
To begin with yourself






Shibaoshan Grottos


Shi Zhong Temple, near Dali, Yunnan, China

A Lotus Vessel, symbol of the Cosmic Womb

The path went steep down



Very common in China but crucial to our work: a Green Dragon, the Asian equivalent of the European Green Man


The Cosmic Womb in the middle with two Green Dragons. In the West parallelled by the image of the "Lady and Her Beasts"


Beautiful green

The staircase to the temple



The gallery

At the very end, the Yoni (behind me)

There can be no mistake about it (Her)


The Womb flanked by Buddha's. The same symbolism as with the Dragons. Contrary to what is mostly the case, the Buddha's are NOT in the center. Instead they are the guardians of the Mother. The Buddha's as "Son/Lovers of the Mother" corresponds with pre-historic times

"To find the worship of the female organ in a shrine so sacred to Buddhism is a unique feature in Buddhist cave art not only in China but of the whole world. In academic circles there is much discussion about its meaning (....). Some scholars think it is connected with some totemic form of worship of the south-western frontiers of China, others postulate it as the product of Esoteric Buddhism. However, since every object of worship has its origins in the history and thinking of a given country, multi-disciplinary investigation is required in order to reveal the secret of this perplexing carving"

I like to add to it: possibly a reminiscence of pre-patriarchal times in which people worshipped the Great Mother!

A Mahakala: originally symbol of the Primordial Mother, later a God and ultimately a Demon

Pavillion at the other side of the valley

My wife MeiMei in the bamboo bush

Very rare rock formation
("Danxia Landform")

Going down to the main temple my within shouted with joy. This visit gave me everything I was longing for. The Cosmic Mother as the Origin of both Buddhahood and the universe. Thanks, thanks!

Figurative Green Man mask

Chinese emperors used to identify with the Dragon. They also called themselves "Son of Heaven and Earth". In ancient times the Great Mother was the Mistress of "Heaven and Earth!"

Vessel (Womb) and Her two Dragons
("Lady and Her Beasts")

By, by baby Green Man



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Last revising: 12/26/11