to me in
order to die, while my True Mother has granted me Life"
Jesus (Gospel of
From this moment on there was no way
back. The key question: how was he to combine his Canaanite background and teaching on the
one hand against the background of everyday Jewish dominated life on the other? Some
special skills were required. Precisely in his encounter with a Canaanite woman he
experienced his next test. Because of insecurity about his role, he first rejected the
woman (Jewish pattern), in order to suddenly find the courage to let his heart (Canaanite)
speak. It is a moving event, in which the straight-forward attitude of the women - very
recognizable to a man who had been raised and trained by Canaanite women - certainly
helped him to come forward.
"Mother Loves
Why he had a preference for meeting
non-Jewish women? Why he emphasized "feminine values? Why he always supported them,
while critisizing Jewish men, together with their institutions? Why he taught them to be
servants (like Joseph, his "step"father!), rather than rulers? Knowing his
Canaanite background, this will not surprise you anymore. He had simply come to restore
the Old Tradition, the Tradition of the Original Mother with Her "dying and
resurrecting Son/Lovers" of whom he was the next. That was his mission. So, he was
very well aware of the purpose of his teaching. And step by step he became more open about
it. This is proven by the fact, that he time and again despised Jewish law, while
furiously removing Jewish traders from the Temple....
Jesus was also called a
"sorcerer". Some accused him of being an instrument of the "devil". It
may indicate his "foreign" (Canaanite) background.....
One thing transcended his mind and that
was his Enlightenment on Mount Tabor. This mountain lies in the North and - not
surprisingly - is a holy mountain of the Canaanites. In that event he got insight into his
Divine Nature. That explains why he started preaching about the "Kingdom of
God". C. Mulack, a feminist writer, claims that the "Kingdom of God"
is "feminine". "Men know nothing about this", she writes. Well, with
all respect and agreement on most issues, this time she didn't grasp the significance of
the Tabor event (or didn't want to take it seriously). doesn't fit in her
biased feminist position? It would mean that Echnaton, Lao Tze, the Buddha, Kabir, Sri
Ramakrishna, Ruusbroeck, Meister Eckhart, John of the Cross and innumerable other Mystics
were ignorant. Which is grotesque. The reality is: Enlightenment is beyond any
"worldly experience". It goes beyond gender distinctions. It is neither male nor
female. So in Jesus' case Love, Inclusiveness, Light, Tolerance, Justice,
Connectedness......came directly from the Divine Source. However, Jesus is unique in the
sense that his Enlightenment came out of Darkness - his Cosmic Mother - as stated by the
Gospel of the Hebrews: "Even so did my Mother (the Holy Ghost....), take me by one of
my hairs and carry me away unto the Great Mountain, Tabor".....
However, in order to emphasize the
proximity of God to people, a feminine concept could have been used by Jesus, as well.
What we would call the Divine Immanence in the world. Since Talmudic times this was called
Shekinah or Malkhut. Both have indeed a feminine connotation. The advantage of using it
was, that they were part of Jewish religion, thus easily understood by the people. In
Christianity she became Sophia. The problem with her - despite all sympathy for her in
defending her position in the Bible f.i. is, that she is still a "consort of
God", an instrument of "His will" , a mediator between "Him" and
the world (just like "Shakti in Hinduism). She is NOT the Original Mother. The latter
gives birth to God and not vice versa! Jesus surely knew this. What Jesus did - and that
was probably the most he could do in his situation - is to weaken the concept of the
"Father" by calling God "Abba" or "Daddy". Moreover, his
actual actions to denounce patriarchy were clear enough. In order to make it
understandable to common people, he regularly compares the "Kingdom of God" with
female values, like baking bread, scenes around childbirth, growth of vegetation....It is
everyday life with its multiple relationships, that Jesus is propagating. In opposition to
patriarchal power, dominance, accumulation of wealth, oppression.
Everybody wants to claim...... C.Mulack
states that "from early boyhood on Jesus had learnt to despise the female
gender". Therefore, in order to become a female-friendly teacher he had to (re)learn
everything from women. A little exaggerated it sounds like this: women are far more humane
than men", thus "in order to become humane, men have to learn from women".
In order to make this point C.Mulack assumes, that Jesus' early boyhood was patriarchal.
Which isn't the case, AT ALL. Now, I don't think that anybody who reads my treatise would
think that I denounce women. To the contrary. I protest against manipulation (or
ignorance) of any kind, in this case, that Jesus has been biased from the very start and
that only a re-education by women has saved him. Stronger even, my point is much more in
favor of women, than C.Mulack's. Namely, that Jesus was raised by (Canaanite) women, right
from the start. He had his good Heart at the right place, through early education by his
mother and her women-friends. Only his surface was (necessarily) conditioned by Jewish
society. So, in the beginning he still felt ill at ease. Something that rapidly
improved. Later on he received his Enlightenment, an event not facilitated by anybody.
Does that mean he didn't learn from women later on. O, a great deal. But he was more than
just "their product"......Thus to omit, that he was a spiritual teacher in his
own right, something that made him a Truly Enlightened One, independent and with a direct
link to the Divine, his Cosmic Mother, is a serious aberration from the Truth.
Ich persönlich habe das Patriarchat
nicht gewählt, sondern wurde gezwungen davon Teil auszumachen. Deswegen kann man besser
die Klassifizierung in "männlich" (schlecht) und "weiblich" (gut)
ganz vermeiden und nur noch von "patriarchal" und "matriarchal"
sprechen. Patriarchal sind alle Menschen die sich mit Herrschaft identifizieren.
Paradoxalerweise gehören darunter heutzutage viele Frauen. Denn ihre innerliche Prozesse
gehen in Richtung von "Animusverwirklichung", also die Entwicklung des
Männlichen in sichselber. Leider verstehen die Frauen das als Karrieremacherei im Rahmen
des Kapitalismus. Sie sind deswegen "oft schlimmer" als die Männer. Während
letztere sich von ihren Anima - das Weibliche in sichselber - angesprochen fühlen. Also
hilft die Genderbezeichnung allein uns nicht weiter. Was schon Klarheit verschafft ist mit
welcher Weltsicht wir uns identifzieren. "Matriarchal" (ich meine das nicht
buchstäblich bzw hat es nichts mit "Herrschaft der Frauen" zu tun) sind all
diejenigen die Verbundenheit zentral stellen. Und viele Männer gehören dazu. Ohne
Männer kein "Matriarchat"*. Denn die neue Welt kann nur von beiden
Geschlechtern getragen werden. Etwas was manche Feministinnen bis zum heutigen Tag leider
noch nicht verstanden haben....
* Übrigens bedeutet
"Matriarchat" "Herr"schaft der Mütter" und nicht "der
Frauen". Ich werde bestimmt noch auf dieses Thema zurückkommen!
Light is born out of Darkness. It is
the deepest possible spiritual insight. That's why Jesus' birth is celebrated at
midwinter, when the sun is at its lowest level. Therefore, Jesus is the Light to the
world, born out of Darkness, out of the Cosmic Womb. This is confirmed by the Gospel of
the Hebrews (Ebionites), where it is said that Jesus "was sent by the Mother".
It confirms that "the Light" doesn't stand on its own, but is Her (first)
emanation. This insight sheds a totally new light on the Trinity. The Origin is the Dark
Mother*, God is Her Son - the Eternal Light penetrating the Whole of existence - while
Jesus is a Realized One, an Enlightened person, teaching people their inherent Divine
Nature. It puts an end to patriarchal usurpations in which Darkness and Light are
portrayed as two arch-enemies i.e. the "forces of good and evil". Jesus is
inclusive, because he knows from within, where he is coming from: from the Mother. It is
the deepest cause of Jesus' reconciliatory attitude. On the other hand, isn't dividing the
world into "good (us) and evil (they)" the curse of Western society, culminating
in the sickening apokalypse of the fundamentalists?
* This is why the Black
Madonna's are so fascinating. People intuitively feel the Truth behind them: the
embodiment of Ultimate Reality.
This made Jesus a Teacher of global
importance. He started teaching people "the Light within", through which
everybody would become "like Him". Because of this, Paul had an easy job - being
part of the Hellenistic World with its Mystery Religions, thus knowing about the Tradition
of "dying and resurrecting Gods! - to connect his Christianity to Christ, without the
need for paying attention to the details of Jesus' life. Moreover, as the only one he
could confirm Jesus' Divine Nature - Christ - from his own Experience, his Enlightenment
on the road to Damascus. Indeed, compared to THAT, everything else becomes irrelevant.
That's why he made Jesus "God himself". His Realization wasn't complete, though,
because it didn't include the world around him*. So he made IT a personal thing only,
making Christ his "role model". However, as St.Augustine did later, he projected
all his unprocessed and unintegrated emotional complexes into it. "Dying to the
old", in fact referring to the death of the ego, became the "death of the
flesh". In its turn, the worst of all "carnal desires" were sexual.
So, he abused a spiritual principle - death and rebirth - as a tool to fight (worldly)
life. It was he, who gave the ancient dualism more food: God and world, spirit and the
flesh, light and dark, good and evil, man and woman. The concept of "original
sin" was a logic consequence of it. Being born into the world is equal to become
alienated from God...... Amazing, because through his own Enlightenment he should have
known better. His ambitions being stronger than his love for the Truth..... It is likely
that he copied a lot from dualistic Gnostics (sic) and even from Buddhism. Especially
women were considered the "gate to hell". Hence, it was Paul who laid the
foundation to the misogyny of the Church.
* About the various qualities of
Enligihtenment, see "Ultimate
Paul's manipulations were not so much
due to the fact, that he made Jesus a Divine Son (because in a way this can be said of
every truly Enlightened One!), rather than the Son of Man, but that he removed the
matriarchal context, the latter being VERY crucial to Jesus. He made Jesus appearence -
the "Only Begotten Son" - an absolute unique historical event, rather than a
chain in coming and going Saviors. He wanted a unique religion, starting with Christ, with
himself as the actual creator. It had to conquer the world, hence it needed masculine
power. Therefore, Paul replaced the Mother by the Father, going against the most essential
principles of Jesus' teachings.
How did he do that? In the Mother
Tradition "death and rebirth" are "simply" natural phenomena, which
can be observed on every level of existence. By resonating with this Cosmic Law life will
be optimal. Paul made something totally different out of it. He created the most ingenious
religious coercion program the world has ever seen. First he postulates the
"original sin", which means that every human being is doomed from the moment of
conception. Effect: fear and depression. You are a sinner and you yourself can do nothing
about it. And then he comes with the "solution". God has sent his "Only
Begotten Son" to earth in order to save you. For that he suffered a terrible death on
the cross. And he did that for you personally. It proves how much "God (Jesus) loves
you". Effect: you feel totally obliged to "God" for the rest of your life.
Your whole life consists of "paying him back" with your loyalty, submission and
obedience. You are forced to love God......Hence "God's love" was never freely
given - like a Mother does......The "Father" wants something in return. Because
you can never pay back God for what he has done for you, the underlying mechanism is
guilt. This intimidation and blackmail scheme is the "driving force" behind
Christian belief. Believers have internalized it, they truly believe in God's love, not
being aware of what really make them tick: fear, depression, intimidation and guilt. Their
love - just like the love of "their Father"- is never free. It explains
their moralism towards others, yes, their aggression towards non-believers. "If I
have to suffer, he or she also has to". It is the source of all Christian missionary
activities. Something that is totally incompatible with the Real Jesus
After having elaborated on the
pathological origins of the Christian Church - which was necessary to understand the
latter's fundamental contradictions - let's go back to Jesus. Through his Enlightenment
his Teachings got a surplus value. Through which his commitment to his Original Calling
even became stronger. However, he didn't do it all all by himself. He grew further into
his role as Son/Lover of the Cosmic Mother. Of course, he couldn't be too open about this,
risking Levite persecution. But he increasingly showed the people in who's name he was
acting. The Goddess to Whom he was committed was represented by a group of dedicated
women. The latter provided him housing, food and other kinds of support. One of the most
outspoken ones was Mary Magdalene. In fact, she was the High Priestess of the Old Mother
Tradition. A rich women, probably a Haetare, a woman who served in a (secret) Temple,
initiating men into the secrets of the Goddess though sacred love and sex.....and
therefore not married.....
It was she who led the whole operation
of Jesus' public life. He was her follower, instead of the other way round. That's why she
was so dangerous to the "apostles". She was called the "Apostle of the
Apostles, the woman who knew the All". Moreover, as part of the Canaanite context,
both Mary Magdalene and Jesus had to "play" the role of the Goddess on the one
hand and the Son/Lover on the other. Their love was divine-inspired. It was all determined
"from above". That's why the question, whether they were married to each other,
is irrelevant. Probably not. Because as husband and wife their public kisses wouldn't have
aroused so much criticism. Increasingly, she became the target of vicious attacks.
Eventually, the Church destroyed her reputation by calling her a ("repenting")
prostitute (because of being a Haetare) and "the women with the SEVEN sins",
which in reality were her SEVEN initiations into the mystery of the Mother
Contradictions grew. Which caused a
more radical attitude from Jesus. He extended his personal approach to man's religious and
cultural prejudices. "Turn On" he said, leave your home (the place of bad
habits) and follow me. Followed by remarks about the rich man, who has less chance to
enter the "Kingdom of Heaven" than a camel trying to go through the hole of a
needle. He critized Phariseans for not serving life, but only scriptures. He rejects
revenge, while emphasizing making peace with the enemy. He openly critizes practices in
which men can divorce their wife (throwing her out on the basis of adultery), but not vice
versa. He despised patriarchal power structures, so abundantly present in Jewish life.
Instead he promoted "feminine values" like compassion, patience, respect,
life-centered inclusivity, love to your neighbor. Values that were still self-evident to
women of those times. Not surprisingly thus, that especially women considered Jesus to be
their liberator, with great hopes for restoring the Mother-oriented society. The moving
passage at Jeremiah 44:15-18 about their longing for and dedication to the "Queen of
Heaven" speaks volumes
- and
the people said to Jeremiah:
"We will NOT
listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the "Lord"! We will
certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and
will pour out drink offerings to Her just as we and our fathers, our kings and our
officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had
plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm. But ever since we stopped burning
incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to Her, we have lacked
everything and have been perishing by sword and famine"
Jeremiah: 44, 15-18
In between, several
other details confirm the true nature of Jesus' mission. What to say about a simple remark
in the Bible that Jesus retired to the region of Sidon and Tyrus, to find peace? This
region is Canaanite heartland (nowadays' Libanon). You don't retire to a land that is
hostile to you. If you want to find peace you go to a place you feel at home, in his case
the famous regions of Astarte and later Aphrodite, regions where the MotherGoddess was
still alive.
First summary: Jesus has neither founded a church
nor wanted to do so, but only wanted to restore the Old Tradition. What he meant by that,
well, he couldn't be open about it under the Levite oppression. However, in reality he had
little to do with the Jewish tradition, f.i. in Judaism the teaching of (selfless) love
doesnt exist, nor do the resurrecting Gods. So he neither belonged to Judaism nor
Christianity (nor certainly to Buddhism as a Bodhisattva as the Dalai Lama claims) but he
could well have been a Canaanite, just as LINK: Mary Magdalene.
Though it is true that the Canaanites had mostly mingled with their conquerors (Jews),
there had always been groups which wanted to restore the Old Tradition of the
MotherGoddess. "Old Tradition", this can only be the tradition, which had been
existing for centuries alongside the Jewish monotheism and turned out to be
extraordinarily strong.
F.i. Elijah could destroy the priests of Baal, but
not the priestesses. Solomon, the famous Jewish king, publicly venerated Asherah, the
MotherGoddess (Cosmic Womb) of the Canaanites and so on and so forth. Jesus as a non-Jew,
this is an "outrageous" idea of which the (positive!) consequences cannot yet be
predicted. In any case he is part of a thousands-of-years-old tradition of "dying and
resurrecting Gods" just as Yahweh had once been (as Son/Lover of Asherah, the
Canaanite! MotherGoddess before monotheism was established). What I call The Original
Tradition. With its first representatives: Osiris, Tammuz, Baal, Attis, Adonis, Dionysos
and....Jesus. This is the true tradition of the "Occident".
By recognizing Jesus as a Canaanite, rather than a
Jew, the 2000 years of extremely difficult "relationship" between Judaism and
Christianity can come to a close. Because Jesus as interpreted by the Church, is the
object of controversy. The latter claims Christ to be the Messiah, after all, something
the Jews "refused to accept". This "superiority" of Christianity over
Judaism, the former's proselytizing activities, still the denouncing of the Jews as
"the munderers of the Son of God", despite the horrible pogroms of the past, the
dubious use of the Old Testament for Christian purposes, in short, all ugly interference
in the business of the other stops through "Jesus Canaanite". Only if Jesus - as
seen by the Church - is not in between anymore, projections can be withdrawn. Then
Christianity and Judaism can start seeing each other as equals. Christianity should take
the lead here, by giving back the Old Testament to where it belongs: to the Jewish faith.
It cannot give Jesus back (to the Original Tradition), because the Church never really
represented him.... Only the Truth could do that. Joy, gratitude!
The key event, through which it becomes
utterly clear about the ins and outs is Jesus' anointing to (matriarchal) God/King by Mary
Magdalene. Let me refresh your memory. In the house of one of his benefitors (obviously a
woman), Mary Magdalene broke a vase containing the most precious of oils, and anointed
Jesus' feet (and head) with it. While doing this she burst into tears, spilling them on
Jesus' body. She then dried it with her own (long) hair. The male disciples immediately
got irritated about this "show" and exclaimed "why this waste of money, why
not giving it to the poor? Proving that they didn't grasp the meaning of the ritual, AT
ALL. Ergo: the ritual didn't belong to Jewish, but to Canaanite Tradition, the latter only
understood by the female initiates. (NB. The anointments of Jewish kings were all inspired
by pre-patriarchal times). It was the ancient Tradition of anointing the matriarchal
Savior. Jesus understood it perfectly, because he replied to them: "they - the women
- are already preparing the coming event of my death". Of course he understood,
because it was part of his mission as "dying and resurrecting God/King".
For sure, his death was meant to be a symbolic act, only. Just like Lazaruses' - who spent
three days and nights in a dark cave, reflecting the three days of the New Moon - in order
to subsequently resurrect, a common practice in Canaanite (and Hellenistic) circles. That
did not prevent Mary Magdalene to sob, because lamenting (women) were part of the
"game" as well.
The last supper is another proof of Jesus as Canaanite
Savior. Of course Mary Magdalene as the one who had been with him day and night for
several years, was at his right side. Moreover, she was to take over his mission, once he
had fulfilled his. The core of the ceremony - sharing bread and wine in his memory - has
nothing "Christian" about it. It was common practice in the entire Middle East,
long before Jesus. He only confirmed this Tradition!, again proving that he considered
himself part of it, rather than being "a new beginning". as the Church always
has put it. Later, in the Gethsemany Garden, he again showed that he performed a
pre-destined ritual. However, his actual arrest still came as a surprise. Despite his
initial fear he accepted his fate, while his male disciples got mad, trying to prevent the
course of events. The betrayal of Judas - despite the findings of the Gospel of Judas,
where Judas was the facilitator, a typical example of "Gnostic positive
thinking" - has to be seen in that light. Its logic is attractive. For it emphasises
Jesus' pre-determined mission as Savior, which complies fully to his role as
"Son/Lover of the Mother". However attractive, I personally don't believe the
idea of the Gospel of Judas.The reason for this is, that none of the (male) (Jewish)
disciples ever showed any understanding of Jesus' (Canaanite) true calling. The cultural
difference between them and Jesus was too big. Moreover, it was never the purpose for
Jesus to actually physically die! So, Jesus didn't need a person who "handed him
over" to the authorities. So my conclusion is, that Gnostics simply put their own
version forward, one of countless other versions that were around. In fact, Jesus' Jewish
followers - including Judas - were desperate about his future death, because they had no
insight into Canaanite Logic.
Jesus' actual (physical) death wasn't reckoned with.
Although......Partly it was the consequence of coming to the open as the new God/King,
through his entry into Jerusalem. Didn't he manage to resist the temptation of worldly
power? Because he always emphasized that "his Kingdom wasn't of this world.... Did he
also want to become "King of the Jews", extending his mandate as a Canaanite?
Or, on the other hand, was it precisely the consequence of the King-aspect of his mission?
In the Canaanite Tradition the Gods were earthly rulers as well. Did Pilate grasp this? As
a Roman he must have been familiar with the Hellenistic Mysteries, after all. By asking
"are you the King of the Jews?" he checked Jesus' awareness as a "dying and
resurrecting Savior". If the answer would be "yes", then Pilate could say,
that Jesus understood the consequences of his own behavior. Therefore...... Pilate's hands
were clean!
A King who fails always causes sudden break in
appreciation by the crowds. Therefore he was hoot at. He was considered a failure. With
regard to his outer mission, this was certainly true. To his inner it didn't make any
difference. He had shown people the essence of spiritual Renewal: Death and Rebirth. Did
he also complied with the Canaanite expectations? Certainly not. To the latter a God/King
is indeed a worldly Savoir, as well. However, it had not been their aim to let him die a
physical death. They had wanted him to die a symbolical death, in order to resurrect, once
again. Like Attis in the Hilaria of Cybele, the "Great Mother" and "Mother
of the Gods". It had gone all terribly wrong. Therefore the women didn't blame Jesus
for it. Instead, they stayed loyal to him, especially in his most difficult hour. Apart
from John, there were only women at his cross. Well, cross.....It is very questionable, if
Jesus died at a cross (or at all!). In the Templar! church of - LINK: Torres del Rio (Northern Spain) -
I have seen images of Christ being tied on an Asherah, the Canaanite sacred pillar. Some
helpers are busy with taking him off. On the opposite side "three Mary's" are
watching......It suggests that the Templars - familiar with Canaanite Tradition - had a
totally different view on Jesus "last moments". "Dying on the Asherah"
means confirminhg his status as Son/Lover of the Mother - the Triple Goddess (three
"Mary's) approving the procedure - indeed, a ritual death, with the aim of subsequent
resurrection. On the other hand, his physical death - as propagated by the Church - caused
him to exclaim "God, why have you deserted me", showing that this was a
Above mentioned is even confirmed by the Bible
(Galatians 3:13 Acts 5:30, 10.39) saying that Jesus was "hanged on a tree". It
is corresponding with previous dying and resurrecting "pagan" Gods, like
Tammuz-Osiris and Attis, the latter who was said to have died "on a tree",
buried in a cave and being raised on the third day! The cross as a "Logo"
was only adopted in the 4th century, after Constantine used it as a sign of victory......
According to the Gospels, before his death, Jesus said
to John, the apostle: "Son, this is your m(M)other, and to his mother, mother this is
your son". Amazing how, even in the canonized texts the Canaanite Tradition got
through. Unmistakably, Jesus is transferring his mission as the Son/Lover of the Mother to
the next, just as John the Baptist did that for him, thus guaranteeing the continuation of
the Old Tradition. This, despite of the fact, that the Church had distorted the whole
story! In order to be a unique beginning they took everything out of context. Contrary to
a symbolic death - so familiar to everybody at that time - only a physical death would be
truly spectacular. So they insist on Jesus' death on the cross. But even here, more
details belong to ancient tradition, rather than to actual events. Apparently, the Church
did not dispose of any real fact, therefore it had to incorporate elements from existing
stories. First, the Veil that teared immediately after Jesus* death is linking to the Veil
of Isis. Secondly, the women - first of all Mary Magdalene - as the first witnesses to his
resurrection. In this first meeting Christ gave the women the incentive to tell about his
resurrection. The meaning? Well, like in all similar cases (Osiris, Attis) the
resurrection is the key event. It had to be told to the people, for only then they were
assured of a new and prosperous new year. However, in all those cases physical death was
never an issue. At the same time the women were not allowed to touch him. It means that
Jesus considered his "death and resurrection" as being spiritual.
Even after his death there was a certain urge to get
rid of any past event that could compete with the "Glory of Jesus". One of them
was a key issue: the "Descent into the Underworld". It is beautifully described
by the Sumerian "Descent into the Underworld" by Inanna, the MotherGoddess. She
went there to rescue Her Lover Tammuz from his captivity in Hell by Erishkalla, Inanna's
Sister and Goddess of Darkness. In order to reach Her aim Inanna had to strip off Her
clothes, SEVEN layers, symbolizing the SEVEN stages of initiation. Eventually, She
liberated Tammuz, on the condition that he would spent three months every year down under.
Which symbolizes the infertile wintertime. This story was later repeated by the
Hellenistic Mysteries, and were considered to be the core-experience of inner Renewal. So,
the Church invented the "Gospel of Nicodemus", a very popular medieval treatise,
describing the "Harrowing of Hell" by Jesus. He descended into Hell in order to
save souls, but not all of them. Those who were already eternally damned were left
behind.....In this way the Church hoped that all the links with pre-Christian heroism
would be extinguished, once and for all.
For the first time there is a (serious) dissonant in
the Jesus story. Most people know about the revengeful, blood-thirsty and war-mongering
God of the Old Testament, Yahweh. "Destroying his enemies" was his favorite
activity. Only at last, when there were no enemies left, he became "peaceful".
Jesus is considered to have started a totally New Era, characterized by Love and Peace.
The New Testament is said to be a document of tolerance and reconciliation. However,
Jesus' descending to the Underworld, making distinction between those who are damned and
others who still can be saved doesn't correspond with the picture we had of him. Professor
F.Buggle (University of Freiburg) has done some research about it and his conclusions are
far from favorable. The New Testament too contains countless passages in which the
believers are threatened with severe punishment and damnation. It is even worse, the
professor says. Because time and again people are threatened by "eternal
damnation", by "being thrown into Hell", a "Sea of Fire", for
ever. Even Jesus himself speaks regularly about it. The transgressions vary between very
minor to severe. In fact, things like to "only think" of seducing another woman,
was enough to put you into Eternal Fire. (NB. I remember my mother telling exactly the
same things, how she had been terrorized at school when she was only eight or so). What
was particularly grave was disloyalty to the bishops.... The purpose was spreading fear
and guilt, the instruments with which the Church oppressed "their" souls.
For people like F.Buggle this was the drop that makes
the cup run over. He recommends everybody to leave the Church. Although we would in no way
hinder his efforts, some marginal notes have to be made. First of all, the passages in
question almost all appear in Matthew, the Gospel, that was written last. Why this is
important? Well, because it has been proven, that especially Matthew had been subject to
the most severe falsifications. With other words: the more recent the Gospel, the more it
was streamlined by Church interests. And the Church was in a constant battle with
"heresies", self-defined "deviations" to the doctrine. So, to the
former, the picture of Jesus was much too soft. It gave too much margin for
"errors". So, it introduced the approved method of the Old Testament - threats
and intimidations - while putting them in Jesus' mouth. Poor Jesus, it wasn't the first
time the Church abused him. And not only him. During the ages the Church has proven to be
a MF, a Master of Falsifications. It did so with God, making Him (IT) "the God of the
Bible" which has nothing to do with God As He (IT) Really Is. The Mother of God was
the next victim. Mary, Jesus' mother has nothing to do with the real Mother of the Gods.
The Bible has nothing to do with God's Word etc. etc. Is it therefore amazing that they
also distorted the True Jesus? To me, Jesus has never intended nor said the ugly words
written about him in the New Testament. We can therefore still fully trust him. What
cannot be said of the institution that pretends to be his "ministry on earth".
Not only because of lies is the Bible a highly
controversial book. It is because there are a lot of good things in the book too.....That
is misleading people to think that the entire book is of high moral value. Well, it is
not. The book is dangerous, because, apart from the humanity that is preached, an equal
amount of life contemptuous passages can be found. It propagates exclusivity, hatred and
violence in a very barbaric way. The result is that all kinds of people refer to it. From
peaceful mystics, emphasizing the goodness of Jesus to fanatic fundamentalists who want to
destroy their (many) enemies and everything in between. The book as the whole has thus NO
ETHICAL IMPERATIVE, because everybody can pick out, whatever he or she wants. The
inquisition finds its justification in the Bible. Oppressors and victims alike claim the
book as their source of inspiration. Especially those, who claim the Bible as being
"God's Word" pose the greatest threat. Their claims are most absolute.
Therefore, it is important to emphasize the Bible as a literary product (as many!
theologians indeed do) rather than a historic one. It is a narrative written by people who
wanted to send a certain message into the world. It implies that everyone (indeed) can
feel free to create his or her own version. For decades I had no interest to join those
efforts. But now that I have realized that the interpretation of the Bible depends entirely
on us (rather than on "God"), while having these wonderful
spiritual insights about the Cosmic Mother, and thus about Jesus, and thus about new
values, I saw it as my responsibility to create a truly humane document, a text that can
really help us in making a new leap in evolution.
See also: "The
churches are dying (out), long live The Original Tradition"
The crucial question, however, is, what the meaning of
"Jesus Canaanite" is for the future. Is there something like a "Second
Coming of Christ" like Christians claim? To answer this we have to go to early
beginnings of The Original Tradition. With the coming and going of seasons various
Vegetation Gods "died and resurrected". Their purpose was to resonate with the
Cosmic Cycle, thus guaranteeing harvest, health and prosperity of the community. Later, it
was the same God - Osiris, Tammuz, Attis, Baal - who every year "went to the
Underworld" and raised from it. Eventually, this turned into a "God" who
"died on the cross", enough to redeem the whole of mankind in one act only. In
order to be sure of the loyalty of its "sheep" the Church postulated a
"Second Coming" of Christ , though - in fact a late echo of former times - in
which he will "judge" every human being, sending people to heaven or to hell.
The ultimate blackmail! Even the Pope expresses "his longing for Christ's Second
Coming". However, it is rather unlikely that his "hope" is sincere. For, if
Christ would indeed come again, what he would say about the Church and its 2000 years
abuse of his message? The Pope has no reason to be happy about this prospect, AT ALL:
Therefore, he is not REALLY expecting "Christ", but only pretending. Moreover,
how to recognize him if he would walk around? What "Christ" has to do in order
to be credible? Should he say "I am the Christ", should he descend from a
mountain or perform miracles? Truth is, that only those who are Enlightened themselves can
recognize another Enlightened One. It is matter of resonance of (very) subtle energies. To
the Church God Experience is taboo, so, no one will be qualified to confirm a "Second
No, it won't happen like that. The first reason is
spiritual. After death the Spirit of every human being is reunited with its Origin,
becoming One with IT. The Divine - Light Body of the Cosmic Womb, Her First Emanation - is
continuously giving birth to countless new manifestations, though. Future lives will
therefore contain "material" from old ones, but are NEVER exact copies. Thus,
nobody "comes back" as the same person. The "Second Coming of Christ"
is thus based on ignorance. What does correspond to Reality, though, is the ongoing
Revelation of the Ultimate in countless "successor" men and women. This is
in accordance with the ancient notion of coming and going "Saviors". Every New
Teacher - provided he or she has truly gone to the Depth of existence - embodies the
Wisdom of the Origin, always adding some new elements to it. This is the core of human
evolution. So, how to recoginize New Teachers? First of all, he or she will bring a
totally new insight about the Ultimate Reality. In our most critical of times this is the
Revelation of the Cosmic Mother. In Her fathomless Depth everything old, sick, ugly, evil
is dying, while giving birth to the new, whole, healthy and good. Because of his own Great
Experience, such a Teacher will emphasize surrender to the Mother e.g. death of the ego
and birth of the New Self. Subsequently, the New Self has to become part of the Whole -
incarnate once again - in "Heaven, earth and the (new) community....."
The "apostle John" was a disturbed man. He
suffered from "imagorrhoea", the uncontrolled and chaotic release of images from
the unconscious mind, usually provoked by deep fear, to be compared with the effects of
hallucinatory drugs (like LSD). The religious i.e. spiritual value is very limited.
However, because of its importance with large groups of believers, I will elaborate its
(relative) relevance. Surprisingly, in the Apocalypse, the primordial (and pre-christian)
archetype of the Great Mother plays a key role. The ultimate renewal - the Saving of the
World - is initiated by the appearence of the Lady! She is both giving birth as well as
destructive. The unity of both indicates that John (the writer of the Book of Revelation)
meant the Original Great Mother. On the one hand She is seen in Heaven, decorated with the
sun, the moon under Her feet, with a garland of twelve stars, giving birth to a Son. On
the other hand She is the "Whore of Babylon", dressed in a purple-red garment,
in Her hand a golden Chalice, filled with horrors, "drinking the blood of the saints
and of the witnesses of Jesus". (The whole scene refers to the worship of Cybele, the
Mother of the Gods C.G.Jung). It means two things. If mankind learns its lesson i.e. drop
the ego, then the Return of the Cosmic Mother - the Darkness that is giving birth to the
Light - is the beginning of a new era. The Coming of the Birthgiver and Her Son - a
spiritual event that is repeated in countless "chosen" people - marks the
beginning of a new era, in which "successors to Jesus" - women and men - are
fulfilling the Mission of the Lady. Something that was understood by the Templars*. If the
lesson is not learned i.e. the ego will remain dominating our lives, then the Mother has
no choice but destroy it, together with all its achievements.....It is simply about
destroying accumulation while restoring Cosmic Balance, indeed a (impersonal) Cosmic Law.
Out of ignorance and patriarchal distortion John interpreted it as the dualist "Light
fighting Darkness", through the intervention of a "personal deity" (Jesus).
* See "Reborn
Order" with the Templar's "Prayer to the Lady".
Rejoice, because I by writing these words and you by
reading them....have truly liberated Jesus from his many torturers i.e. the Church. I feel
my joy running over to all of you. The question is: if Jesus doesn't belong to Judaism,
nor to Christianity, to where he really belongs? Right, to the Original Tradition of the
Great (Cosmic) Mother and Her "dying and resurrecting" Son/Lovers (and Her
celestial Daughters, the Goddesses). It is the oldest Tradition on earth, with Canaan as a
shining highlight. It was Mother-centered, therefore was a beacon of (relative) peace,
wellbeing and joy of life. The text (Jeremiah, 44; 15-18) about the "Queen of
Heaven" confirms this. The "Song of Songs!", miraculously preserved in
the Jewish Old Testament* is definitely Canaanite, as well. This Tradition has re-emerged
against the background of our global crisis and started with Her Revelation (in 1977).
After 2000 years of alienation we can embrace the Truth (because the Truth is embracing
us!), once again. It is the Breakthrough where everybody is waiting for. Jesus, the
Canaanite, has finally found His True Home. Liberated, he can "rest in peace",
giving way and inspiration to various successors: the new Son/Lovers and Daughters of the
Original Mother. The Tradition appears to be dynamic, giving birth to new Revelations i.e.
Hopefuls all the time. You could be one of them. We call these Leaders "Green
Men" and "Wise Women". Jesus - and many other Realized forerunners -
will always support, guide and protect you. The Mother and Her Son are blessing you all!
* See also: "Lament"
Summarizing: we act in total accordance with the True
Jesus and the True Religion, as stated by St. Augustine, the most important "Father
of the Church". Because which religion was there "from the beginning?"
Right, tens of thousands of years before glimpses of patriarchy appeared at the horizon
mankind worshipped the Cosmic Womb or Great Mother and Her Divine Daughters (Goddesses)
together with Her dying and resurrecting Sons (Gods). It originated in Africa, moved to
Europe deep into Asia. Asian migrants took it with them to Australia and the Americas. All
"great" religions somehow preserve memories of Her. LINK: Mother & Sons. Think of the Tao
(Maternal Valley), Aditi in India (pre-Hindu), Emptiness beyond Emptiness (Buddhism),
Asherah, Shekina and Matronit (Judaism), Black Madonna's and the Mother of God
(Christianity) and yes, in some way the Ka'aba (Islam), as well. Through patriarchal
dominance She was pushed to the corner, though. The result is a "wasteland",
spiritually, culturally, socially, environmentally.... Through the Revelation of the
Mother (1977) the Original Tradition was restored as the most ancient and all-inclusive
Tradition on Earth. Its hopefuls are thus called Green Men and Wise Women*. Only
through restoring Wholeness - first on the deepest level, subsequently including all
others - mankind has a chance of getting healed. We have taken the initiative. Are you
going to follow?
* See also: "Green
Men" and "Wise Women"
In this treatise we started with the answer, while
ending with the question. Its purpose is to give you the chance to fully, openly and
freely study this story, once again. In order to come to your own conclusions.
